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Thirumangaimannan Thurai at Srirangam

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Paadiyavaal thurai


You have built huge ramparts. You have built huge sanctums. You have

accomplished the near impossible feat of " borrowing " to use a

euphemism, a golden statue from a closely guarded fortress. You then

melted it and poured money into metal,stone and mortar for building

and repairing temples. You did all these without an iota of self

gain.On the top of all these manual works you have composed some of

the finest and most extraordinary verses ever written. You were then

asked by the pleased King to name your reward for the services

rendered. What prize would you ask for?


This particular King is actually the King of Kings and He can give you

anything in this world and anything beyond this dimension of ours.


You definitely wouldn't ask for a cemetry would you?


This man did. He requested Him to allot land on the river's edge where

proper rituals could be done for the departed devotees.He also

demanded that they be liberated from the repeated cycle of rebirths.

He was more used to demanding than pleading. He had extorted the

sacred eight lettered " ashtakshara mantra " from the Lord Himself on a

previous occasion,at knife point.


The King told him to pinpoint the area. Our hero unsheathed his famed

sword and hurled it about 1000m from where he was standing.Surely it

still must be a world record heave, about thousand years later! The

sharp pointed weapon landed on the south bank of The Kollidam river,

the northern boundary of the famed Bhooloka Vaikuntam, Srirangam. From

that time onwards, for more than a millenium the last rites of

SriVaishnavas are being conducted there.


As the sword, " Vaal " was thrown by one who sang songs, " Paadiyavan " it

came to be known as " Paadiyavaal thurai " . It is also well known as

" Thirumangaimannan thurai " the quay of Thirumangaimannan.


It was our very own Thirumangai Alvar who got this reward for all

times, not for himself but for the Lord's devotees, from none other

than Periya Perumal, Sri Ranganatha.


Here one must turn a bit introspective. Many retired men and their

wives come to stay in Srirangam in what they assume to be the evening

of their lives. The common perception is that one gets " moksha " if one

were to die in Srirangam. This is not true. The only " upaya " means, to

" moksha " is the grace of Sriman Narayana and this can be got only by

the means of " prapatti " via one's Acharyan. It is totally immaterial

where one sheds his or her mortal coil. In spite of this

incontrovertible fact many SriVaishnavas prefer to spend their last

days in Srirangam. Just because they stay in Srirangam there is no

surety that their last rites will be conducted there. That our Lord's

grace is essential even for this can be demonstrated by some anecdotes.

One exemplary SriVaishnava who retired from Govt. service did

" aathmartha kainkarya " intimate service at the temple, Peria Koil, for

over thirty years. Like many homes in Srirangam his too was an empty

nest. His children had flown away, so to say and he lived with his

wife and their combined age was 150+ years! In spite of infirmities of

old age the couple lived a contented life under the aegis of

SriRanganatha. Mama was to be found at all times in the temple

literally shadowing Namperumal the " utsavar " processional deity. He

fell ill one day and was treated. The affliction dragged on and in

their combined wisdom his offsprings who were stationed in Chennai

shifted him there. He became worse, was admitted in the ICU of a five

star corporate hospital and reached his acharyan thiruvadi after

running a bill of a couple of lakh rupees. His last rites were done in

a crowded untidy cemetry in the stinking environs of Chennai. Why did

this devout mama not have the good fortune of dying at home in

Srirangam and being cremated at " Paadiyavaal thurai " ? Who can

question SriRanganatha? Some intrepid soul may ask Him, but no answer

will be forthcoming. Elders will blame it on " prarabdha " that

devotee's past actions,karma.


Here is another anecdote to the contrary. The processional deity,

" utsavar " of Srirangam Peria Koil, Namperumal is taken in various

" vahanas " literally vehicles, but actually litters or palanquins. One

of the most handsome of His " vahanas " is the " karpaga vriksha " . Along

with the " Sesha vahana " , the ,five headed serpent litter, the " karpaga

vriksha " is in perfect proportion to the size of Namperumal, Azaghia

Manavalan - the handsome bridegroom. " Karpaga vriksha " is the famed

wish giving tree. Namperumal stations Himself underneath its almost

parabolic golden foliage. The real wish giving tree under the so

called wish giving tree! The trunk of the tree is entwined by the

coils of the five headed Adisesha and actually it is under these hoods

that our Lord stands. It is a sight not to be missed. It was a cool

misty pre-dawn in early February when we rushed to the temple to

experience the " purapaddu " the take off so to say, of the " karpaga

vriksha " procession of Namperumal. We hastened to the " vahana

mandapa " (the garage!) and were shocked to learn that our Lord would

not venture out of the temple into the Uttara streets as some one had

expired in the southeast Uttara veedhi. Our Lord was carried in the

" karpaga vriksha " vahana inside the temple around the Ranga Vilas

mandapa near the main south gate. On enquiry we came to know that some

gentleman from Delhi had expired at about 2-3am. As the necessary

rituals could be done only after the advent of the relatives from

Delhi the body remained there and Namperumal remained inside the huge

ramparts of the temple. The cremation took place the next day at

" Paadiyavaal thurai " . Here we see that SriRanganatha graced an unknown

devotee who had come to Srirangam for the first time from far off

Delhi. Why? That will remain forever unanswered.

Coming back to " Paadiyavaal thurai " . Till recent times it was in

really bad shape. Dirty and uncared for. There were no boundary walls

and and four legged scavengers and carrion eaters used to gorge

themselves after dark. In spite of repeated requests inimical locals

used to purposefully defile the area and tease the SriVaishnavas who

were forced to come to that place. In fact till a decade ago it was

not used at all. Now things have changed and it has been spruced up

and one can conduct the sad affairs without disturbances and

interference. The Sri Thirumangai Mannan Charitable Trust, STMCT, has

taken up the rehabilitation of this historically and temporally

important site in right earnest. It is requested of all enlightened

group members to help in whatever manner they can.


It is an unpalatable and unfortunately undeniable fact of life that in

almost all parts of India the venues where last rites are done are

truly disgusting. The environs are not only unhealthy they are

dangerous. The dregs of society are to be found there. Alcoholics and

drug addicts abound. The workers stationed there are anything but

helpful. They are extortionists who surpass even the capos of mafias.

Members of our community are ruthlessly blackmailed. Activities are

stopped halfway to milk evermore money from the relatives of the

deceased. It is particularly heartening that places like " Paadiyavaal

thurai " are being renovated. More strength to agencies like STMCT and

they deserve all possible help. Adiyen requests group members to send

aid to the following address:

Cheques and demand drafts drawn in favor of Sri Thirumangai Mannan

Charitable Trust may be sent to

23,Rajaji street, Ranga nagar, Srirangam, Trichy 620006

Phone: 0431-2431078; 2433078







Dr.S.Sundar Rajan MS ortho

Feb 25 2009 Trichy

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SrI:Dear Sriman Sundar Rajan: adiyEn namaskArams::

Thanks for your information regarding the " Paadiyavaal

thurai " which is being taken care by agencies like STMCT.Through this adiyEn came to know about STMCT well

before and their generous kaimkaryams in rehabilitating the importantlast ritual site. May Lord Sri Ranganatha Should BLESS THIS

PEOPLES to continue their revered kaimkaryams.As you mentioned, shedding one's mortal coils at SriRangam

during their latter age is NOT IN ANYWAY LEAD TO PARAMAPADAM. Only the AchAryan's grace and his

thiruvadi sampandham could lead to PARAMAPADAM.This could be well judged by our poorvAchAryA's vaibhavamof Sri Periya NambigaL - AchArya of Srimad Ramanujar.

Both Sri Periya NambigaL and KooratAzhwan went to the King- Vaishnava dwEshi - KirumikaNda Chozhan - instead of Ramanujar. They argued that Sriman Narayanan is paratattvam,but the unruly king ordered to pluck their eyes. Due to their

elder age, Sri Periya NambigaL couldn't able to withstand the painand while on their way to Sri Rangam, Periya NambigaL's bodycondition get worsened further. This made KooratAzhwan to worryfurther and requested Periya NambigaL to move faster so that

they could reach SriRangam earlier!But Periya NambigaL refused to move faster to reach SriRangamand said, Sri Rangam DOESN " T GRANTS MOKSHAM, only the AchAryan's thiruvadi could grant mOksham. He was not interested

to shed his mortal coil at SriRangam which would set a wrong benchmarkin future that leaving mortal coil at SriRangam would fetch mOksham!

He laid his head on KooratAzhwan's lap, and his feet at his daughter'slap, prayed and thought his AchArya Sri ALavandhAr's divine lotus thiruvadiand left to Sri Vaikuntam near Thanjavur!!! (adiyEn forgot the exact place name)

This is a well-known vaibhavam of our poorvAcharyar's. Sri Periya NambigaLis not the one who left his mortal coil at a different place from SriRangam,the following could give you more pramANam:1) Thirumangai Azhwar -- His thiruvarasu at THIRU-K-KURUNGUDI

2) Sri NAthamunigal (refer Guruparamparai)3) Pillai lOkAchAryar while his on the way near Madurai, escorting NamperumAL in pallakku during the invasion of muslim king at SriRangamand many more recent AchArya's

Sri Lakshmi Nathan thiruvadigalE Saranam::adiyEn,senthil.bOn Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 6:33 AM, Dr.S.Sundar Rajan <kuresadasan wrote:






Paadiyavaal thurai


You have built huge ramparts. You have built huge sanctums. You have

accomplished the near impossible feat of " borrowing " to use a

euphemism, a golden statue from a closely guarded fortress. You then

melted it and poured money into metal,stone and mortar for building

and repairing temples. You did all these without an iota of self

gain.On the top of all these manual works you have composed some of

the finest and most extraordinary verses ever written. You were then

asked by the pleased King to name your reward for the services

rendered. What prize would you ask for?


This particular King is actually the King of Kings and He can give you

anything in this world and anything beyond this dimension of ours.


You definitely wouldn't ask for a cemetry would you?


This man did. He requested Him to allot land on the river's edge where

proper rituals could be done for the departed devotees.He also

demanded that they be liberated from the repeated cycle of rebirths.

He was more used to demanding than pleading. He had extorted the

sacred eight lettered " ashtakshara mantra " from the Lord Himself on a

previous occasion,at knife point.


The King told him to pinpoint the area. Our hero unsheathed his famed

sword and hurled it about 1000m from where he was standing.Surely it

still must be a world record heave, about thousand years later! The

sharp pointed weapon landed on the south bank of The Kollidam river,

the northern boundary of the famed Bhooloka Vaikuntam, Srirangam. From

that time onwards, for more than a millenium the last rites of

SriVaishnavas are being conducted there.


As the sword, " Vaal " was thrown by one who sang songs, " Paadiyavan " it

came to be known as " Paadiyavaal thurai " . It is also well known as

" Thirumangaimannan thurai " the quay of Thirumangaimannan.


It was our very own Thirumangai Alvar who got this reward for all

times, not for himself but for the Lord's devotees, from none other

than Periya Perumal, Sri Ranganatha.


Here one must turn a bit introspective. Many retired men and their

wives come to stay in Srirangam in what they assume to be the evening

of their lives. The common perception is that one gets " moksha " if one

were to die in Srirangam. This is not true. The only " upaya " means, to

" moksha " is the grace of Sriman Narayana and this can be got only by

the means of " prapatti " via one's Acharyan. It is totally immaterial

where one sheds his or her mortal coil. In spite of this

incontrovertible fact many SriVaishnavas prefer to spend their last

days in Srirangam. Just because they stay in Srirangam there is no

surety that their last rites will be conducted there. That our Lord's

grace is essential even for this can be demonstrated by some anecdotes.

One exemplary SriVaishnava who retired from Govt. service did

" aathmartha kainkarya " intimate service at the temple, Peria Koil, for

over thirty years. Like many homes in Srirangam his too was an empty

nest. His children had flown away, so to say and he lived with his

wife and their combined age was 150+ years! In spite of infirmities of

old age the couple lived a contented life under the aegis of

SriRanganatha. Mama was to be found at all times in the temple

literally shadowing Namperumal the " utsavar " processional deity. He

fell ill one day and was treated. The affliction dragged on and in

their combined wisdom his offsprings who were stationed in Chennai

shifted him there. He became worse, was admitted in the ICU of a five

star corporate hospital and reached his acharyan thiruvadi after

running a bill of a couple of lakh rupees. His last rites were done in

a crowded untidy cemetry in the stinking environs of Chennai. Why did

this devout mama not have the good fortune of dying at home in

Srirangam and being cremated at " Paadiyavaal thurai " ? Who can

question SriRanganatha? Some intrepid soul may ask Him, but no answer

will be forthcoming. Elders will blame it on " prarabdha " that

devotee's past actions,karma.


Here is another anecdote to the contrary. The processional deity,

" utsavar " of Srirangam Peria Koil, Namperumal is taken in various

" vahanas " literally vehicles, but actually litters or palanquins. One

of the most handsome of His " vahanas " is the " karpaga vriksha " . Along

with the " Sesha vahana " , the ,five headed serpent litter, the " karpaga

vriksha " is in perfect proportion to the size of Namperumal, Azaghia

Manavalan - the handsome bridegroom. " Karpaga vriksha " is the famed

wish giving tree. Namperumal stations Himself underneath its almost

parabolic golden foliage. The real wish giving tree under the so

called wish giving tree! The trunk of the tree is entwined by the

coils of the five headed Adisesha and actually it is under these hoods

that our Lord stands. It is a sight not to be missed. It was a cool

misty pre-dawn in early February when we rushed to the temple to

experience the " purapaddu " the take off so to say, of the " karpaga

vriksha " procession of Namperumal. We hastened to the " vahana

mandapa " (the garage!) and were shocked to learn that our Lord would

not venture out of the temple into the Uttara streets as some one had

expired in the southeast Uttara veedhi. Our Lord was carried in the

" karpaga vriksha " vahana inside the temple around the Ranga Vilas

mandapa near the main south gate. On enquiry we came to know that some

gentleman from Delhi had expired at about 2-3am. As the necessary

rituals could be done only after the advent of the relatives from

Delhi the body remained there and Namperumal remained inside the huge

ramparts of the temple. The cremation took place the next day at

" Paadiyavaal thurai " . Here we see that SriRanganatha graced an unknown

devotee who had come to Srirangam for the first time from far off

Delhi. Why? That will remain forever unanswered.

Coming back to " Paadiyavaal thurai " . Till recent times it was in

really bad shape. Dirty and uncared for. There were no boundary walls

and and four legged scavengers and carrion eaters used to gorge

themselves after dark. In spite of repeated requests inimical locals

used to purposefully defile the area and tease the SriVaishnavas who

were forced to come to that place. In fact till a decade ago it was

not used at all. Now things have changed and it has been spruced up

and one can conduct the sad affairs without disturbances and

interference. The Sri Thirumangai Mannan Charitable Trust, STMCT, has

taken up the rehabilitation of this historically and temporally

important site in right earnest. It is requested of all enlightened

group members to help in whatever manner they can.


It is an unpalatable and unfortunately undeniable fact of life that in

almost all parts of India the venues where last rites are done are

truly disgusting. The environs are not only unhealthy they are

dangerous. The dregs of society are to be found there. Alcoholics and

drug addicts abound. The workers stationed there are anything but

helpful. They are extortionists who surpass even the capos of mafias.

Members of our community are ruthlessly blackmailed. Activities are

stopped halfway to milk evermore money from the relatives of the

deceased. It is particularly heartening that places like " Paadiyavaal

thurai " are being renovated. More strength to agencies like STMCT and

they deserve all possible help. Adiyen requests group members to send

aid to the following address:

Cheques and demand drafts drawn in favor of Sri Thirumangai Mannan

Charitable Trust may be sent to

23,Rajaji street, Ranga nagar, Srirangam, Trichy 620006

Phone: 0431-2431078; 2433078




Dr.S.Sundar Rajan MS ortho

Feb 25 2009 Trichy

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Dear swami you have said it all. Nothing more to add.--- On Mon, 2/3/09, B. Senthil Kumar <b.senthil2002 wrote:B. Senthil Kumar <b.senthil2002Re: Thirumangaimannan Thurai at SrirangamOppiliappan Date: Monday, 2 March, 2009, 9:51 AM


SrI:Dear Sriman Sundar Rajan: adiyEn namaskArams: :

Thanks for your information regarding the "Paadiyavaal

thurai" which is being taken care by agencies like STMCT.Through this adiyEn came to know about STMCT well

before and their generous kaimkaryams in rehabilitating the importantlast ritual site. May Lord Sri Ranganatha Should BLESS THIS

PEOPLES to continue their revered kaimkaryams.As you mentioned, shedding one's mortal coils at SriRangam

during their latter age is NOT IN ANYWAY LEAD TO PARAMAPADAM. Only the AchAryan's grace and his

thiruvadi sampandham could lead to PARAMAPADAM.This could be well judged by our poorvAchAryA's vaibhavamof Sri Periya NambigaL - AchArya of Srimad Ramanujar.

Both Sri Periya NambigaL and KooratAzhwan went to the King- Vaishnava dwEshi - KirumikaNda Chozhan - instead of Ramanujar. They argued that Sriman Narayanan is paratattvam,but the unruly king ordered to pluck their eyes. Due to their

elder age, Sri Periya NambigaL couldn't able to withstand the painand while on their way to Sri Rangam, Periya NambigaL's bodycondition get worsened further. This made KooratAzhwan to worryfurther and requested Periya NambigaL to move faster so that

they could reach SriRangam earlier!But Periya NambigaL refused to move faster to reach SriRangamand said, Sri Rangam DOESN"T GRANTS MOKSHAM, only the AchAryan's thiruvadi could grant mOksham. He was not interested

to shed his mortal coil at SriRangam which would set a wrong benchmarkin future that leaving mortal coil at SriRangam would fetch mOksham!

He laid his head on KooratAzhwan's lap, and his feet at his daughter'slap, prayed and thought his AchArya Sri ALavandhAr's divine lotus thiruvadiand left to Sri Vaikuntam near Thanjavur!!! (adiyEn forgot the exact place name)

This is a well-known vaibhavam of our poorvAcharyar's. Sri Periya NambigaLis not the one who left his mortal coil at a different place from SriRangam,the following could give you more pramANam:1) Thirumangai Azhwar -- His thiruvarasu at THIRU-K-KURUNGUDI

2) Sri NAthamunigal (refer Guruparamparai)3) Pillai lOkAchAryar while his on the way near Madurai, escorting NamperumAL in pallakku during the invasion of muslim king at SriRangamand many more recent AchArya's

Sri Lakshmi Nathan thiruvadigalE Saranam::adiyEn,senthil.bOn Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 6:33 AM, Dr.S.Sundar Rajan <kuresadasan@ .co. in> wrote:






Paadiyavaal thurai


You have built huge ramparts. You have built huge sanctums. You have

accomplished the near impossible feat of "borrowing" to use a

euphemism, a golden statue from a closely guarded fortress. You then

melted it and poured money into metal,stone and mortar for building

and repairing temples. You did all these without an iota of self

gain.On the top of all these manual works you have composed some of

the finest and most extraordinary verses ever written. You were then

asked by the pleased King to name your reward for the services

rendered. What prize would you ask for?


This particular King is actually the King of Kings and He can give you

anything in this world and anything beyond this dimension of ours.


You definitely wouldn't ask for a cemetry would you?


This man did. He requested Him to allot land on the river's edge where

proper rituals could be done for the departed devotees.He also

demanded that they be liberated from the repeated cycle of rebirths.

He was more used to demanding than pleading. He had extorted the

sacred eight lettered "ashtakshara mantra" from the Lord Himself on a

previous occasion,at knife point.


The King told him to pinpoint the area. Our hero unsheathed his famed

sword and hurled it about 1000m from where he was standing.Surely it

still must be a world record heave, about thousand years later! The

sharp pointed weapon landed on the south bank of The Kollidam river,

the northern boundary of the famed Bhooloka Vaikuntam, Srirangam. From

that time onwards, for more than a millenium the last rites of

SriVaishnavas are being conducted there.


As the sword, "Vaal" was thrown by one who sang songs, "Paadiyavan" it

came to be known as "Paadiyavaal thurai". It is also well known as

"Thirumangaimannan thurai" the quay of Thirumangaimannan.


It was our very own Thirumangai Alvar who got this reward for all

times, not for himself but for the Lord's devotees, from none other

than Periya Perumal, Sri Ranganatha.


Here one must turn a bit introspective. Many retired men and their

wives come to stay in Srirangam in what they assume to be the evening

of their lives. The common perception is that one gets "moksha" if one

were to die in Srirangam. This is not true. The only "upaya" means, to

"moksha" is the grace of Sriman Narayana and this can be got only by

the means of "prapatti" via one's Acharyan. It is totally immaterial

where one sheds his or her mortal coil. In spite of this

incontrovertible fact many SriVaishnavas prefer to spend their last

days in Srirangam. Just because they stay in Srirangam there is no

surety that their last rites will be conducted there. That our Lord's

grace is essential even for this can be demonstrated by some anecdotes.

One exemplary SriVaishnava who retired from Govt. service did

"aathmartha kainkarya" intimate service at the temple, Peria Koil, for

over thirty years. Like many homes in Srirangam his too was an empty

nest. His children had flown away, so to say and he lived with his

wife and their combined age was 150+ years! In spite of infirmities of

old age the couple lived a contented life under the aegis of

SriRanganatha. Mama was to be found at all times in the temple

literally shadowing Namperumal the "utsavar" processional deity. He

fell ill one day and was treated. The affliction dragged on and in

their combined wisdom his offsprings who were stationed in Chennai

shifted him there. He became worse, was admitted in the ICU of a five

star corporate hospital and reached his acharyan thiruvadi after

running a bill of a couple of lakh rupees. His last rites were done in

a crowded untidy cemetry in the stinking environs of Chennai. Why did

this devout mama not have the good fortune of dying at home in

Srirangam and being cremated at "Paadiyavaal thurai"? Who can

question SriRanganatha? Some intrepid soul may ask Him, but no answer

will be forthcoming. Elders will blame it on "prarabdha" that

devotee's past actions,karma.


Here is another anecdote to the contrary. The processional deity,

"utsavar" of Srirangam Peria Koil, Namperumal is taken in various

"vahanas" literally vehicles, but actually litters or palanquins. One

of the most handsome of His "vahanas" is the "karpaga vriksha". Along

with the "Sesha vahana", the ,five headed serpent litter, the "karpaga

vriksha" is in perfect proportion to the size of Namperumal, Azaghia

Manavalan - the handsome bridegroom. "Karpaga vriksha" is the famed

wish giving tree. Namperumal stations Himself underneath its almost

parabolic golden foliage. The real wish giving tree under the so

called wish giving tree! The trunk of the tree is entwined by the

coils of the five headed Adisesha and actually it is under these hoods

that our Lord stands. It is a sight not to be missed. It was a cool

misty pre-dawn in early February when we rushed to the temple to

experience the "purapaddu" the take off so to say, of the "karpaga

vriksha" procession of Namperumal. We hastened to the "vahana

mandapa"(the garage!) and were shocked to learn that our Lord would

not venture out of the temple into the Uttara streets as some one had

expired in the southeast Uttara veedhi. Our Lord was carried in the

"karpaga vriksha" vahana inside the temple around the Ranga Vilas

mandapa near the main south gate. On enquiry we came to know that some

gentleman from Delhi had expired at about 2-3am. As the necessary

rituals could be done only after the advent of the relatives from

Delhi the body remained there and Namperumal remained inside the huge

ramparts of the temple. The cremation took place the next day at

"Paadiyavaal thurai". Here we see that SriRanganatha graced an unknown

devotee who had come to Srirangam for the first time from far off

Delhi. Why? That will remain forever unanswered.

Coming back to "Paadiyavaal thurai". Till recent times it was in

really bad shape. Dirty and uncared for. There were no boundary walls

and and four legged scavengers and carrion eaters used to gorge

themselves after dark. In spite of repeated requests inimical locals

used to purposefully defile the area and tease the SriVaishnavas who

were forced to come to that place. In fact till a decade ago it was

not used at all. Now things have changed and it has been spruced up

and one can conduct the sad affairs without disturbances and

interference. The Sri Thirumangai Mannan Charitable Trust, STMCT, has

taken up the rehabilitation of this historically and temporally

important site in right earnest. It is requested of all enlightened

group members to help in whatever manner they can.


It is an unpalatable and unfortunately undeniable fact of life that in

almost all parts of India the venues where last rites are done are

truly disgusting. The environs are not only unhealthy they are

dangerous. The dregs of society are to be found there. Alcoholics and

drug addicts abound. The workers stationed there are anything but

helpful. They are extortionists who surpass even the capos of mafias.

Members of our community are ruthlessly blackmailed. Activities are

stopped halfway to milk evermore money from the relatives of the

deceased. It is particularly heartening that places like "Paadiyavaal

thurai" are being renovated. More strength to agencies like STMCT and

they deserve all possible help. Adiyen requests group members to send

aid to the following address:

Cheques and demand drafts drawn in favor of Sri Thirumangai Mannan

Charitable Trust may be sent to

23,Rajaji street, Ranga nagar, Srirangam, Trichy 620006

Phone: 0431-2431078; 2433078


www.stmctrust. org


Dr.S.Sundar Rajan MS ortho

Feb 25 2009 Trichy







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