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Navagraha NamaskAra Veda Mantrams : Part III

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SrI:Dear VedAbhimAnis :

The Veda Mantram for AngArakan (dEvatai) is :


agnir-mUrdhaa diva: kakutpati: pruthivyA

ayam , apAgumrEtAgumsi jinvati ,




(Meaning):AngArakan is like Agni.He confers on dEvalOkam glories like the hump on a male bull. He is the Lord of the earth. He protects all living entities with water .

Word by word Meaning :

(sa:) Agni: AngArakan is like Agni in many ways.

mUrddhA dhiva: kakut= For the upper world of dEva lOkam , he stands out like the majestic hump( timil) of a bull .

pati: prutivyA: ayam=He is indeed the Lord of the earth .

apAm rEtAgumsi jinvati= He protects all living beings them with the waters by which they sustain themselves .

The Mantram for the atidEvatai (BhUmi)for the AngAkarakan is :

syOnA prutivi bhavAnruksharA nivESanee , yacchAna: Sarma saprathA:

(Meaning): Oh BhU dEvi who wipes away all sorrows ! Oh BhUmi DEvi , who is known as Sarvam sahaa ! May Thou grant us noble happiness as One who creates the human beings and the other jantUs and provide them a home .

Word by word Meaning

syOnA prutivee = Oh BhUmi dEvi who chases away our sorrows !

bhavA nruksharaa nivESanee=You create the humanbeings and all the other living entities and give them a home to reside

saprathaa:=You bear patiently will all transgressions of the human beings. You possess in abundance the guNam of KshAnti and therefire You are saluted as Sarvam sahaa .

na:=for us

Sarma yaccha=Please give us the boon of enjoying the noblest ( uttama) of delights to enjoy !

The mantram for KshEtra Paalakar as the Pratyati dEvatai for AngArakan is :

kshEtrasya patinA vayagum hitEnEva jayAmasi , gAmaSvam pOshayitnvA sa nO mruDAteedhruSE

Meaning : We will become victorious in our noble endeavours with the help of KshEtrapalAkar , who is like a friend seeking our hitam . May He protect and nourish our cattle and appear before us to bless us with uttama sukham in this world !

Word by Word Meaning:


hitEnEva=with the help of caring friend-like

KshEtrasyapatinA= KshEtrapAlar

JayAmasi=will become victorious in our noble activities .

gAmaSvam pOshayitnvA=May He protect and grow our cattle ( cows and horses) !

sa na: dhruSE= May He provide/bless us his darsana soubhAgyam

mruDAtee= and confer on us the uttama sukham ( of AayurArOgyam , progeny and finally Parama PurushArtam).

AngAraka Gayatri:

Om AngArakAya vidhmahE

bhUmi-pAlAya dheemahi

tannO Kuja: prachOdayAt

Om adhidEvatA PratyadhidEvatA sahitAya AngArakAya Nama:

(To Be Continued )

DhAsan,Oppilappan Koil V.Sadagopan






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