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SrI tyAgarAja kriti 3 - adi kAdu bhajana- yadukulakAmbhOji Raga

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Respectful Swamin, the audio of this kriti 3 is not available for downloading as

indicated in this posting. adiyEn will be grateful if you can send me the audio


All these postings on SrI tyAgarAja kritis are very fine. Only adiyEn is able to

go thorugh them one by one. As adiyEn was going back for downloading them, this

audio was missing. The rest are being downloaded.

1,3,7 & 8 are untraceable for me. Pl.guide me to see them also except 3 for

which only audio is not available.



anbil SrInivAsan



Oppiliappan , " Dr.V.Sadagopan " <yennappan wrote:


> SrI:


> SrI rAmacandra parabrahmaNe namaH




> Kriti 3


> Song adi kAdu bhajana


> Raaga yadukulakAmbhOji






> In the kRiti ‘adi kAdu bhajana’ †" rAga yadukulakAmbhOji, SrI tyAgarAja

warns his mind to beware of those who pretend to chant names of Lord.






> Pallavi




> adi kAdu bhajana manasA




> Anupalalvi




> edalOn(e)JcuT(o)kaTi


> payyeda kalginacon(o)kaTi (adi)




> Charanam




> goppa tanamukai(y)Asa


> kutsita viSaya pipAsa


> meppulakai bahu vEsam(i)Di


> ubbatilledaru tyAgarAja vinuta (adi)




> Gist




> O Lord praised by this tyAgarAja!


> O My mind! That is not chanting of names of Lord.


> To think something in the mind and something else happening outside -that is

not chanting of names of Lord.


> People swell (with pride) by donning many garbs for the sake of fame while

still nurturing desire for greatness and thirst for despicable sense objects.


> Word-by-word Meaning






> P O My mind (manasA)! That (adi) is not (kAdu) chanting (bhajana) of

names of Lord.




> A To think (encuTa) something (okaTi) in the mind (edalOna) (literally

heart) (edalOnencuTokaTi) and something else (okaTi) happening (kalginaco)

(kalginaconokaTi) outside (payyeda) - O My mind! that is not chanting of names

of Lord.




> C People swell (ubbatilledaru) by donning (iDi) many (bahu) garbs (vEsamu)

(vEsamiDi) for the sake of fame (meppulakai) while still nurturing desire (Asa)

for greatness (goppa tanamukai) (tanamukaiyAsa) and thirst (pipAsa) for

despicable (kutsita) sense objects (viSaya); O Lord praised (vinuta) by this

tyAgarAja! O My mind! that is not chanting of names of Lord.






> Notes †"




> A †" payyeda †" This literally means the outer garment of girls thrown

over shoulders.




> Additional Comments By SrI V Sadagopan:



> This kriti is set in the asat bhakti garhaNa mood, where Swamy denounces

defective devotion, bare learning seeking miraculous powers thru seeking siddhis

like aNimA, Mahimaa. lagumaa et al. This is also a Maanasa SambhOdhanam kriti,

where he has a conversation with his own mind.




> In this kriti, Swamy distinguishes between the kind of bhakti extended in a

tranquil manner without expectation of any returns and the pompous kind of

bhakti with an impure mind focused on external objects. He asserts that a true

bhajana and Bhagavad AarAdhanam is not aimed at seeking greatness and thirsting

for material things and sensual enjoyments. Swamy condemns these kinds of asad

bhakti done for the approbation of onlookers. He criticizes pOli bhagavathAs and

VeshadhAris, who put on flase garbs and crave for recognition. ThyagarAja Swamy

was a model of one with parama vairAgyam and lived a simple life thru seeking

alms on the streets of ThiruvayyARu thru Unchivrutthi bhajanAs about the glories

of Raama nAmam. He has defined a true bhaktA and his attributes in his Bhakta

LakshaNa kritis such as " ataDE dhanyuDurA oh Manasaa " set in raaga kaapi, where

he states that only the one who constantly meditates on the Lotus feet of SrI

raama and who unflaggingly engage himself in naama sankeertana to his heart's

delight is the blessed one (dhanyan). In the bhaktuni charitramu set in begada

raagam, Swamy defines the lakshaNams of a Sadh bhaktan this way: " He (the

bhaktA) should not boast of having done japa and tapas; he should not behave and

speak with a hypocrite's mentality; he should not wander about with the ambition

that there should be no equal to him; he should not be fickle-minded and be

deluded by his attachment to wife and children; ---- he should not earn a living

by posing that he is the only honest and qualified man in the world; he should

not allow himself to be unmindful of the blessed feet of Sri Rama, the prop of

AnjanEya; he should not allow himself to be swayed by rAjasic and tAmasic

qualities; he should not expect the Lord's grace without earning and deserving

it; he should never forget SrI raama, the king Supreme " .




> Coming back to the Asad-bhakti-garhaNa kritis, there are many. In the Sahaana

kriti " UrakE galgunA Raamuni Bhakti? " , Swami states that Raama Bhakti can not be

realized by those who have tAmasa and rAjasa guNams that makes them covet

worldly life.




> In a long kriti with charaNams set in MadhyamAvati rAgam (NaLina lOchana ninnu

gAka yanylanammi narajanma meeDErunA?), Swami has many upadEsams on asadh

bhakti. He invokes many analogies to drive home his upadEsam thru some

rhetorical questions: " However much you may manure and sow a barren land, will

it yield anything?; If one does spurious contemplation like a crane, will his

object (of attaining salavation) be fulfilled? If you grow nice-looking

silk-cotton trees, will they yield sweet fruits? " .




> In an AbhOgi rAga kriti relating to Asadh Bhakti GarahaNam made famous by

GhAna KalAdhara Madhurai MaNi Iyer (Manasu nilpa Sakti lEka pOtE madhura ghaNDa

virula pooja yEmi jEyunu?), Swami asks: " If one is unable to control and

concentrate his mind, will any amount of worship with sweet bell and flower

conducted by him be of any avail? How can a bath in KavEri or the Ganga save

one, if one is eaten up with arrant haughtiness?-----If a man who is a slave to

lust and anger does tapas, will such tapas save him? " .




> Let us now listen to today's Asadh Bhakti GarhaNa kriti, " adhi kaadhu bhajana,

ManasA! " sung by TiruchUr Raamachandran, a well known disciple of Sangeetha

KalAnidhi, Sri G.N.BalasubramaNyam:






> http://www.ibiblio.org/sadagopan/tyagaraja_kritis_project/audio/adhi_kadhu.mp3






> namO SrI rAghavAya !




> dAsan,


> Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


> NOTE: Those who prefer to have a PDF or WORD document copy of this write-up

can download either of the format from the following links:




> WORD doc:






> PDF:




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