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27th anuvAkam of AruNa PraSnam

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Twenty Seventh AnuvAkam : Mantrams 114-120


Text of Mantram 114


imA nukam bhuvanA seeshadhEma


Indhrasccha viSvE cha dEvA:yajn~am cha nastanvam cha prajAm cha


Aadhiyairindhira: saha seeshadhAtu


Aadhityairindhira: sagaNO marudhbhi:


asmAkam bhUtvavitA tanUnAm


Aaplvasva praplavasva


AaNDee bhava ja maa muhu:


sukhAdheen dhukkhanidhanAm


pratimunchasva svAm puram


Introduction and Word By Word Meaning


This mantram houses powerful prayers for our well being in this universe and also the conferral of blessings to become a Mumukshu ( one seeking Moksham) to avoid the trappings of repeated cycles of births and deaths .


imA bhuvanA nukam seeshadhEma= Let us make this world of ours the saadhanam for a happy and enjoyable life ( nukam seeshadhEma).


Indhra: cha ViSva cha dEvA: = Let Indhran and all dEvAs bless us towards that goal !


Yajn~am cha tanvam cha prajAm cha Indhra: Aadhityai: saha seeshadhAtu = May Indhran along with the twelve AadhityAs make it possible to realize this boon

thru the blessings of Iswara AarAdhanai, the healthy body for the perfromance of this worship and children !


Indhra: Aadhityai: Marudhbhi: sagaNa: asmAkam tanutAm avitA bhUtu=May Indhran , AadhityAs , Marudhs with their assembly become the protectors of our bodies !


Ja muhu: maa Aaplavasva=Oh SamsAri being swirled about in the whirlpool of the samsAric afflictions ! Do not gain repeated births due to your karmaas !


Maa praplavasva= Oh SamsAri ! do not undergo repeated deaths in different bodies !


Maa AaNDee bhava= Oh SamsAri ! Do not become one who enters in this aNDam !

Become a mukta Jeevan thru adoption and practise of one of the two yOgams ( Bhakti or Prapatti) , which will free you from the repeated cycles of births and deaths !


sukhAdheem dukkha nidhanAm svAm purAm pratimunchasva=Please discard your attachment to your physical body , which looks joyous at the beginning and becomes sorrowful at the end due to old age and crippling diseases.


Text of Mantram 115


Mareechaya: svAyabhuva:


yE SareerANyakalpayan


tE tE dEham kalpayantu


Maa cha khyA smateerishat


uttishData maa svapta


agnimicchadhvam bhAratA:


rAjn~a: sOmasya truptAsA:


SooryENa sayujOshasaa:


ashDA chakrA nava dhvArA


Introduction and Meaning for the words of the 115th Mantram


This is a powerful PanchAti to reach the parama purushArtham thru dedicated upAsanA .


svAyambhuvA: yE marechaya: sareerANi akalpayan tE tE dEham kalpayantu= May the rays ( marechaya:) of the powerful BhagavAn,the Soorya NaarAyaNa svarUpi ( svAyambhuvaa:),which created at the beginning the sareeram for the Jeevans, may they also create the dhivya , sookshma , suddha sattva maya sareeram for You as well at the end !


tE khyaa sma= May Your determination to cross the ocean of samsAram be resolute !


maa teerishat= May that determination be not erased !


Bharataa: = Oh people of BhArata varsham !


Uttishitata := Arise !


maa svapta= awaken from your slumber !


raajn~a: sOmasya truptAsa: SooryENa sayujOshasa: Agnim icchatvam= May You all be satisfied with the partaking of the soma juice crushed and filtered from the king of medicinal plants and become fixed in your meditations on Soorya-NarAyaNan and worship BhagavAn in the form of Agni !


YuvAsuvAsA:=You will attain the phalans of reciting the "yuvA SuvAsA " mantram.The full mantram is : " uvaa suvAsA: pariveeta AagAth , sa u SrEyAn bhavati jAyamAna: , tamm dheerAsa: kavaya unnayanti ,svAdhiyO mansA dEvayanta: ". This meditator with shining garments starts his sAdhanaa early in his life and becomes a SrEshta Purushan . The visionaries ( dheergadarsees) attain this status achieved by the brave ones( dheerAs) and the ones who win over their indhriyams ( jitEndhriyALs) through maanaseeka worship of the dEvatai( Sriman NaarayaNan) sitting in the middle of the Soorya MaNDalam .


Ashta chakrA nava dhvArA= Your bodies consist of 8 chakrams and nine orifices. The 8 chakrams or dhAtus are Skin , blood , flesh , mEdas, bones , suklam et al.

The nine orifices are two Eyes, two Ears , two Nostrils , mouth ,upastam and lingam .

Text of 116th Mantram


dEvAnAm poorayOdhyaa


tasyagum hiraNmanya: kOSa:


svargO lOkO jyOtishAaavruta:


yO vai tAmm BrahmaNO veda


amrutEnAvrutaam pureem


tasmai Brahma cha BrahmA cha


Aayu: keertim prajAm dadhu:


BibrAjamAnam hariNeem


yaSasA sampareevrutAm


puragum hiraNmayeem BrahmA


Introduction and the word by word meaning of the 116th mantram


BhagavAn enters the kaaraNa sareeram after creating the kaarya sareeram .

The description of this Kaarana sareeram is given here .


dEvAnAm bhU: ayOdhyA = The kAraNa sareeram is eternal and is the abode of the dEvAs.


tasyAm hiraNmaya: kOSa: =Inside this is a golden chamber .


Svarga lOka: , jyOthishA Aavruta: = This is like svarga lOkam and is filled with Aatma jyOti .


ya: BrahmaNa: amrutEna AavrutAm taamm pureem vEda tasmai Brahma cha Brahmaa cha Aayu: keertim prajAm dhatu: =One who comprehends this golden chamber filled with BhramAnandam is blessed by Parabrahman and chaturmukha Brahman to have abundant and auspicious fame and good children in this world.


vibhrAjamAnAm hariNeem yaSasaa sampareevrutAm HirNmayeem puram BrahmA vivEsa = In to this lustrous , famous and delectable golden abode , Brahman entered . This is covered in the next mantram in detail .


Text and the Introduction of the 117th Mantram


The power of AaruNa kEtuka ChAyanam to destroy even the grand sins is pointed out here .






iha chAmutra chAnvEti


vidvAn dEvAsurAnupAyan


yath kumAree mandhrayatE


yadhyOshidhyatpati vratA


arishDam yath kim cha kriyatE






The Word by Word Meaning of the 117th Mantram


aparAjitA vivESa= In to this indestructible KaaraNa sareeram in the form of jeevan (created by the Parabrahman , the creator ) entered the creator Himself in the from of antaryAmi ( indweller ).He stays there until the jeevan attains mukti thru travel via Brahma Naadi .


ajyAmayee parAng yEti=The jeevan attains the Saayujya Mukti free from disease and old age associated with the Kaarya sareeram .


anASakee parAng yEti=The jeevan attains the state free from karmAs and becomes eternal ( free from destruction/naaSam) at the time of Mukti.


VidvAn iha cha amutra cha dEvAsurAn ubhayAn anvEti=This Aatma Jn~Ani reaches a state of equanimity with the dEvAs, AsurAs and all jeevans in this and the other world .


KumAree yOshidh pativratA yath mandhrayatE arishtam yathkimcha kriyatE tath Agni: anuvEdati =AaruNa kEtuka agni ChAyanam will destroy all sins that defy destruction by PrAyascchitta anushtAnam such as the sins acquired out of the

union of an unwedded girl , wedded one or a chaste woman with a man out of the passion between them .


aSrutAsa: SrutAsa: cha=They will be freed of the sins and will transform from unchastened state to the chastened state thru the observance of AaruNa kEtuka ChAyaNam . Such is its power !


Text and Introduction of the 118th Mantram


yajvAnO yEapyayajvana:


svaryantO nApEkshantE


Indhramagnim cha yE vidhu:


sikatA iva samyanti


RaSmibhi: sa mudheeitA:




rushibhiradhAt pruSnibhi:


apEtaveetavicha sarpatAta:


yEatrastha purANA yE cha nUtanA:




The special and lofty status of the Aathma Jn~Anis is saluted in this PanchAti. SrI GeethAchAryan defines the attributes of these Aatma Jn~Anis ( 17.17) as the possessors of three kinds of austerity ( Tapas tat thrividham: Body , mind and speech) and as those free from any worldly attachments and do not desire any fruits for their nishkAma kaimkaryams ( aphala kaankshi:).


Word by Word meaning of the 118th Mantram


yajvAna: ayajvAna: api yE Indhram Agnim Vidhu: svaryanta: na apEkshantE = Those who comprehend the Jyotirmaya ParamAtma tattvam , be they observers of sathkarmAs or not , do not seek or desire any thing including svarga vaasam . Those who do not understand the JyOtirmaya Brahman suffer as described by the next mantram .


raSmibhi: samudheeritaa: sikatA : iva asmAth lOkAth amushmAth cha samyanti =

Those who do not comprehend the JyOthirmaya Brahma tattvam are like animals strung by ropes and are pulled hither and thither. They are like the sand in hot summer and are driven here and there by the wind due to their karma vaasanais.

They come together and are then dispersed repeatedly . The Aatma Jn~Anis however unite here and in the other world due to the power of their Jn~Anam and form dhivya ghOshtis .


pruSnibh: rushibhi: adhAth=This Jn~Anam was imparted by the sages ,who look deep into such matters and come to the help of the seekers of such knowledge.


yE atra stha purANA:= those who perform ill deeds for a long time---


yE cha nUtanA: atha: veeta apEta =---or those who joined the miscreants recently , may You all as an assembly be gone from here quickly .


ahObhi: aktubhi: adhbhi: =For the Aatma Jn~Anis , May Yama dharmarAjA grant the days and nights ( longevity) and bhOgya vastus like Jalam and bless them with auspicious lives !



Text and Introduction of the 119th Mantram


yamO dhadhAtvavasAna-masmai=


nrumuNantu nrupAtvarya:


akrushDA yE cha krushDajA:


kumAreeshu kaneeneeshu


jAriNeeshu cha yE hitA:


rEta: peetA AaNDapeetA:


angArEshu cha yE hutA:


ubhayAn putrapoutrakAn


yuvEaham yamarAjagAn


Sataminnu Saradha:


Introduction and Word by Word Meaning of the 119th Mantram


This is a prayer to Yama dharmarAjan to bless the Aatma Jn~Anis with long life . The prayer is also for a host of undesirable persons to be banished from the proximity of the Aatma Jn~Anis ( SaatvIka UpAsakAs) .


Yama: asmai avasAnam dadhAtu =May Yama dharmarAjan grant this saatvika upAsakan sufficent time ( to complete his upAsanA).


nru muNantu =May those with the nominal title of human beings , who engage repeatedly in adharmic deeds remove themselves from my side .


nru arya: pAtu=May the good leader among men protect me !


yE krushtajA: cha akrushtaa muNantu= May those with unchastized minds be gone from my side even if they originated from good kulams !


kumAreeshu kanineeshu jAriNeeshu yE hitA: muNantu=May those who have illicit and improper relationship with unmarried girls and women married to others be also gone from my side !


rEta peetA: muNantu=May all the inauspicious powers that take in the virility of the entities of the world be driven away !


angArEshu cha yE hutA: muNantu=May those scorched by the fire of their sins and roaming from one place to the other as ghosts and gouls be banished from here !


ubhayAn putra poutrakAn YamarAjakAn aham yuvE=Even if they are my sons or grandsons , I will chase them away , if they have accumulated sins that deserve punishment by Yama dharmarAjan . I will disown them .


Sataminnu Saradha:=May we live for hundred years (Veda PrAyam) performing

auspicious deeds and living Saatvic life ! " sataminnu Saradha: " is the beginning section of a larger mantram :" Sataminnu saradhO anti dEvA yatrA nacchkrA jarasam tanUnAm , putrAsO yatra pitaro bhavanti maa nO maddhyA reerishatAyurggandhO".This has a meaning echoing the sandhyA Vandhana mantram : " PaSyEma Saradha: Satam , JeevEma Saradha: Satam " May we see for hundred years ( Veda PrAyam) ! May we live for hundred years !


The meaning of "Sataminnu SaradhO anti --reerishatAyurggandhO" is : Oh DevAs ! Our hundredth year , when you give old age to us and when our sons have their own sons is fast approaching . Before that hundredth year arrives , let us have few years of purposeful life and free us from harm during the middle of the period between now and the arrival at the Veda PrAyam .


Introduction and Text of the 120th Mantram


adhO yadh Brahma vilaBam


pitruNAm cha yamasya cha




marutAm cha vihAyasAm


kAmaprayavaNam mE astu


sahyEvaasmi sanAtana:


iti nAkO BrahmiSravOrAyOdhanam


putrAnApO dEveerihAhitA


Introduction and the Word by word meaning of the 120th Mantram


Para Brahman is saluted as SarvAdharan in this mantram .That Brahman is the Aadhaaram for Pitrus Yaman , VaruNan , Agni , Marudhs and other dEvatAs.

JalAbhimAni is prayed to for the blessings of Brahma Jn~Anam , worldly wealth and good progeny.


ata: yadh , tath pitrUNAm cha , Yamasya cha , VaruNasya cha , AgnE: cha MarudhAm cha vihAyasAm cha vilaBam = What is recognized as Brahmam here is the Aadhaaram for PitrUs , Yaman , VaruNan , Agni , Marudhs ,GandarvAs and other devatAs.This is Brahma vEdhana praSamsA or praising the knowledge of Brahman .


sa sanAtana: yEva hi asmi= This is equivalent to the Yajur Veda Mahaa Vaakyam of "Aham BrahmAsmi". This is not being intrepreted in the advaitic manner ( Brhama-Jeeva Iykyam) but in the RaamAnuja darsana tradition of intrepreting " aham sarvAtmaka BrahmAtmakOsmi" ." Aham BrahmAsni " is the Mahaa Vaakyam of BauhadhAraNayaka Upanishad of the Yajur Vedam ( BruhadhAraNyaka upanishad:1.4.10) . The entire mantram is : " Brahma

vaa idhamagra AaseettadhAtmaanaamEvaavaith Aham BrahmAsmeti .TasmAth tath sarvamabhavath" (Meaning): " This (supreme Self) was indeed Brahman in the beginning. It knew itself alone as, "I am the Brahman.Therefore it became all".


kAmaprayavaNam mE astu= Oh Brahman ! May all my desires be fulfilled !


AapO dEvee! naaka: BrahmiSrava: rAya: dhanam putrAn iti iha AahitA=Oh JalAbhimni dEvatA: Please unite me with svargam , Brahma Jn~Anam , wealth , progeny , fame et al right here !


27th anuvAkam sampoorNam





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