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Thiruneermalai Ashramam- samprokshanam on July 9- appeal -17- madal pasurams by Thirumanagi on Neermalai

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SrimathE Gopaladesika Mahadesikaya nama:

Dearest all,

Let us continue to enjoy verses on Thiruneermalai.


Especially on Madal-

we saw a brief introduction on Madal (by Sri Satakopan Swami)

continuing the same and then the verses in Madal on thiruneermalai


Madal and Ninda Stuti:


Another distinguishing feature of the Madals is the Ninda Stuti or praise in the

form of censure are no aspersions on the glory of the Lord, but the outbursts of

great bhakthas taking liberties with the Lord because of their special

relationships with Him a stheir Nayaka. Traducing His name and fame throughout

the world is their threat to gain Him back. The deep love of the Azhwar takes

the forms of both Ninda or Negative Stuti and positive stuti in the two Madals

of Parakala Nayaki. Negatively, the Azhwar abandons all human values

(Purusharthas) as worthless except Kamam for Him ; on the positive side, the

Azhwar emphasizes the importance of Bhakti , Kainkaryam

(service ) and Thyagam(sacrifice ) of other temptations that take one away from


Distinguishing features of Siriya and Periya Thirumadal:


The two Madals differ in the length of lines. The brief statement finding its

home in Siriya Thirumadal is elaborated upon in Periya Thirumadal(PTM). The

second difference is that Siriya Thirumadal (STM) is set as anarration of of the

God-intoxicated experience of the Nayaki

through some one else; the Periya Thirumadal houses the profound experiences of

the Nayaki a s statements by the Nayaki herself.


In STM, the Nayaki overcome with love for the Nayaka does not know the identity

of the one, who is causing her agony. The identity of the culprit is revealed to

the Nayaki through a sooth-sayer. Through the latter, Azhwar praises the kalyana

Gunas of the Lord and His sacred Divya Desams. In PTM, The Azhwar describes his

harrowing experiences as the rejected lady and speaks out about her devotion.


Deeper Vaishnavite Meanings of the Madals of Thirumangai:


The Rakshakatva (Ability to protect the Bhakta in distress), the Saulabhya

(ready accessibility ) , the Karpanya ( prostration born out of utter

hopelessness) are identified by Sri K.C.Varadachari as the inner meanings of the



He says that the Azhwar transfers his affection from his dearly loved wife ,

---who had been his teacher too-- to Sriman Narayana. He experiences in that

state " a love most all-absorbing " , and appeals to His qualities of Mercy and

Grace and come down from his divine heights to accept " the Love-offering (Kama

Pushpam ) from one, who has thrown away all concerns arising from modesty and

Lokaabhavaadham. The Madal threatens to question the sincerity of the Lord's

assurnaces in Bhagavad Gita in the Sarama Sloka.


Sri K.C.Varadachari the assumptions of the Madals of the Azhwar this way: "

God's assurance

to the soul (Jivan) that loves Him alone and to whom the soul has totally

dedicated itself, is of greatest spiritual value to the soul, and it is on this

truth of God’s word that the madals revolve " .


Special features of Periya Thirumadal:


The taniyan was composed by Kambanaatazhwar, the author of Kamba Ramayanam. One

poet can appreciate another poet, it seems! While the STM begins with the

description of the Earth, the PTM begins with an exquisite describtion of

Paramapadam and its resident, Sri Vaikundanathan attended by His Devis. On

experiencing the conjugal pleasures of the Lord in his supreme abode, the Azhwar

suffers the pangs of separation and cries out: " If my body and soul are not

subservient to You. Then, for what else are they for? What is the use of

fragrant flowers grown in an uninhabited forest? Similar is the state of my

bosoms untouched by the Lord. " She looks for her Nayaka in the Divya Desams of

Thiruvinnagar, Thirukkudantai ,Kurungudi, Aali nagar, Kannamangai, Vellarai,

Vallavazh , Srirangam, Idavendai,Tillai Chitrakootam, Mallai, Venkatam and many

other Thiruppathis.


In the final verse, she complains that the Lord knows all her sufferings . She

threatens him that she will perform the act of Madal if he does not come to her

rescue and unite with her. She implies that she will be a martyr for his love

and become immortal through her sacrifice. After

the practise of Karpanyam, the sixth limb of Saranagati through the vow of love

unto death, Sri Varadachari points out that the Azhwar goes on to take the

Dhandakam (staff) of Sriman Narayana to ascend and to reach Sriman narayana " s

abode to become a Nitya Suri and to enjoy the eternal bliss of Kainkaryam to

HIm. The Thirukkurumthaandankam and the Thirunedumthaandakam are descriptions of

the lofty journey with the staff of the Lord.




siRiya tirumaDal (73rd line ) – iDavendai neerrmalai


seeraar thiruvEnkadamE thirukkovaloorE* madhitkacchi oorgamE pEragamE* …..

kaaraar kudanthai kadikai kadalmallai *

yErAr pozhilsoozh iDa vendai neermalai…. (73rd line)


The most auspicious divine places, ThiruvEnkatam, Thirukkoviloor, the tall

rampart surrounded Kanchipuram, the majestic Lord (who had measured the

universe) in Ooragam, ThiruppEr divya desam in the banks of the river;


pErAmarudhiRutthAn – As little KaNNan who crawled in between the two marudha

trees and made them fall down to the ground (for the yakshas to attain

salvation); This divine child KaNNan, our Lord resides permanently in:


veLLaRaiyE ve:kaavE; pEr Ali, thaNNkaal, naRayoor, Thiruppuliyoor,

Aramanchoozhndha arangam; (the garden surrounded Srirangam), kaNa mangai

(ThirukkaNNa mangai divya desam);


kaaraamaNi niRak kaNNanoor viNNagaram- ThiruviNNagaram divya desam where KaNNa

piraan, the dark hued gem stone like most beautiful resides eternally.


SeerAr kaNNapuram- the most auspicious ThirukkaNNapuram

sERai Thiruvazhundhoor – ThirucchERai divya desam; Thiruvazhundhoor temple;

kadikai- Thirukkadigai divya desam

kadal mallai- Thirukkadan mallai (today’s mahabhalipuram)


yErAr pozhil soozh – most beautiful garden filled (and surrounded)

idavendhai – Thiruvida vendhai divya desam (where Sri Lakshmi Varaaha perumAn



Thiruneermalai- Divya desam

let us continue to work together and perform bhagatha, bhAgawatha, Acharya

kainkaryams. We earnestly appeal to selected friends, sishyas, abhimanis to

separately undertake this part of the Asramam branch establishment. If the

burden is shared by contributing separate parcels of Rs. 10,000/- each or even

less by about 150 persons for this, we could manage the task and complete the



All donations in cash or by DD or by cheque payable at Chennai or at Srirangam

should be made payable to SPAV ABHIVARDHINI TRUST which enjoys 80G exemption of

IT Act valid upto 31/03/2010.


Payments, if payable at Srirangam, may be sent to:



Srimad Andavan Poundarikapuram Swamai Asramam

SPAV Abhivardhini Trust

43A/13, Asramam Road, Srirangam

TRICHY – 620 006

Ph: 0431-2436100


Payments, if payable at Chennai, may be sent to:


SPAV Abhivardhini Trust

34 Nachiappan Street


CHENNAI – 600 034

Mobile: 0-98400 13012


Please send me an email pledging your support towards this divine kainkaryam.


AzhwAr ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana


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