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tyAgarAja_kritis_ series - krti for today - krti12 - anuragamuleni- raaga sarasvati

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Dear rAma bhaktAs:


The krti for today is “anuragamulenii” by SrI tyAgarAja swami in raagam sarasvati. In the Sarasvathi rAga kriti of "anurAgamulEni", Saint tyAgarAja focuses on the delights accrued by one who displays true bhakti to the Lord and meditates on His divya mangaLa vigraham. Sarasvathy rAgam is a ShADava-ShADava rAgam (with 6 notes in ascending order and 6 notes in the descending order). This is a janya rAgam of the 64th MeLa Raagam, vAchaspati.


Audio of the krti as rendered by the renowned vidwan Palghat SrI K V Narayanaswamy is provided as link in the content below.



Oppiliappan Koil V. Sadagopan






SrI raghunandana parabrahmaNe namaH

krti 12

Song anurAgamulEni manasuna

rAga sarasvati


In the krti 'anurAgamu lEni manasuna' – rAga sarasvati SrI tyAgaraja states that the bliss of saguNa dhyAnam can be understood by a jnAni.


anurAgamu lEni manasuna

su-jnAnamu rAdu



(e)rukE kAni (anu)


vaga vagagA bhujiyincE

vAriki trptiyau rIti

saguNa dhyAnamu paini

saukhyamu tyAgarAja nuta (anu)



O Lord Praised by this tyAgarAja! To that person's mind, which has no divine love (towards the Lord), real knowledge will not be attainable. Only such great personages, who are inward looking, have this (real) knowledge. In the same manner as satiation is experienced by those who taste varieties of food items, so is the comfort (experienced) in meditation on Lord with form (qualities).


Word-by-word Meaning

P To that person's mind (manasuna), which has no (lEni) divine love (towards the Lord) (anurAgamu), real knowledge (sujnAnamu) will not be attainable (rAdu) (literally come).

A Only such great personages (ghanulaina), who are inward looking (antara-jnAnuluku), have this (real) knowledge (eruka) (ghanulainayantarajnAnulakerukE); otherwise (kAni), to that person's mind which has no divine love, real knowledge will not be attainable


C In the same manner (rIti) as satiation is experienced (trptiyau) by those (vAriki) who taste (bhujiyincu) (literally eat) varieties (vaga vagagA) of food items, so is the comfort (saukhyamu) (experienced) in (paini) (literally on) meditation (dhyanamu) on Lord with form (qualities) (sa-guNa); O Lord Praised by this tyAgarAja! real knowledge cannot be attained by one in whose mind there is not divine love towards the Lord.



P – anurAgamu - The following couplet from nArada bhakti sUtra is relevant –


sA tvasmin paramaprEmarUpA || 2 ||


Meaning: That (Divine Love) is of the nature of supreme Love of God.


amrtasvarUpA ca || 3 ||


Meaning: And in its own intrinsic nature, Divine Love is nothing less than the immortal bliss of freedom (mukti) itself, which comes unsolicited by the grace of God and by self sacrifice.


yallabdhvA pumAN siddhO bhavati

amrtO bhavati trptO bhavati || 4 ||


Meaning: Gaining that, man realizes his perfection and divinity and becomes thoroughly contended.


yat jnAtvA mattO bhavati stabdhO bhavati

AtmArAmO bhavati || 6 ||


Meaning: Realizing that, man becomes intoxicated and fascinated, as it were, because he is completely immersed in the enjoyment of the bliss of the Atman, the truest and highest self.


anirvacanIyam prEmasvarUpam || 51 ||


Meaning: The intrinsic nature of love is incapable of being described precisely.


tat prApya tadEva avalOkati tadEva sruNOti

tadEva bhASayati tadEva cintayati || (55) ||


Meaning: Attaining that (prEma svarUpaM – intrinsic nature of Love) one sees and hears only that and thinks only that


(translations for the above couplets by Swami Tyagaisananda)


Ramakrishna Paramahamsa illustrates 'single minded love' (anurAga) through a story about Hanuman. "Once Hanuman came to Dwaraka and wanted to see Sita and Rama. Krishna said to Rukmini, His queen, 'You had better assume the form of Sita; otherwise there will be no escape from the hands of Hanuman" (because Rama and Sita were Hanuman's chosen ideals).


A – antara-jnAnulaku – this is how it is given in the book of CR and ATK. However, in the books of TKG and TSV/AKG, it is given as 'antar-jnAnulaku'. As per Sanskrit Dictionary, 'antarajna' is the appropriate form. This needs to be checked. Any suggestions???


A – eruka – Same as 'su-jnAna' given in pallavi.


C – saguNa dhyAnamu paini saukhyamu – The satiation experienced by the one who tasted varieties of food items cannot be expressed; so also the comfort derived from the meditation on the Lord with form (qualities) cannot be expressed. It is only to be experienced. Please see nArada bhakti sUtra - SlOka 4 – 'trptO bhavati' (contended) – and SlOka 51 - 'anirvacanIyam' – (not possible to describe).

Additional Comments By SrI V Sadagopan:

This kriti about Bhakti-MahAtmyam is set in the form of an upadEsam to the world. The saint who recited (mantra Avrutti) 96 crore times of Sri Raama Mantram by the age 38 states that the mind devoid of love (bhakti) will not be blessed with dhivya Jn~Anam. The saint of ThiruvayyARu states that saguNa dhyAnam of the Lord will yield immense peace and happiness.


In many mAnasa sambhOdana kritis, he will point out that devotion to the Lord and bhaAgavata satsangam is the cure for samsAra dOshams. In the SaavEri raga Kriti, "SamsAraulaitE naimaiyaa?", tyAgarAja swAmigaL stated that it (samsAric afflictions) matters little if a samsAri lives with firm faith in the Lord, joins the company of the Lord's devotees (bhAgavatAs) and surrender all their karmAs at the sacred feet of the Lord.


In another Maanasa SambhOdhana kriti, he will counsel his mind to take the royal road of unwavering bhakti to Lord rAmachandran and perform rAma nAma japam and stay away from the bylanes (perishable sukhams) of life. He gave this upadEsam in the KharaharapriyA kriti, "Chakkani rAjamArgamu luNDaga sandhula dhUranEla? O ManasA?".


In the Balahamsa kriti, "ika gAvalasina dhEmi manasA? sukhamuna nunDavadhEmi?", he will counsel his mind: Oh Mind! when the most compassionate Lord is standing next to you,what more do you want in this life? Why are you not contented?


tyAga brahmam will continue in the mode of celebration of bhakti mahimai in the thOdi kriti "Emi jesitEnemi? SrI rAmaswami karuNa lEni vArilalO?". Of what use is your house, wife, kingdom and palaces, when you are not blessed with the grace of SrI rAmA?


In the Sarasvathi rAga kriti of "anurAgamulEni", Saint tyAgarAja focuses on the delights accrued by one who displays true bhakti to the Lord and meditates on His divya mangaLa vigraham. Sarasvathy rAgam is a ShADava-ShADava rAgam (with 6 notes in ascending order and 6 notes in the descending order). This is a janya rAgam of the 64th MeLa Raagam, vAchaspati. The rendering of the Saraswati rAga Kriti in jala taranga vAdhyam (water cup music) by Aanaymapatti vidhvAn is a treat to listen to.


Please enjoy the audio of "anurAgamuleni" kriti rendered by vidwan Palaghat SrI K V Narayanaswamy from the link below:





rAma dAsan

Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


NOTE: Those who prefer to have a PDF or WORD document copy of this write-up can download either of the format from the following links:WORD doc:






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