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A Yuga

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Dear Mr.Daniel Salas,

The Vedas and Puranas Ithisaas are clear that One MAHAAYUGA (i.e.) CHATURYUGA is 12,000 Devayears .The Kaliyuga being 1,200 Deva years, Dwaparayuga being 2,400 years, Dretayuga being 3,600 Devayears and Krtayuga being 4,800 Deva years and 1 human years (earthyears) equals 1 day of Devas and 360 Human years equals 1 Devine year.Thefore, 1,200 Devas =

1,200 multiplied by 360 = 4,32,000 humanyears (solar year) which is the span of Kaliyuga.And 12,000 multiplied by 360 = 43,20,000 human years(solar years) which is the span of 1 Mahaayuga.So Aryabhatta did not make an assumption or mistake by adding 3 zeros (i.e.) multiplying by 1000 as you state.We are now in Kaliera 5,110 currently if we deduct 2009 from 5,110 we get 3,101 BC, the year of beginning of Kaliera we are ofcourse in the Sandikaala which spans Reference: Vishnu Puraana,BOOK I,CHAPTER III, Slokas 10 to 16.The Devas and Asuras were born of same father (i.e.i) Prajaapati KASYAPA and are aliens to earth who are worshipped as Gods b y Sanaatanadharmis till date.Modern archaeology has proved that the homosapiens appeared on earrh as early as 2 million years before now.Originally it was considered that homosapiens originated in middleeast arround 6000 B.C. but modern science has pushed

this date back as far as 2million years before now.So, this clearly proves that the date may be further back with more excavation in the future.And the Vedas, Puranas, Ithisaas and allied literature would be proved correct as far as science although there have been few interpulations in them.

Yours sincerly,


website: www.vedascience.com




Daniel Salas <adminvenkata krishnan <bcvk71Tuesday, July 14, 2009 4:41:09 AMA Yuga





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The earliest Indian planetary systems had two separate models given by Aryabhata both epoch dates start around 3101 BCE . Aryabhata knew of the numbers to the right yet did not know or realize the relationship of orbits . In multipling 4320 (a yuga) by a thousand 4320000, Aryabhta changes a kalpa from 1000 to 1008. This is obviously the dividing factor for the three decimal place system . This system used the star polaris as the middle and piscium (war) thus 27 degrees east was the start of the sidereal system. Today Polaris is centered so that computing the beginning of the Kali Yuga is made easy by subtracting 4320 years from today 4320 - 2009 = 2311 BCE and Aryabhta again changes the way of calculating a yuga by dividing by 4 , 4320 / 4 = 1080 the start of the prior yuga (dwiyuga) starts with the winter solstice equaling 180

degrees opposite Chitra and the spring solstice started in cancer (Puspa) this automatically created 0 mesha that is where 180 opposite chitra and the spring solstice enventually cross. Aryabhata start of the Kilayuga was 3101 BCE by subtracting 3101 from 2311 = 790. Aryabhata then converts to the Christian calendar where 0 Mesha falls 290 years after the start of the Christian age , by dividing a yuga by 4 (1080 ) 3101 - 2311 = 790 and 790 + 290 =1080 it appears he did not subtract the 790 years.

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