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Vedamum DEvAdirAjanum

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Dear Sri Varadaraja BhakthAs :


Lord Varadarajan of Hasthi Giri, Kaanchipuram is Veda Moorthy ; Swami Desikan and his son NayinAcchAr as well as many AchAryAs who followed them have performed Veda SamrakshaNam at this dhivya dEsam over centuries . Today a ghOshti of Vedic scholars is providing Veda ViNNappam for the Lord during His many utsavams . Prominent among them is the VaikAsi Utsavam highlighted by the GarudOtsavam .


Lord VaradarAjan is our Veda NaarAyaNan .One of His AshtOttara Sata NaamAvaLi salutes Him as : (PraNavam) UtsavaishiNE nama : As he travels on His raaja Vedhis

enjoying His utsavams , He is fond of hearing Veda mantrams being recited by the adhikAris of the VedAdhyayana GhOshti . This Lord of ours , who is PraNavArthan and Aanandhakara Darsaneeya Vaibhavan is Mukti and BhUri KalyANa DhAyakan ( iha para sukha dhaayaka , Varam tarum Kali Yuga Varadhan ).


We need to support the Veda PaarAyaNam at Kaanchi and support these noble scholars in their efforts to perform this ancient kaimkaryam . Most of them have no other income than the sambhAvanai from a Trust set up to cover these expenses . That trust is inadequately endowed and is struggling .


adiyEn has requested Dr.SaThakOpa TatachAr , the Chairman of the Trust to introduce us to the Utsavams at Kaanchi PerumAL Koil , where Swamy AlavanthAr , AchArya RaamAnuja , Swamy Desikan and many other AchAryAs worshipped and performed Kaimkaryams . adiyEn has asked Dr.TatachAr to connect the Vedic aspects of these utsavams , wherever possible . Dr.TatAchAr writes in Tamil and his inputs will be translated by Dr. Geethaa Anand into English for release in our groups .


adiyEn will provide an introduction to the Vaibahvam of Lord VaradarAjan as celebrated by our AzhwArs and AchAryAs in this posting . The four moving Sanskrit stOtrams on Lord VaradarAjA's Vaibhavam are :


(1) DEvarAjAshtakam by Thirukkacchi Nambi , who walked every day from Poonthamalli to Kaanchi to perform Kaimkaryam for the Lord . He had the blessings to converse with Lord VaradarAja and helped AchArya RaamAnuja get answers for his questions during a critical period of his life .The text and meanings of Sri DevarAjAshtakam are available at :

http://www.sundarasimham.org ( 28th ebok) .


(2) Sri VaradarAja Stavam of KooratthAzhwAn( KurEsar) , one of the prime disciples of AchArya RaamAnuja . He composed Sri VaradarAja stavam in front of Lord at the request of his AchAryan : http://www.ahobilavalli.org (ebook #62)


(3) Swamy Desikan 's Sri VaradarAja PanchAsath , which is a magnificient tribute to the Ananatha KalyANa GuNams and the dhivya MangaLa Vigraham of the Lord of Athtigiri.

http://www.ahobilavalli.org ( ebook # 34)


(4) Swamy MaNavALa Maamuni's Sri DevarAja MangaLam . A set of twelve exquisite slOkams are MangaLAsAsanam for the Lord of Kaanchi . These have been covered earlier in the Bhakti archives of November 1996:






(5) Sri VaradarAja Panchakam of DoddAcchAr :

http://www.ahobilavalli.org ( ebook # 51)


In the Kattiyam for PerumAL , His SaraNAgatha Rakshaka tattvam , His being the pupil

(Viahi) for the eye of the Vedam , His being the object of adoration of Swamy NammAzhwAr and Iyyan Kaliyan , the object of devotion as Sri VaikunThanAthan by Swamy Desikan are alluded to ( Please see the Text Below):



(1) veRumai uNarnthu paNiyum anbarkku bharam yenathu pulambal yenRu adaikkalam koLLUm PerumAL


Vedam yenum kaNN tanakku vizhi okkum PerumAL


Vedam Tamizh seytha MaaRan udan Iyyan arutkkaliyanum pORRum PerumAL


Vaikuntham ithuvena AaraNa Desikan puhazh sey Kacchiyampati PerumAL


2) Vezhamalai NaayakanAr "s darsana soubhAgyam:


Hasti Sailasya SikharE sarva lOka namaskrutE

PuNya kOti VimAnEsmin paSyantu ThvAm naraas-sadhA


3. AzhiUrAn AttiyUrAn guNA amruta anubhavam by AzhwArs :


*** " ayarvaRum amararkaL adhipathy ,

tuyaraRu sudara adikaLai tozhuthezh mananE " --Swamy NammAzhwAr


He is the Lord of the Nitya Sooris and DevAs. He has therefore taken on the name of DevAthi Raajan . He is the PraNata arti hara Varadhan saluted by the VedhAs . Oh My mind! worship those lustrous Thiruvadis of the Lord of Atthigiri and redeem yourself !


4. AruLAzhi ammAnaik-kaNDakkAl ithu solli

AruLAzhi vari-vaNDE yaamumen pizhaitthOmE--ThituvAi Mozhi : 1.4.6


Here SaThakOpa Naayaki pleads with the bee to take a message to Lord Varadhan :

Oh Lord ! Please come to the street even once where SaThakOpi Naayaki lives on Your Garuda Vaahanam and bless her with Your dhivya sevai before her PrANan leaves her body . You have not blessed her sofar and she has not committed any apachAram for this

display of neglect .


5. Thirumangai saluted Kacchi as " Varam taru MaamaNi VaNNanidam , MaNimADangaL

Soozhnthu azhahAya Kacchi " . This is the beautiful place with towering spires , where

the boon granting PeraruLALan resides .


6. Kaliyan describes himself as an expert in speaking about the glories of PeraruLALa PerumAL , who resides in his heart lotus :


" yennenjam koil koNDa PeraruLALan perumai pEsak-KaRRavan ".


7. Among AchAryAs , RaamAnuja is saluted for his Kaimakryam to Attigiri AruLALan:

' tennatthiyUr kazhaliNaik-keezh pooNDa anpALan ".


8. Thirukkacchi NambikaL offered his Prapatti to this Lord this way in his DevarAjAshtakam:


namastE HastiSailESa ! Srimann ! ambhujalOchana !

SaraNam ThvAm prapannOsmi PraNAtArtihara ! Achyuta !


9. At the very beginning of Sri VaradarAja Stavam , KurEsar performed his Prapatti to the Lord of Hasti Giri:


" Srinidhim apaaram-arthinAm-

arthitArta paridhAna dheekshitam

sarvabhuta-suhrudham dayAnidhim

DEvarAjam atirAjam AaSrayE


In the rest of SrI Vararaja Stavam , KurESar immerses himself in the divine anubhavam of the ananta KalyANa guNams , DhivyAtma Svaroopam and dhivya MangaLa Vigraham of Lord VaradarAjan .


Towards the end of his Stavam (100th slOkam ) , KurESar prays for the darSana soubhAgyam of KareeSan ( Kari Giri Isan ) for more than 100 years (Veda PrAyam):


" KareeSa ! paSyEma paras-satatam samaa:"


10. The Raaja Vedhis of Kaanchi are the Veda Maargams for the Lord and the AchArya Sri Sooktis keep them well maintained and free of any blemishes from the Para mathams .


Sri Sudarsana Bhattar , the author of Srutha PrakAsikai starts his grand commentary with SaraNAgati at the sacred feet of PeraruLALa PeruMAl and ends it with his deep salutations to the dhviratAdhri SEkharan":


Varadham DhviratAdhreesam Srinidhim KaruNAnidhim

SaraNam SaraNyam yaami PraNatArthi haram Harim


11. The AarAdhya Moorthy of Swamy Desikan was PeraruLALan . He declared that he has no wealth passed on to him by his parents or any wealth accumulated by him and he has the only wealth on top of the Hastigiri , which was bequeathed to him by his great grand parent,Brahma Devan :


naasti pitrArjitam kimchith na mayaa kimchitArjitam

asti mE Hasti SailAgrE vastu PaitAmaham Dhanam


In the fifty slOkams of great Varadha anubhavam , Sri VaradarAja PanchAsat , Swamy Desikan records his parama prEmai for the Lord residing on top of the Hasti Giri . He prays for uninterrupted kaimakrya soubhAgyam and chintanai about Lord VaradarAjan ( SlOkam 45) . He salutes the GhOshti of His devotees , who perform Veda PaarAyaNa , dhivya Prabhandha kaimkaryams and make every one enjoy thus the sweetness of the sacred feet of the Lord of Atthigiri :


bhUyO bhUya: puLaka nichitai: angakai rEtamAnA:

sthUla sthUlAn nayana mukuLair BibratO BhAshpa BhindhUn

dhanyA: kEchith Varadha bhavata: samsadham bhUshayanta:

svAntai: rantar vinaya nibrutai: svAdayantE padham tE


The vinaya bhakti of the BhAgavata GhOshti of Lord Varadhan is described here . Swamy Desikan recognizes them as "DhanyA: " or BhAgyasAlis . Their bhakti makes their voices choked , (fat) tears well in their eyes and they experience horripulation (rOmAnjalI) . These Veda PaaraayaNakkArALs kindle in others the roaring flame of Bhagavath bhakti thru the example of their own enjoyment and make them share their delectable and insatiable dhivyAnubhavams .


In the 48th slOkam of Sri VaradarAja PanchAsath , Swamy Desikan seeks the boon of taking in the beauty of the Lord during many utsavams of His with unwinking eyes :


" anavadhika vibhUtim HastiSailEswaram ThvAm animaishai: lOchanai: anudinam nirviSEyam".


Swamy Desikan expresses his disinterest in residency at Sri VaikunTham after enjoying the unparalleled soundharyam of Lord VaradarAjan at Kaanchi. Like HanumAn stated about his anubhavam of enjoying Lord Raamachandran ( bhAvO naanyatra gacchati) , Swamy Desikan is happy to forsake Parama Padham , if He is blessed to enjoy the dhivya mangaLa vigraham of Lord VaradarAjan right here on earth .


Swamy concludes his PanchAsath on Lord Varadhan with a prayer for the Lord to be always staying at our heart lotuses :


" bhOgaiswarya priya sahacharai: kaapi Lakshmi KaDAkshai:

bhUya: SyAmA bhuvana jananee dEvatA sannidhattAm ".


May This indescribably beautiful Devatai , VaradarAjan ( kaapi dEvatA) reside in our heart at all times ( na: maanasE sannidhattAm).


Kari Saila Naatha , Swamin , Varadha , KareeSa , HasteeSa , Dhvirata SailapatE , NaagAsalESa , DEva Deva , Bhagavan , Karisaila dhAman , Hasti SailESwara ! VaaraNa Saila naatha ! na: MaanasE sannidhatthAm is the prayer !


In His SrI Sokti of Hamsa SandEsam , Swamy Desikan reveals to us the sacredness of the dust from the Raaja Vedhis of the Lord , when He travels fast on His Vaahanams during the many Utsavams to the accompaniment of Veda GhOsham :


" yadh veeteenAm KarigiripatEr VaahavEgavadhUtAn

dhanyAn rENUn tridaSapatayO dharayantyutthamAngai: "


Here Swamy Desikan states that the DevAs , who are BhAgyasAlis , carry on their heads the dust arising from the rapid travel of the Lord on His different Vaahanams during His many utsavams .


In Amruta SvAdhini ChillaRai Rahasyam , Swamy Desikan revealed that there can not be any city on earth that could match or surpass the glory of Lord VaradarAjan's Kaanchi in

sancitiy or grandeur :


Kaasi mudhalAya nananahariyellAm

KaarmEni AruKLAlar Kacchikovvaa ".


In another paayiram of Amruta SvAdhini , Swmy Desikan Performs MangaLAsASanam for the Atthigiri ThirumAl and states that there is no one on earth , who can adequately describe the matchless and magnificent upakArams of Lord VaradarAjan :


" azhiyAta AruLAzhip-PerumAn seyyum

antamilaaa udhaviyelAm aLappAr AarE ? "


We will conclude this tribute to Varadha GuNAnubhavam with two more passages from Tattva Navaneetam and Rahasya Padhavee :


Varadha !virachayatvam vaaritASEsha dhOshAm

punarupachita puNyAm bhUshitAm PuNYakOTyA

sitamudhita manObhis-tAvakair nitya sEvyAm

hata-ripu janayOgAm HastidhAmna samruddhim


Oh VaradhA! May Thou firmly establish the sanctity and richness and banish away any dhOshams ! May Your sacred reign continue under PuNyakOti VimAnam and bless all the Land ! May Your devotees full of purity and happiness be freed from the troubles of their enemies and celebrate Your kalyANa GuNams and dhivya MangaLa vigraham and be redeemed ! ( This prayer is to drive away the ills caused by those from Para Mathams ).


The Rahasya Padhavi SlOkam prays for the uninterrupted ThiruvArAdhanams for Lord VaradarAjan at Hastigiri :


Sriranga dhvirata VrushAdhri poorvakEshu

sthAnEshu sthira vibhavaa BhavathsaparyA

Aakalpam Varadha! vidhUta vairipakshA

bhuyasyA Bhavath anukampaivabhUyAth


(Meaning): Oh Varadha PrabhO! Through Your krupai extending to kshEtrams like Srirangam , ThirumalA and Hastigiri , May the special ThiruvArAdhanams known for their grandeur and sacredness continue forever ! May the enemies of Your BhaagavathAs be driven away in defeat and May Your AarAdhanams continue in all their majesty !


Sriman ST Swamy : Next time You are before Hasti GireeSan , Please appeal to Him for His anugraham to raise the funds to continue with the Veda PaarAyaNam in a grand scale to delight His ThiruvuLLam !


Please give us some target figures to have in mind . Let us start modestly .

I feel confident that Lord Varadarajan's BhakthAs will respond to this appeal

and engage in this uplifting Kaimkaryam to have the echoes of Veda GhOsham

in His Raaja Veedhis .


(To Be Continued )


Sri MahA DEvi SamEta Sri VaradarAjAya Tubhyam Nama:

Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan










desikan desikan

Dr.V.Sadagopan ; Geetha Anand

Friday, August 14, 2009 2:31 PM

Re: Vedamum DEvAdirAjanum





dasan, plz note my contact no 09447573942, & provide ur no. i will contact u. all are not related to sri varadan, but we can say some to varadan, sri varadarajapanchasat & hanumanta vahanm , just related to vedam. this is only my opinion. dasan, satakopan--- On Fri, 14/8/09, Geetha Anand <geethaa wrote:

Geetha Anand <geethaaRe: Vedamum DEvAdirAjanum"Dr.V.Sadagopan" <yennappanCc: "desikan desikan" <srithooppulFriday, 14 August, 2009, 10:04 PM



Dear Sadagopan Mama,Thank you for letting me participate in this effort. I was wondering if I could have Dr. Sadagopa TathAcharya Swami's phone number so that I could clear some doubts. From your mails I saw two passages for translation on the three types of 'varams'. Did I miss one more type?. the first type where EmperumAn offers varam gladdened by the devotees services/efforts?. Could you please send me that passage also so that I could translate it along with these two?. I wish to understand a little more about this effort. Is it a specific service that is offered to Lord Varadaraja during the utsavams? These passages that Sri ST Swamy is writing are from the Vedas I guess. How are they related to Sri Varadarajan? NamaskaramsGeetha




Dr.V.Sadagopan <yennappanGeetha Anand <geethaaCc: desikan desikan <srithooppulFriday, August 14, 2009 8:44:48 PMRe: Vedamum DEvAdirAjanum



Dear Geethaa :

It is all Yours . Please proceed . Dr.ST Swamy can hlep you clear some paribhAshaa .

Thanks for the volunteering .




Geetha Anand


Thursday, August 13, 2009 8:28 PM

Vedamum DEvAdirAjanum



Dear Sadagopan Mama,I was not sure if you saw my previous mail. It will be a blessing if I could participate in the translation effort of Sri Sadagopa Tathacharyar Swami's work into English. In fact last week when I went to Kanchipuram I managed to talk to his father but could not meet him. Please let me know if the translation will be possible with my limited capacity.NamaskaramsGeetha


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