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Sahasra Kalasa Thirumanjanam for the ArchA Moorthys : Part I

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Thirumanjanams :


There are two kinds of Thirumanajanams : (1) Mukhya Thirumanjanams carried out during the Consecration(Pratishtai) ceremonies and (2) Regular Thirumanjanams .


1. The Mukhya Thirumanjanams are performed following the ChathusthAna archanaa

( The 4 SthAnams are : Kumbham , Bhimbham , MaNDalam and Agni) . These are

associated with PrAyascchittam and other ViSesha Vaidhika CharyA KarmAs .


2. Regular Thirumanjanams are performed outside the Pratishtai , when the Archaa Moorthy is consecrated . These regular Thirumanjanams are done for Loka KshEmam as a special UpachAram to the Lord and His Devis . In some temples ,

Lord VishvaksEna's archai is included as at Thirumala during the sahasra Kalasa AbhishEkam. At ThiruviNNagaram ( Oppiliappan Sannidhi) Swamy Desikan's archai is always included in the Thirumanjanam .


Number of Kalasams used in Regular Thirumanjanam


1. The simplest of them is the Thirumanjanam with One Kalasam . The Kalasam can have the dhravyam for Thirumanjanam is either suddhOdhakam (pure Water) or

Milk . The dEvatai for this yEka Kalasam is Lord VaasudEvan .


2. Five Kalasa Thirumanjanam: The Kalasam at the center is #1 ; four Kalasams in four different directions form the rest of the positioning . At west is #2 ; At North

( PradhakshiNam style) is # 3 ; At East is # 4 and in the south is the 5th Kalasam .


The devatAs starting from the center are VassudEvan (Kalasam # 1), VishNu (# 2) , Madhusoodhanan(#3) , Trivikraman(#4) and Vaamanan ( Kalasam#5 in South) .

That is the order of usage during Thirumanjanam .


ThisThirumanjanam is called PanchOpanishadApa Panchagavya Snapanam.

The Snapana Mantram for Kalasms from VishNu (#1 ) , Madhusoodanan(#2) ,

Trivikrama (#3) , Vaamana(#4) and VaasudEvan (#5) are:


dadhikrAviNNO for Kalasam #1 (VishNu)

AapyAyasvEti for Kalasam #2 ( Madhusoodanan)

VishNu Gaayatri for Kalasam #3( Trivikraman)

GandhadhvArAm for Kalasam #4 ( Vaamanan)

and grutasnAtEti for Kalasam #5( VaasudEvan ).


The Position of the Kalasams are VaasudEvan ( #5) at the center followed by Kalasam #1 at the East, # 2 , #3 and #4 in the South , West and Northeren directions .


Four Kinds of Dhravyams are used in this Pancha Kalasa Thirumanjanam :


VasudEva Kalasam (#1) has water in which coral (PravAla:) , Pearl (mukthA: ) , diamond (MaNi) , Vajram and VaiDuryam are soaked .These are the Pancha ratnams .


VishNu Kalasam (#2 ) has water admixed with ghee , curd ,. Milk , Honey ,Jaggery or fruits .

This kalasam has PanchAmruta dhravyam ( Dadhi , Paya:, Madhu , GuDam , Phalam ,

Aajyam) .


Madhusoodhana Kalasam (#3) has water with Panchagavyam ( Curd , milk/Ksheeram , gOmUtram , sakrut and Aajyam) .


Trivikrama Kalasam (# 4) has water where Gold or Silver or Coper or Bronze or Iron are soaked ( PanchalOham: Rajatam, Taamram , Kaamsyam , aya: , SvarNam) .


The Vaamana ( #5) Kalasam has pure water ( SuddhOdhakam).


3. Nine Kalasa Thriumanjanam: It is the Most popular Thirumanjanam .


The Kalasa StApanams are:


1. VaasudEvan at the center , 2. VishNu below VaasudEvan in the East ,

3. Madhusoodhanan in the South of center , 4. Trivikraman at West, 5. Vaamanan at the North , 6. Sridharan to the left of Kalasam #2 , 7. HrishikEsan to the left of Kalasam #4 , PadhmanAbhan to the right of Kalasam # 4 and 9. DhAmOdharan to the right of Kalasam # 2.


The dhravyams for Kalasams #1 to # 9 are :


1.Dhrutam/ghee for Vasudeva Kalasam .Mantram for AbhishEkam is "ghrutasnAtEti"


2. Paadhya jalam for VishNu Kalasam ( TuLasi , Lotus flower, Aruham pull , Akshatai , VishNuparNee, Bilva Leave , Sandal paste et al) . Mantram for AbhishEkam is

" NaarAyaNAya VidhmahE "


3. Argyam ( White Mustard, Akshatai , tips of Dharbha grass , Dry fruits, Yavam rice , Sesame seed, Jaati Mallikai flowers and sandal paste).This is for Madhusoodhana Kalasam. Mantram : " Tadh VishNO: Paramam padhaam"


4.Aachamana Kalsam for Trivikraman: Water with Pine apple flower , CheNpaka flower, Pacchai KaRpooram , Jaatipatri, cardamom , Lavangam , Saffron and Sandanam .

Mantram :" na tE VishNo"


5.Panchagavyam for Vaamana Kalsasam . Matram: "VishNO: KarmAni"


6.Curd for Sridhara Kalasam . " DadhikrAviNNO" is the Mantram


7.Milk for HrishikEsa Kalasam . " AapyAyasava" is the Mantram.


8.Honey for the PadhmanAbha Kalasam. " MadhuvAtaa" is the Mantram.


9. Fruits in water for the DhAmOdhara Kalasam . " Yaa: phalAni" is the Mantram .


4. Sixteen Kalasa Thirumanjanam ( ShOdasa KalaSa snapana Vidhi)************************************************************************************


The Kalsa SthApanam for the sixteen array is :


16 5 and 6 13 Array 1



{12 4 and 1 7} Array 2 : Central plank

{11 3 and 2 8}




15 10 and 9 14 Array 3



The Thirumanjana Kramam is to start with Kalasam # 5 (VishNu) and continue incrementally to # 16 ; After that start with #1 and conclude with # 4( VaasudEvan) .


The Devatais from #1 to # 16 KALASAMS are :


Kesavan, NaarAyaNan, Maadhavan(#3) , VaasudEvan , VishNu , Madhusoodhanan (# 6) , Trivikraman , Vaamanan , Achyutan (#9) , Anantan , Purushan , Satyan(#12) Sridharan , HrusheekEsan , PadmanAbhan (#15) and DhaamOdharan (#16) .


The directions and half directions are important :


East belongs to Indhra standing for Power and Courage

South East belongs to Agni standing for Ritual Sacrifice

South belongs to Yama standing for Dhramam/Justice

South West belongs to Surya (Sun) or Nirruiti ( Misery)

West belongs to VaruNa standing for Knowledge

North West belongs to Vaayu standing for Life/Health

North belongs to KuBeran standing for wealth

North East belongs to Soma (Chandran) or ISAnan(Siva)


The directions are the determinants of Space and particular powers are connected to each of the 8 directions /Half Directions. Orientation is an important element of a charyaa (ritual) . The lOkapAlas ( guardians of directions and half directions) are 8 in number as described above.


Thirumanjanam starts with Kalsam #5 and continues upto Kalasam # 16 . Afterwards one concludes with the center four ( 1 thru 4) .


Each of these Kalasams have specific dhravyams: South East(gems/ratnOdhakam ) , South West lOhOdhakam : Gold, Silver, Copper et al)

(Metals) , North West ( Sandal paste water), North East ( ghee).


Among the remaining 12 Kalasams , # 6 has argya theertham , # 7 has Aachamaneeyam , #8 has Panchagavyam , #9 has AkshadhOdakam( akshatais in water) , #10 has MaarjanOdhakam ( Water with tips of Dharbham , Turmeric , Vaahai , SatApatram , Soorya Vardhini plants et al) , # 11 has KaashAyam , # 12 has dharbha juice , #13 has Curd , #14 has milk , # 15 has Honey ,# 16 has YavOdhakam ( Yavam rice and Bamboo rice in water ).


The Mantrams fo the 16 Kalasams are :


1. ChandramaamanasO-- Vaayurajaayata

2. NaabhyAseeth--akalpayan

3. SaptasyAsan--Purusham PaSum

4. Yajn~Ena Yajn~am--santi dEvA:

5. Sahasra SerershA: --daSaangulam

6. Purusha yEvEdham ---atirOhati

7. yEtAvAnasya -- amrutam dhivi

8. TripAdhAUrdhavam--SanE abhi

9. tasmAdhvirADajAyata--athOpura:

10.yathpurushENa havisha--Saradhvi:

11. tamm yajn~am Barhishi: ---rushaSccha yE

12. TasmAdhyaj~nAth sarvahuta: ---grAmyASchayE

13. TasmAdhyajn~Ath sarvahuta:--ajAyata

14. TasmAdhaSvA ajAyanta---ajAvaya:

15. yatpurusham vyadadhu: --paadhAvuchyEtE

16. BrAhmaNOsya-- SudhrOajAyata.


There are 25, 49 , 81, 108 and 1001 Kalasa Thirumanjanams .

These are to be followed with appropriate Dhravyam filled Kalasams and the

relevant Devathai have to be invoked with their prescribed Mantrams .


For example , the 81 Kalsa Thirumanjanam has the following protocols:


There are 9 squares each of which have 9 Kalasams inside . That makes 81

Kalasams.Alternatively , one can look at it as a central square with 9 kalasams

surrounded by 2 squares to the right and left of the center symmetrical Triad

above and below the central triad .


The order of Kalasams used are unique. At the center is the square :

7 4 8

3 1 5

6 2 9


Below the center square array is the nine Kalasam set with


16 13 17

12 10 14

15 11 18


left of the center is the square grid with


25 22 26

21 19 23

24 20 27


Above the Central Square array is :


34 31 35

30 28 32

33 29 36


To the right of the central Square is:


43 40 44

39 37 41

42 38 45


At South East of Central Square is thesquare with 46th Kalasam at the center.


At South West of the cebtral Square is the array of Nine with 55 at the center.


At NW to the center is the array with 64th Kalasam at the center.


At NE of Center is the Kalasam with 73 at the center;


79 76 80

75 73 77

78 74 81








Thirumanjana Vidhis ( Rules)


The PaancharAtra SamhitAs describe in detail the various Snapana Vidhis ( the rules for Thirumanjanam) as described above . There are three major kinds of uttama Snapana Vidhis based on the degree of sacredness: (1) UttamOtthamam (2) MadhyOttamam and

(3) adhamOttamam .


There are 18 different PaancharAtra SamhitAs describe these various Snapana vidhis.

The Names of these SamhitAs and the chapters where these Vidhis are housed are given below ( the Chapter numbers are in paranthesis :


1. Aniruddha Samhita(19)

2. Iswara Samhita (15)

3. Kapinjala Samhita (13)

4. Naarada Samhita (20)

5. Pancha PraSna Samhita(Patala 8)

6.Parama Samhita (21)

7. Padama Samhita /Charya Padha (8 & 9)

8. ParamEswara Samhita (14)

9. Bhargava Samhita(20)

10. SivarAtram (8)

11. MarkandEya Samhita (28)

12. ViswAmitra Samhita (19)

13. VishNu Samhita(26)

14. VishNu Tantra (8)

15. VishvaksEna Samhita (7)

16. SripraSna Samhita (27)

17. HayaSeersha Tantra ( 34: PratishtA KaaNDam)

18. Hayaseersha S amhita (31: Soura KaaNDam)

19. Paadhma Samhita ( 8th chapter in charya Paadham )


We will focus on the Snapana Vidhis of Paadhma Samhita. This samhita is not an earlywork but contains the enunciation of vidhis that are clearly stated and therefore easily practisable . Therefore , it is widely used .


The very old ( Praachina) PaancharAtra samhitAs are three known as "Ratna Thrayam" ( Paushkara, Saatvata and Jayakhya) . Among the major Dhivya Desams ,

Srirangam uses ParamESwara Samhita , a variant of Paushkara samhita . Kaanchipuram ( Lord VaradarAjA's temple) uses JayAkhya Samhita. Melkote ThirunArAyaNan's Temple uses Iswara Samhita . Thirukkudantai( KumbakONam) AarAvamudhan is worshipped with SrI PraSna Samhita. Rest of the places use Paadhma Samhita or its variants.





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