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Navagraha NamaskAra Veda Mantrams : Part IV for Sukran

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SrI:Dear VedAbhimAnis :




The Veda Mantram for Sukran (dEvatai) is :


prava: SukrAya bhAnavE bharadhvagum havyam matim chAgnayE supootam ,

yO dhaivyAni mAnushA janUgumshyantar viSvAni vidhmajA jigAti




(Meaning): May You all jeevans belonging to dEva kulam or manushya kulam or the kulam in between the above two kulams present Your consecrated and pure Havis to Sukran as well as your minds rooted in dhyAnam about Sukran . He has the lustre of the Sun and comprehends all the jeevans and their svaroopams thru his Jn~Ana sakti .

Word by word Meaning:

Ya:= The One

DhaivyAni =(who comprehends) the dEvAs

mAnushA=the humans

janUgumshi antarviSvAni=those in between the two

vidhmanA jigAti=comprehends them thru His Jn~Ana sakti

bhaanave=The One having the lustre of the Sun

agniyE=the One who has the power to grant noble boons like Agni

Sukraya=to that Sukra BhagavAn

va: (May) Your

supUtam havyam= pure havis (and)

matim cha=mind rooted in dhyAnam

prabhratvam= be presented especially .

The Mantram for the atidEvatai( IndhrANi) for Sukran is :

IndhrANi mAsu nAreeshu supatnee mahamaSravam , nahyasyA aparam cha na jarasA maratE pati:

(Meaning): I have heard form others about IndhrANi, the greatest of pativratais among the women of the world .Another thing I heard is that Her husband Indhran does not die of old age.

Word by word Meaning:

Aasu nAreeshu=among all the women of the world

Supatneem=as a Mahaa Pativratai

IndhrANeem= IndhrANee is

ahaamSravam=(has been) heard by me from others.

asyA: pati: jarasA nahimaratE =The husband of this Mahaa Pativratai, Indhran does not die of old age is also known to me .

aparanjana= That is another thing I have heard about.

The mantram for Indhran as the Pratyati dEvatai for Sukran is :

Indhram vO viSvataspari havAmahE janEbhya:, asmAkamastu kEvala:

Meaning : We perform AarAdhanam for Indhran , who is superior to all chEtanams of this universe on Your behalf. May he grant us matchless blissful anbhavams !

Word by Word Meaning:

ViSvata: ParijanEbhya:=Of Him , who is superior to all other jeevans

Indhram va: havAmahE=that Indhran, we worship on Your behalf.

asmAkam kEvala: astu= May He stay as the One granting matchless bliss to us all !

Sukra Gayatri:

Om aSwa dhwajAya vidhmahE

dhanur-hastAya dheemahi

tannO Sukra: prachOdayAt

Om adhidEvatA PratyadhidEvatA sahitAya SukrAya Nama:

(To Be Continued )

DhAsan,Oppilappan Koil V.Sadagopan






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