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tyAgarAja_kritis_ series - kriti for today - krti10 - anduNDakanE- raaga pantuvarALi

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Dear rAma bhaktAs:


The krti for today is “anduNDakane vega” by SrI tyAgarAja swami in raagam pantuvarALi.


SrI sadguru swami adopts a nAyaki bhAvam and expresses his intense longing to re-unite with his lord in moving verses in this composition. This type of the highest form of bhakti is known as avirAha bhakti and is also evident in many AzhwAr paasurams.


Audio of the kriti as rendered by Smt Geetha is provided as link in the content below.



Oppiliappan Koil V. Sadagopan






SrI raghunandana parabrahmaNe namaH

krti 10

Song anduNDakanE vEga

raaga pantuvarALi


In the krti 'anduNDaknE vEga' – rAga pantuvarALi/Kaamavardhini,SrI tyAgarAja depicts how prahlAda pleads with the Lord to be near him always. This krti is from the dance-drama 'prahlAda bhakta vijayaM'.



and(u)NDakanE vEga vaccedan(a)ni nApain-(A)na peTTi pOrA



mandara dhara nIv(A)ptulatO kUDi

maracitE(y)Emi sEtunE O rAghava (andu)


caraNam 1:

kanavalen(a)nu vELa lEkunna kannIru

kAluvagA pArunE

inakul(A)dhipa nIvu rAnu tAmasamaitE-

(n)illu vAkili(y)aunE O rAghava (andu)


caraNam 2

nirupum(A)nanda zayyapai lEk(u)NTE

nimiSamu yugamaunE

paramAtma nIvu kAnaka bhramasina vELa

parulu navvuTakaunE O rAghava (andu)

caraNam 3

parama bhaktiyu nA prAyamul(e)lla danujula

pAlugA pOnaunE

varada SrI tyAgarAj(A)rcita pada yuga

vAridhi mundara nE O rAghava (andu)



O Lord who supported the Mandara Mountain on your back! O Lord rAghava! O King of Solar race! O Incomparable Lord! O Supreme Lord! O Bestower of Boons!


O Lord who's Lotus Feet are worshipped by tyAgarAja!


You leave after swearing by me, in front of Lord of Oceans, that 'I shall come fast and not remain there'. What shall I do if You forget me (by remaining) in the company of those dear to You (in SrI VaikunTham)?


At that time when I am desirous of beholding You, if You are not there, tears will flow down my cheeks in a stream-like fashion; if there is delay in Your arrival, I will have no security.


If You are not found on the couch of bliss, every minute will seem like an eon; when I am in bewildered (perplexed) state not finding You, others would happen to deride me. (If You do not remain with me,) my supreme devotion would experience demoniac swings.


Word-by-word Meaning


P You leave (pOrA) after swearing (Ana peTTi) by me (nApaina) (literally on me) (napainAna) that (ani) 'I shall come (vaccedanu) (vaccedanani) fast (vEga) and not remain there (anduNDakanE)'.

A O Lord who bore (dhara) mandara Mountain on your back! What (Emi) shall I do (sEtunE) if You (nIvu) forget (maracitE) (maracitEyEmi) me (by remaining) in the company (kUDi) of those dear (AptulatO) (nIvAptulatO) to You? O rAghava! You leave after swearing by me that 'I shall come fast and not remain there'.


C 1 At that time (vELa) when I am desirous (kanavalenu anu) (kanavalenanu) of beholding You, if You are not there (lEkunna), tears (kannIru) will flow (pArunE) like a stream (kAluvagA); O King (adhipa) of Solar (ina) race (kula) (inakulAdhipa)! if there is delay (tAmasamaitE) in Your (nIvu) arrival (rAnu), I will have no security (illu vAkiliyaunE) (tAmasamaitEnillu) (literally the house will be empty); O rAghava! You leave after swearing by me that 'I shall come fast and not remain there'.


C 2 O Incomparable Lord (nirupama)! If You are not found (lEkuNTE) on the couch (sayyapai) of bliss (Ananda) (nirupamAnanda), every minute (nimiSamu) will seem like an aeon (yugamaunE) to me; O Supreme Lord (paramAtma)! when (vELa) I am in bewildered (perplexed) (bhramasina) not finding (kAnaka) You (nIvu), others (parulu) would deride (navvuTakaunE) me and make fun of me; O rAghava! You leave after swearing by me that 'I shall come fast and not remain there'.

C 3 (If You do not remain with me,) my supreme (parama) devotion (bhaktiyu) would happen to go (pOnaunE) to the share (pAluga) of the demons (danujulu) throughout (ella) (literally all) my (nA) life (prayamulu ella) (literally age) (prAyamulella); O Bestower of Boons (varada)! O Lord whose Lotus Feet (pada yuga) are worshipped (arcita) by tyAgarAja (tyAgarAjArcita)! O rAghava! You leave after swearing by me in front of (mundara) Lord of Oceans (vAridhi) that 'I (nE) shall come fast and not remain there'.


General - rAga pantuvarALi - In the book of TSV/AKG, the rAga is given as 'kAmavardhini'.


P – anduNDakanE – the word 'andu' (there) means 'vaikuNTha'.


A – AptulatO – this is how it is given all books other than that of TKG, where it is given as 'AptulalO'. In the present context, 'AptulatO' is the appropriate word; accordingly, it has been adopted.


C1 – illu vAkili – This is a colloquial usage which means 'there will be no security'.


C3 – vAridhi mundaranE – Lord of Ocean as a witness.

Additional Comments By SrI V Sadagopan:

This kriti was composed by saint tyAgarAja, when he was experiencing a higher state of bhakti decribed as avirAha sakti. Here the sAdhakan experiences viraha tApam (anguish from separation for "her" Master). AzhwArs used to experience avirAha sakti and wail out loud, when the Lord left them after union with them. Their viraha tApam was unbearable. They felt dejected and hopeless. They tried to comfort themselves by reflecting on the promises made and the pleasures experienced in the company of their Lord. Alas, all of these only intensified the pain. tirumangai AzhwAr's pAsurams in this mood as parakAla nAyaki at the ocean side at tiruppullANi kshEtram and ANDAL's sufferings looking for Her Lord, who disappeared are classic examples of such sufferings, when avirAha sakti takes over. ANDAL would seek anything associated with the Lord's sacred body like the tuLasi from His garland to hold and to comfort Her.

The other kritis of saint tyAgarAja in this state of suffering from separation are:

1 thoDi rAgam: "yentu dhAgi nADO? yeedaku raa nEnnaDu daya vacchunO?" Here, Swamy asks his mind: "where has He hidden Himself? When will He have compassion to come to me? It must be the consequences of my poorva janma paapams that He has hidden Himself away from me.

2. gauLipantu rAgam: "yenta paapinaiti nEmi sEyudhu haayElAgu dhALudhunE O Raama". My dear Lord has disappered. What a sinner I must be to deserve this. How am I going to bear His separation from me? He is my Life force and I performed AarAdhanam for Him with great ecstasy. Having treated me with great vaatsalyam before, he has now decided to tease me with a cruel mind. What a sinner I am?

3. husEni rAgam: "yEmani vEgintunE SrI RaamA?." Oh RaamA !" How can I continue with my life and endure the pain now that You who treated me with such endearing affection have abandoned me like a complete stranger?


4. rItigauLai rAgam: "nannu viDachi kadhalakurA Raamayya vadhalakurA". Oh Raamaa! do not leave me alone and go away. I can not stand your separation even for half a minute. You are my treasure. This body is Your sotthu (property). Please protect me and do not leave me even for a second.


5. yadukula kAmbhOji rAgam: "celaminE jalaakshu? jEpparayyaa meeru" - "Oh BhakthAs! Have You seen my Lord? Pray tell me. He is the One displaying a bow and arrow in His hand. His glances are filled with dayaa. Due to separation from Him, my body is so weakened. I have lost my mind to His soundharyam. I consider Him as my dearest friend. Please help me in getting rid of my sorrow by revealing where He is." This is similar to ANDAL asking her friends about Her Lord's whereabouts in a state of anguish caused by His disappearance.


In today's pantuvaraaLi kriti set in the mood of the nAyaki's viraha tApam and consequent soul-searing pain, tyAgarajA swami states that he is bewildered and totally lost. He says that "his" bed and house are empty and the Lord's absence even for a minute looks like the passage of a yugam. He begs the Lord to return and spare him from the derision of the neighbors and relatives as a result of "his" misfortune. The intense madhura bhAvam of a forlorn nAyaki is displayed here.






NOTE: Those who prefer to have a PDF or WORD document copy of this write-up can download either of the format from the following links:WORD doc:







Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


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