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Ratha Sapthami-AruNam : Part XII ( 5th AnuvAkam : mantram 16 ( Completion of the 5th anuvAakam)

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Dear VedhAbhimAnis :


Mantram/PanchAti 14 : 5th AnuvAkam


" from tasyEndhro vamrirUpENa -- to

ya yEvam vEda "


( Meaning & Commentary): In this panchAti ,a vedic story related to Rudran is referred to . The importance of Pravargyam , an angam of the Soma

Yaagam of JyOthishtOmam is also described.The Vedic story is as follows:

Once Rudran used the bow of VisvE dEVas to defeat the enemies of the dEvAs and rested his chin on the upper end of the bow after planting the lower end of the bow in the earth . He fell asleep holding that posture . Indhran wanted to wake up the sleeping Rudran.

Indhran took the form of a white ant

( termite) and chewed away the uptight bow string ( nANN Kayiru) . The cut off string removed the tension and made the upper portion of the bow fly up with great velocity .The end result was the head of Rudran being chopped off .


When one observes the karma of Pravargyam in the JyOthishtOma Yajn~am , He is considered to unite the severed head of Rudran with his body ( trunk) and pleases Rudran . Such a pravargya kartA will never become the object of anger of Rudran and is well protected by Rudran .


Word by word Meaning :


" tasyEndhrO vamrirUpENa "=Indhran himself taking the form of a termite ,


" dhanurjyAm-achinat-svayam" = he cut off the bow string of the bow of the VisvE devAs.


" tadh-indhra dhanurityajyam abhra-varNEshu chakshatE "= Thus released bow string is recognized as the multihued rainbow amidst the clouds of the sky .


" yEtadhEva SamyOrBaarhaspatyasya"=

It( this bow string ) is also considered as belonging to the son of Bruhaspathy with the name of Samyu .


" yEtat Rudrasya dhanu:"=This bow is also considered as the one belonging to Rudran.


" Rudrasya tvEva dhanurArtini: "=when the string of the Rudran's bow was severed , the upper end of the bow ,


" Sira utpibhEsha"= Cut off His head.


" sa pravargyOabhavat"=That severed head became the Pravargyam , an angam of the JyOthishtOma Yajn~am .


" tasmAt yasya pravargyENa yajn~Ena yajatE "=When anyone performs the Yajn~am with pravargyam ,


" Rudrasya saSira: pratidadhAti "=he unites the head of Rudran with His headless body once again .


" ya yEvam veda, naina RudraAarukO bhavati "=One who understands this meaning behind Pravargyam , he will not be harmed by Rudran .


Fifth AnuvAkam sampoorNam .


SrI Veda PurushAya nama:

Dhaasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan





(Meaning and Commentary)_._,___

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