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SaraNaagati gadhyam :1950 Sriman Bhaashyam's release of Sri VishitAdhvaita PracharaNi sabha , Madras : Part VII

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Dear Bhagavad RaamAnuja SampradhAyins:


The 8th ChUrNikai is about the attendants of Lord RanganAthan.


The Ninth ChUrNikai is about a description of the Supreme abode of the Lord , SrI VaikunTham.


The Tenth ChUrNikai focuses on His recreations.


The 11th of the 18th ChurNikais is a moving invocation of the many names of the Lord that are associated with His anantha KalyANa GuNams .


The 12th ChUrNikai houses AchArya RaamAnujA's SaraNAgathi at the sacred feet of the dhivya Dampathis at Srirangam on that special Panguni Uttiram sErthi day .


The 13th ChUrNikai is in the form of a Prayer for Purification by our AchAryan .


The 14th ChUrNikai is about AchArya RaamAnujA's prayer for crossing over the Moola Prakruti made up of the three guNAs and being saved from its web.


The 15th chUrNikai seeks eternal service to the Lord as the desired end of His Prapatti .He appeals to the Lord of Srirangam to bless him with Parama Bhakti to render services of all kinds with unlimited love and devotion to Him.


In the 16th ChUrNikai, Lord Ranganatha answers Sri Ramanuja's prayer and grants the boon sought.


In the 17th ChUrNikai, the Lord of Srirangam gives instructions on how the devotee( Prapannan) should conduct himself during the remaining days of his life in His Leelaa VibhUti .


In the 18th and Charama (Final) ChUrNikai , Lord RanganAtha gives His assurance to AchArya RaamAnuja that

He will give him shelter and protection from all evils and the realization of Him and attainment of Moksha Sukham at the end of his days on earth at Srirangam .


Plan for this likhita Kaimkaryam


From the next posting onwards , adiyEn will attempt to cover the individual

ChUrNikais from 8 to 18 and try to complete it by AchArya RaamAnuja Jayanthi day , April 29 .


Acharya Jayanti at SriperumbhUthUr


Today , at His avatAra Stalam of

SriperumbhUthUr , AchArya RaamAnuja

enjoys the visit by KurEsar for the VeLLai Saatthuppadi Utsavam .


On April 27 , it would be Akshaya Trutheeyai day and Thirumantiram sEvikkum dinam .


On Tuesday , April 28, AchArya RaamAnuja will enjoy the ThiruttEr ( Car

festival) ,


On Wednesday, April 29 , Periya SaaRRumuRai and AchArya RaamAnuja Jayanthi will be celebrated and this year's utsavam will come to a conclusion.


AdiyEn's prayers to AchArya RaamAnujA is for completion of the creation of the

ebook on SaraNAgati Gadhyam for the

Sri HayagrIvan series and link it to the

other two gadhyams that are already there at the Sri Hayagrivan web site:




Sri RaamAnuja DhAsan ,

Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


Few Information Items :


P.S : Sriman Anbil SrinivAsan Swami , a respected and dear team member of the Sri Hayagrivan ebook likhitha Kaimkarya GhOshti released few years ago an essay on AchArya RaamAnuja in the Sri Matam Journal of Sri Nrisimha Priya .

It is my pleasure to share with you that essay with his kind permission . Please enjoy this informative essay durign this season .


PPS: Three years ago, we were all fortunate to be involved with a Kaimkaryam to construct Public health facilities close to the temple to help

the needs of the huge crowd of pilgrims in general and the children and ladies in particular , who attend the AchArya RaamAnuja Jayanthi Utsavam . adiyEn has been advised that those facilities are being maintained well and are found very useful by the visitors to the avatAra stalam of our most revered achAryan .

PPPs : Please do not forget Your support for the ChAthurmAsya Kaimkaryam ( July 7 to Sep 4) at Bangalore by the Sri Matam Jeeyars . Out of the 60 days

available for participation in the MalOla AarAdhanam , 37 days have recieved support as of today . Please help to

sponsor the remaining 23 days . May

MalOlan's dhivyAnugraham be with You

and Your Family always !












































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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