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tiruppArthanpaLLi (Periya tirumozhi 4.8) - tirunAngUr divyadeSam

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SrImate ra’ngarAmAnuja MahA deSikAya namaH


tiruppArthanpaLLi (Periya tirumozhi 4.8) - tirunAngUr divyadeSam


Preface to this Series:


asmad AcAryan has blessed aDiyEn with yet another interesting project of writing

about four tirunAngUr divyadESams. Thanks to SrI SaDagOpan for providing this

second round of kaimkaryam.


PerumAL has taken His abode in eleven divya kshetrams in tirunAngUr (in the

vicinity of SIrkAzhi), providing easy access to His devotees. These eleven

divya deSam-s located in the town of tirunAngUr, are collectively called the

‘tirunAngUr divya dESam-s’. The tirunAngUr divya dESam shrines are

tirumaNimADakkoyil, tiruvaikuntha viNNagaram, tiru arimEya viNNagaram,

tiruttEvanArtogai, tiruvaNpuruDOttamam, tiruccemponseikoyil, tirutteTriambalam,

tirumaNikkUDam, tiruveLLakkuLam, tirukkAvalampADi and tirupparthanpaLLi.


In the following link, Sri Sadagopan talks about all the eleven tirunAngUr





SrI Sadagopan has also covered in extensive detail, seven of these tirunAngUr

















Pictures of some of the tirunAngUr divyadeSams are available in SrI Senthil

Kumar’s following blogs:





SrI Senthil Kumar’s tirunAngUr 11 garuDa sEvai pictures are at:




aDiyEn will attempt to throw some light on tiruppArthanpaLLi,

tiruvaNpuruDOttamam, tirumaNikkUDam and tirumaNimADakkOvil using the following


1. SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan's vyAkhyanams

2. SrI PeriyavAccAn PiLLai's (SrI PVP) vyAkhyAnams

3. SrI uttamUr VIrarAghavAcAriAr's (SrI UV) vyAkhyAnams and

4. SrI P.B. aNNangarAcAriAr's (SrI PBA) vyAkhyanams


We will start with tiruppArthanpaLLi - tirunAngUr divyadeSam.


An interesting audio link on tiruppArthanpaLLi divyadesam:




(Please set your encoding to Unicode UTF-8)


SrImad ANDavan tiruvaDi,

kalyANi kRshNamAcAri



Introduction to tiruppArthanpaLLi (Periya tirumozhi 4.8) - tirunAngUr



A. SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan:


AzhvAr fell at the feet of PerumAL and requested Him to remove all his enemies

that came between AzhvAr and PerumAL, and sarvESvaran agreed to do so. That was

not enough for AzhvAr who had an insatiable desire to enjoy Him; he entered into

a stage of pirATTi who had been in the intimate company of PerumAL and then got

separated. In that stage, parakAla nAyaki (SrI tirumangai AzhvAr) sings about

all His activities. This padikam is in the form of parakAla nAyaki’s mother's

words, describing that condition.




parakAla nAyaki's mother is saying: " My daughter is constantly talking about

tiruppArthanpaLLi perumAn's characteristics day and night and keeps uttering the

name of the divyadEsam - tiruppArthanpaLLi. " AzhvAr's extreme love for this

perumAL has resulted in the singing of this tirumozhi (periya tirumozhi 4.8).


C. SrI UV:

AzhvAr has been enjoying tirunAngUr divya deSams and surrendering to emperumAn;

he finally decides to go and visit pArthan paLLi. Since only pirATTi-s do

intimate service to the Lord and since out of all the kaimkaryams offered to

Him, He cherishes the kaimkaryam-s of His pirATTi-s more than any others, AzhvAr

also wants to become a pirATTi and please Him. Immediately, He becomes a

pirATTi and starts talking about the greatness of emperumAn's guNams and about

pArthan paLLi; he then thinks about what the mother of this pirATTi would say

and talks about the mother's thoughts. When AzhvAr opened his mouth as a

pirATTi, the first thing that struck the mother was pirATTi's beautiful mouth;

since the topic is about emperumAn who was reclining in this kshetram to bless

pArthan (arjuna), she indulges in the story of kRshNAvatAram. kaNNan is like a

black elephant and that reminds her about His breaking the tusks of a black



tiruppArthanpaLLi - Periya tirumozhi 4.8.1: kavaLa yAnai


kavaLa yAnai komboSitta kaNNan ennum kAmaruSIr

kuvaLai mEghamanna mEni koNDa kOn ennAnai enRum

tavaLa mADa nIDu nAngai tAmaraiyAL kELvan enRum

pavaLa vAyAL en maDandai pArthan paLLi pADuvALE


A. SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan:


She has coral like lips. Instead of Him (emperumAn) having to pine for her,

because of her charm, she is rattling on and on about Him. She says - He is

kRshNa who broke effortlessly the tusks of the elephant kuvalayApIDam, which had

gone mad and is falling on everyone it encounters. Even if He has not removed

the obstacles for the union of parakAla nAyaki with Him, still she finds that,

His beauty is something unforgettable. She describes that her svAmi, who has the

tirumEni with the color of kuvaLai (nIlOtpalam/blue lotus) flower, karuneydal

(blue Indian water lily) flower or the cloud, is performing activities that make

her feel like she wants to keep watching Him all the time. He is lakshmI pati

who is residing in tirunAngUr, which has tall houses with painted domes. In the

current tirumozhi – “kavaLa yAnai komboSitta..â€, AzhvAr is singing about

PerumAL as He is giving sevai to the devotees in His reclining form in




kavaLa yAnai komboSitta kaNNan – kaNNan who plucked the tusks of the

infatuated elephant by name kuvalayApIDam. He should be enthralled about her

beauty; instead, she is constantly raving about His place, out of love for Him.


kAmaruSIr kuvaLai mEghamanna mEni koNDa kOn ennAnai enRum - His attractiveness

is most captivating. His beauty enchants everyone. His hue is that of kuvaLai

flower or the cloud; and His actions are enjoyable like the elephant that

provides joy by its mere appearance. Not finding anything to compare His beauty

with, AzhvAr is trying to use kuvaLai flower, cloud, etc.


tavaLa mADa nIDu nAngai tAmaraiyAL kELvan enRum: In that place

(tiruppArthanpaLLi), all the houses will be always painted. There are several

tall, white houses with domes. He is the husband of lakshmI and is residing in

such a place.


pavaLa vAyAL en maDandai pArthan paLLi pADuvALE - She has beautiful coral-like

red lips. Instead of Him having to long for union with her, it is she who is

constantly pining for Him and talking about His place.


C. SrI UV:

The mother says - 'when my daughter opened her mouth, I thought she was going to

talk to her friends or me; but, her attention is not anywhere with us. She

started singing about pArthan paLLi; it was all about emperumAn breaking the

tusks of the elephant, kuvalayApIDam, the beautiful emperumAn being beautiful

like an elephant, His being the Consort of mahAlakshmi, etc.'


Just because it is said that He broke the elephant’s tusks, it does not mean

He did not kill the elephant. Even as the mahout and the elephant were alive,

He displaced the tusks of the mad elephant in half a second, also making sure no

one else came near and got hurt; that is the reason why this incident is




My daughter says - " Do you know the wonderful acts my husband did? kamsan had

planned to have a mad elephant kill my husband at the very entrance of his

palace. My husband plucked the elephant's tusks effortlessly just like pulling

out a plant from a muddy place and killed the elephant. He is such a great

hero " .


" His color is cool and dark and eye-catching like that of the kuvaLai flower and

the dark cloud. An elephant is such that one can look at it many times; yet, it

appears enjoyable every time. Like that, my husband is ArAvamudam - insatiable

nectar. "


So saying, my daughter starts singing about tiruppArthanpaLLi tiruppati.


kavaLa yAnai - kavaLam denotes elephant's food. The elephant has been triggered

to be mad after being fed a lot of food.


pArthanpaLLi - emperumAn is lying down in order to give His darSanam to pArthan

- arujunan. Hence, this divya dEsam is called pArthan paLLi.



End of periya tirumozhi 4.8.1 on tiruppArthanpaLLi

To be continued …..

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