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Ratha Sapthami-AruNam : Part XXXIV ( the 23rd AnuvAkam: PanchAtis:90 to 94 ).

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Dear VedAbhimAnis:


Introduction to the 23rd AnuvAkam


There are nine mantrams in this anuvAkam. The previous anuvAkam( Mantra Pushpam) celebrated . The centrality of Jalam( Aapa:) and its coexistence with Agni was revealed in the 22nd anuvAkam .

In the 23rd anuvAkam , the origin of creation and the appearnace of Brahma with his desire to create is covered .The appearance of Parama Purushan to direct BrahmA's creation related activities is covered . One hears here the echo of the Mantrams of Purusha sooktam paying homage to VirAt Purushan .


Text of the 90th Mantram

AapO vaa idhamAsan salilamEva

sa PrajApatirEka: pushkaraparNE- samabhavath

tasyAntarmanasi kAma: samavartata

ishagum srujEyamiti

tasmAdhyat purushO manasAabhigacchati

tadhvAchA vadhati

tatkarmaNA karOti


kAmastadhagrE samavartatAdhi

manasO rEta: prathamam yadhAseeth


Word by Word Meaning of the 90th Mantram


Idham= this world at the beginning,


Aapa: vaa Aaseeth= the world was entirley made of water only.It was just

PraLayam waters everywhere.


saleelamEva aaseeth=There was nothing except water.


PushkaraparNe sa: PrajApati: yEka:

samabhavath: =On a lotus leaf, the Lord of Prajai: ( PrajApati:) appeared now all alone.


idham srujEyamiti tasya anta: kAma: samavardhta=In his mind arose the desire to create this world.


tasmAth Purusha: yath manasA abhigacchati tath vAchA vadhati, karmaNA karOti=Therefore, when a man desires something with his mind, he talks about that with his speech and executes that as action .


tath yEshA abhyanUktA=About this chain of events, the following mantram decribes.


tadh agrE atisamavartata=The desire to create arose.


manasa: rEta: prathamam yath Aaseeth=

From the mind, that desire arose first like the seed for creation .


Text of the 91st Mantram

satO Bhandhumasati niravindhan

hrudhi prateekshya kavayO maneeshEti

upainam tadhupanamati

yatkAmO bhavati

ya yEvam vEdha

sa tapOatapyata , sa tapastaptvA


tasya yanmAgumsamAseeth

tatOaruNA: kEtavO vAtaraSanA- rushaya udhatishDan


Word by word Meaning of the 91st Mantram


sata: Bhandhum asati niravindhan kavaya:=The farsighted PrajApatis (Kavaya:) during each praLayam willed the manifest kaarya roopa universe(sata:) to change into in the unmanifested (asaty) kaaraNa roopa universe.From avyaktam to Vyaktam was willed.


Hrudhi maneeshA pradheekshya Ya: yEvam vEdha ,yath kAmO bhavati tath yEnam upanamati=When one comprehends it this way ( ya yEvam vEdha) , this arousal of desire in the heart through buddhi sakti/the power of intellect ( Hrushi maneeshA Pradheekshaya) will lead to whatever he desires ; they will come of their own and prostrate (upanamati) before him.


sa: tapa: atapyata= knowing that PrajApati performed now the penance of Jn~Anam.


sa tapa: taptvA Sareeram adhUnata=

Having completed his tapas this way , PrajApati shook his body.


tasya yath mAmsam Aseeth tata; AruNa: kEtava: vAtaraSanA; rushaya: udhatishtan=From that , what was flesh

arose the Rishis like AruNas, Ketavaas, and VaataraSanars.


Text of the 92nd Mantram

yE nakhA: , tE VaikhAnasA:

yE VaalA: tE VaalakhilyA:

yO rasa: sOapAm

antarata: kUrmam bhUtagum sarpantam


mama vai tvangamAgumsA



Word by Word Meanings of the 93rd Mantram


yE NakhA: tE VaukhAnasA:= Those which are the nails of PrajApathi became the VaikhAnasa Rishis.


yE vAlA: tE vAlakhilyA:= The hairs on the body of Prajaapathy became Vaalakhilya rishis.


ya: rasa: sa: apAm antarata: sarpantam koormam bhUtam= The essence of PrajApathy became the tortoise that moved around inside the Jalam.


tamm aBhraveeth= PrajApathy addressed this Tortoise.


mama thvak mAmsA samabhUth= You came into being from my skin and flesh.


The Koormam (the Tortoise) answered PrajApathy thru the mantrams of next anuvAkams( 93-98 PanchAtis ) .


Text of the 93rd mantram


poorvamEhAhamihA samiti

tatpurushasya purushatvam

sa sahasraseershA purusha:

sahasrAksha: sahasrapath



thvam vai poorvagum samabhU:

thvamidham poorva: kurushvEti

sa ita AadhAyApa:


Word by word Meanings of the 93-94th anuvAkams


na iti aBraveeth, poorvam yEva Aham iha Asam iti=That is not so said the Koormam . Oh PrajApati ! I did not arise from your skin and flesh .I am here before You. ( what PrajApati created was the body of the tortoise and not the soul dwelling inside , ParamAtma, who is ancient and timeless).


tath Purushasya Purushatvam sa: Sahasra sershaa:, sahasrAkshaa: , sahasrapaath bhUtvA utatishtata=This then indeed is the Masculanity (Purushatvam) of Parama Purushan , AadhinAthan , the VirAt Purushan. He appeared displaying is Purushatvam with thousands of heads, eyes and feet as

VirAt Purushan (Sahasra SerrshA Purusha: ... Purusha sooktam).


poorvam thvam vai samabhU:= ( PrajApati says): Oh SarvAntarAtmA ! You have been existing even before me attempting to create on Your command .


poorva: thvam idham kurushva iti Tamm aBraveeth = ( PrajApati continued): Oh Lord ! Oh ancient One! Please create the universe now.


sa: ita: anjalinA apa: AadhAya purastAth upadadhAth =That Parama Purushar used His cupped hands to take a palmful of waters of the great deluge

( PraLayam) and let it down in front of Him with a command.


Please refer to the text of the 94th Mantram below for that mantram .The meanings of the 94th mantram continues now:


yEva yEvAhi iti=( Parama Purushan addressed) Oh Soorya! arise and arrive !


tata Aadhitya: udhatishtath=Sooryan responded and arose.He arose out of the Lord's command and sankalpa Balam.


saa praachee dhik abhUth=The direction that he had risen became the Eastern direction .( There was no East or other directions before Creation . Viraat Purushan willed that the direction where- from Aadhityan arose be the East).


atha AaruNa kEtu: dakshiNata: AgnE yEvAhi iti upAdadhAth= Next, this supreme Lord (ParamatmA) with the name of AaruNa kEtu called out in the easterly direction and let down another palm full of PraLayam water: " Oh Agni! arise and arrive !


tata: Agni: udhatishtath=From that argyam ( jalam) , Agni arose.


saa dakshiNa dhik = The direction from which Agni arose became the southern direction .


atha: AaruNa kEtu: pascchAth upAdadhAth=Next , AaruNa kEtu looked at the western direction and placed another argyam and called...


VaayO yEvAhi iti=Oh Vaayu! Arise and arrive !


Text of the 94th Mantram:

anjalinA purastAdhupAdadhAth


tata Aadhitya udhatishDath

saa prAchi dhik

athAruNa: kEtur-dakshiNata upAdadhAt yEvAhyagna iti

tatO vaa agnirudatishSDath

saa dakshiNA dhik

athAruN: kEtu: paschAdhupAdadhAth

yEvAhi vAyO iti


NamO Veda PurushAya ,DhAsan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan













































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