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aanaka dhundhubhi 1

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Dear sri vaishNava perunthagaiyeer,

Our respected sri Sadagopan swamin directed me to

give a detailed story / analysis on why sri vasudheva [father of

krishna] being called “aanaka dhundhubhiâ€. And the story follows


Everybody knows that when vasudheva

was born the kettledrums were played in the sky to announce the

arrival of a great son on earth who will be later the father of the

supreme lord krishNa. So he is called 'aanaka dhundhubhi'.



First let us go into meaning of

words aanaka and dhundhubhi --



aanaka means - from Monier williams dictionary

Änaka m. (etym. doubtful), a large military drum beaten at

one end

• a double drum

• a small drum or tabor Bhag.


• a thunder-cloud or a cloud to which the thunder is ascribed L.


• (mfn.) energetic T.




dundubhi means - from Monier williams dictionary

dundubhí mf. a sort of large kettledrum RV.




& c

• a sort of poison L.


• N. of the 56th year in the Jupiter cycle of 60 years Var.



• of Kiṛishṇa MBh.

xii, 1511

• of Varuṇa L.


• of Asuras, a Rakshas, a Yaksha & c. R.




• of a son of Andhaka and grandson of Anu & c. Pur.


• f. a drum AV.

vi, 38, 4 (also ○bhī MBh.

iii, 786)

• (i), f. a partic. throw of the dice in gambling L.


• N. of a Gandharvii MBh.


• n. N. of a partic. Varsha in Krauñca-dviipa VP.




Again the combined word “Änakadundubhi†means - from Monier

williams dictionary

â—‹dundubhi m. = anakaâ—‹, q.v

• (is), m. or (ī), f. a large drum beaten at

one end, a kettle-drum L.




Next - Since

there is a clear reference for that 'at the time of birth of

vasudhEva there was drumbeats' and hence “aanaka dhundhubi†- the

slokams from “harivamsam†first -

aSmakyaam janayaamaasa Sooram vai dhEvameeDhushah |mahishyaam

jajnirE Sooraath bhOjyaayaam purushaa dhaSa || 1-34-17

vasudhEvO mahaabaahuh poorvam aanaka-dundubhih |jajnE

yasya prasoothasya dundubhyah praNadhan dhivi || 1-34-18

aanakaanaam cha samhraadhah sumahaan abhavath dhivi |papaatha

pushpa varsham cha Soorasya bhavanE mahath || 1-34-19

manushya lOkE krithsne~api roopE naasthi samO bhuvi |yasya

aaseeth purusha agryasya kaanthih chandhramasO yathaa || 1-34-20


dhEva-meeDhusha is the third son of king krOshTu, where kroShTu

himself is the third son of king yadu. This dhEva-meeDhusha begot a

son named Soora through lady ashmaki. While Soora begot ten sons

through his queen lady bhojya, also known as lady maarishaa, of whom

the mighty armed vasudhEva is the first one. At the time of the birth

of vasudhEva celestial drums have been reverberated in the heaven,

hence, he is also known as aanaka-dhundhubhi. Further, bugles echoed

in heaven and earth, a great flower-shower took place on the palace

of his father, namely king Soora. In the entire world none equalled

vasudhEva in charm. And emergence of this neonate seemed to be the

emergence of full moon – like “poorNa chandhra udhayamâ€.




will see in next post the reference from sreemadh bhaagavatham on

this 'aanaka dhundhubhi'.




Dhasan Vasudevan MG

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