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Navagraha NamaskAra Veda Mantrams : Part VI for Bruhaspaty

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SrI:Dear VedAbhimAnis :







The Veda Mantram for Guru/Bruhaspati (dEvatai) is :


Mantram for the Devatai:Bruhaspaty


BruhaspatE atiyadharyO arhAd dhyumad vibhAti kratumajjanEshu , yaddhdayacchavasarta prajAta tadhasmAsu dhraviNam dEhi chitram


Meaning: Oh Bruhaspati of eternal glory ! Just like the king having more rights about the wealth of his Land , Just like the good deeds shining splenderously with the PuNyasAlis and just like the wealth won by valour , May all kinds of wealth stay firmly with us from Your



Word by Word Meaning :


BruhaspatE ! arya: yat ati arhAt=Oh Guru Bhagavann ! Just as a reigning monarch claims the rights for enjoyment of the wealth of the Land at a level higher than the citizens ,


kratumajjanEshu dhyumat vibhAti=Just as the illustrious jyOti that shines on the (foreheads of ) the puNyasAlis ,


yat chavasA dheedayadh=Just as that JyOti shines due to the heroism ( Saadhanaa) of the adhikAri


rutaprajAta=May Thou Guru Bhagavann of limitless Vaibhavam


tat chitram dhraviNam asmAsu dEhi= bless us with wealth of all kinds

that will stay with us always !






The Mantram for the atidEvatai( Indharan) for Bruhaspati is :

Indhra marutva iha pAhi sOmam yathaa SaaryatE apiBssutasya, Tava preeNAtee tava Soora SarmAnnAvivAsanti kavaya: suyajn~A:

(Meaning):Oh Indhra with Your assembly of DevAs ! Just like You partook the Soma rasam in the Yaagam of CharyAti, please drink the soma rasam from this Yajn~am. Oh heroic One ! With Your grace and permission , the great ones perform many Yajn~ams and enjoy good lives .

Word by word Meaning:

Indhra Marutva:=Oh Indhran surrounded by the assembly of Your devAs !

ChAryAtE: sutasya yatA apipibha:=Just as You drank the freshly squeezed juice of Soma ( sOma rasam) at the Yajn~am performed by Sage CharyAti ,

iha sOmam paahi=Please accept and drink the Soma rasam offered to You at our Yajn~am .

Soora! tava praNeetee kavaya: =Oh Valorous One ! the great ones who have obtained Your permission and

suyajn~A: Tava Sarman avivAsanti= have performed great Yajn~ams and are enjoying their lives well due to Your anugraham .


The mantram for Sooryan as the Pratyati dEvatai for Bruhaspati is :

Brahmajagn~namprathamam purastAd viseemata: suruchO vEna Aava:, sa BudhniyA upamA asya vishDAssatasccha yOnimasatasccha viva:

Meaning: Soorya dEvan of illustrious luminescence , who arose first from Brahman shines at all the boundaries of this universe and spreads His rays.

Word by Word Meaning:

Brahmajjn~Anam prathamam purastAt=At the very beginning , He (Sooryan) arose from the Brahman

viseemata: surucha: vEna Aava:=( This) Sooryan is filled with lustre , pervades and shines in every boundary of this universe through His nourishing rays.

sa: BuddhnyA: upamA asya vishtA= This Sooryan created Sooryans like Him ( DhwAdaSa AadhityAs),the pillars for this universe and

sadhascha asadhasccha yOnim viva:= created further the source place(yOni) for the KaaraNa and Kaarya lOkams .

Bruhaspaty Gayatri:

Om Vrushabha-dhwajAya vidhmahE , Gruni hastAya dheemahi , tannO Guru: PrachOdayAt


We meditate upon that Bruhaspati with the symbol of the bull in His flag. For that purpose we mediate on the auspicious hand of his . May that Bruhaspati prompt us for that meditation !

Om adhidEvatA PratyadhidEvatA sahitAya BruhaspatayE Nama:

(Meaning): Our salutations to Bruhaspati with His adhidEvata( Indhran) and PratyadhidEvatA ( Sooryan) !

(To Be Continued )

DhAsan,Oppilappan Koil V.Sadagopan






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