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Ratha Sapthami-AruNam : Part XXXVI ( the 24th AnuvAkam: PanchAtis:99-103 ).

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Dear VedAbhimAnis:


Introduction to PanchAtis 99-103


The collection of "the four kinds of Waters( Jalam) " needed for AaruNa kEtuka Yajn~am is described here .Explanation given as to why the name AaruNa kEtukam was chosen for this Yajn~am.The fruits of worshipping AaruNa kEtuka Agni is covered .


Although , it is stated the waters from four different sources are to be consecrated in four directions , in actuality , there are six kinds of waters

that are placed in six directions ( East, South , West, North , Below and above).


Text of 99th PanchAti

chatushDayya AapO gruhNAti

chatvAri vaa apAgum roopANi

mEghO vidhyuth



Aatapati varshyA gruhNAti

taa: purastAdupadadhAti

yEtA vai BrahmavarchasyA Aapa:

mukhata yEva Brahmavarcham avarundhE

tasmAn mukhatO Brahmavarchasitara:


Word by Word Meaning of the 99th PanchAti


chatushDyya AapO gruhNAti=For the AaruNa Ketuka Yajn~am , it is customary to assemble four kinds of Jalams.


apAm roopANi chatvAri vaa=The forms of the water are four ; this quartet classification is well known.


mEga: vidhyuth stanayitnu vrushti=The performer of the Yaagam benefits from these four: Cloud, Lightning , Thunder and the rain .


tAni yEva avarundhE=He keeps them under his control .


Aatapati varshyA: gruhNAti=One should collect the water from the rain first .


taa: purastAth upadadhAti=He should

place that water held in an earthern pot on the east side of the platform made for the Yaagam..


yEtA: Aapa: BrahmavarchasyA: vai=It is well known that this water is the representative for Brahma Varchas.The tEjas ( polivu) that is seen on the face of one who has studied and understood Vedhams is known as Brahma Varchas.


mukhata: yEva Brahma varchasam avarundhE=One who places that pot containing the rain water on the Eastern side of the Yaaga mEdai becomes the establisher of Brahma Varchas.


tasmAth mukhata: Brahmavarchasitara:=

By that process, he acquires Brahma Varchas in his face.


Text of the 100th PanchAti

koopyA gruhNAti

taa dakshiNata upadadhAti

yEtA: Aapa: tEjasvinee:

asya dakshiNata: tEja: yEva dadhAti

tasmAth dakshiNa: dakshiNa: ardha- tEjasvitara:

sthAvarA gruhNAti

taa: pascchAth upadadhAti

sthAvarA: pratishtitA: vai:

pascchAdhEva pratishtati

vahantee: gruhNAti


Word by Word meaning of the 100th PanchAti

koopyA gruhNAti=The water from well should be assembled next(KiNaRu Jalam)


taa dakshiNata upadadhAti=It should be placed in the South.


yEtA Aapa: tEjasvinee: vai=This water is very powerful ( sakti).Tejas here refers to physical strength , mental sharpness and ability to execute things.


asya dakshiNata: tEja yEva dadhAti=The tEjas of the Agni associated with this jalam is a veritable establishment of its sakti in the south.


tasmAth dakshiNa: ardha tEjasvitara: =

as a result , the right side becomes very powerful.


sthAvarA gruhNAti=Next , the water arising from the river beds should be collected.


taa PascchAt upadadhAti= Those waters

should be placed in the western dhik.


sthavarA: taa Vai=They stay put without running off ( immobile).


paschAth yEva pratitishtati=The one who placed it becomes filled with lasting fame.


vahantee: gruhNAti=Next , the YajamAnan of this Yajn~am should assemble water from the flowing river.



Text of the 101st PanchAti

taa uttarata upadadhAti

OjasA vaa yEtA vahanteerivOdhgateer-iva dhAvantee:

Oja yEvAsyOttaratO dadhAti

tasmAdhuttarOardha Ojasvitara:

sambhAryA gruhNAti

taa madhya upadadhAti

iyam vai sabhAryA:

asyAmEva pratitishtati

palvalyA gruhNAti

taa uparishDAdhupAdadhAti


Word by word Meaning of the 101st PanchAti

taa uttarata: upadadhAti=Those waters from the flowing river should be kept in the northern direction.


yEtA: OjasA vai vahantee: iva , udhgatee: iva, AakUjantee iva , dhAvantee iva=These flowing waters are empowered by the Ojas (sakti) and draws with it the floating bodies, raising waves, moves gently with murmuring noise and sprints as well as jumps at other places during its travel.


tasmAth uttarArdha: Ojasvitara:=On the leftside , Ojas sakti gets established.Ojas is the sakti to generate life. It is the sakti between the thighs .


samparyA: GruhNAti=The water kept pure in the vessels at the house should be used as well.


taa madhyE upadadhAti=That water should be at the center.


samppAryA: iyam vai=Those stored waters are considered as the Earth itself.


asyAm pratitishtati yEva=The one who established on this earth becomes rooted in fame without doubt .


palvalyA gruhNAti=The water from the pond should be assembled now.


taa uparishtAth upAdadhAti= It should be placed in the upper direction .


Text of the 102nd PanchAti

asou vai palvalyA:

amushyAmEva pratitishtati


dikshu vaa Aapa:

annam vaa Aapa:

adhbhyO vaa annam jAyatE

yadhEvAdhbhyO annam jAyatE


tamm vaa yEtamaruNA: kEtavO VaataraSanA rushayOachinvan



Word by word Meaning of the 102nd PanchAti


asou vai palvalyA:=The water from the pond becomes like svargam.


amushyAm yEva oratitishtati=The one who consecrated it gets established in Svargam.


dhikshu upadadhAti=He places it in different directions.


dhikshu vaa apa:=The Jalam is in every direction .


annam vaa Aapa:=Jalam itself becomes food.


adhbhyO vaa annam jAyatE=From the Jalam itself , the food arose.


adhbhya: yath annam tath avarundhE =

The UpAsakan gains the annnam that grew from the waters.


tamm yEtam AruNa:kEtava:vAtaraSanA: rushaya: achinvan= The rishis by the names of AruNar, KEtavar , VaataraSanar worshipped these agnis associated with the different kinds of Jalams.


tasmAth AaruNa kEtuka:= Therefore , this Yajn~am came to be known as AaruNa KEtukam .


Text of the 103rd PanchAti


kEtavO aruNasccha

rushayO vaataraSanA:

pratishtAgum SatadhAhi

samAhitAsO sahasradhAyasamiti

SataSaSccha pratitishtati

ya yEtamagnim chinutE

ya uchainamEvam vEdha


Word by Word Meaning of the 103rd PanchAti

tath yEshA abhyanooktA=about that , the following mantram is recited.


KEtava: AruNa: cha VaataraSanA: samAhitAsa: SatatAm pratishtA hi=

The Rishis, KEtu , AruNar and VaataraSanar performed with SraddhA(Faith and belief) the Yajn~am,which

became the route for establishing themselves in hundreds of ways.


sahasradhAyasam iti=This Yajn~a also yielded them fruits( Phalans) in thousand ways .


ya: yEtam Agnim chinutE ya yEvam vEdha Satasasccha Shasrasaccha

pratitishtati yEva=One who worships this AaruNa KEtuka Agni and understands its power in this way will gain auspicious status through hundred and thousands of ways.


NamO Veda PurushAya ,DhAsan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan

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