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RE: Sri V.V.Srinivasa IyengAr's Foreword in English for VyAsa SiddhAnta MaartANDam [1 Attachment]

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Dear ShrI Sadagopan Sir:


I have heard from my father that ShrI V.V. Srinivasa Iyengar used to keep a stack of Dhotis (10x6) so that whoever (VaideekAs) visited his house would be gifted with one. That period must have been a great period in India - people like Rajaji, VV srinivasa Iyengar and so on - so inspiring. I have also heard that a poor Brahmana met VVS swamin at a pond and requested him for Brahmanaartham not really knowing who VvS Swamin was and it seems Swamin immediately responded to his request.S. Vijayaraghavan Buffalo/NY


saranagathi ; RamanujaandDesika ; ; Tiruvenkatam ; Oppiliappan ; desikasampradaya ; Oppiliappan-accept-qcELNMTvMSNpsKozBuAoKOQ From: yennappanDate: Sun, 9 Aug 2009 17:41:52 -0400 Sri V.V.Srinivasa IyengAr's Foreword in English for VyAsa SiddhAnta MaartANDam [1 Attachment]




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