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Tyagaraja Kriti Series- krti for today - Aparadhamulanu orva Raga rasali

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SrI rAmacandraparabrahmaNe namaH


Song aparAdhamulanOrva

Raga rasALi



In the kRti ‘aparAdhamulanOrva’ – rAga rasALi, SrI tyAgarAja prays to Lord to forgive him for his transgressions and protect him as He has done for others.


aparAdhamulan(O)rva samayamu kRpa jUDumu ghanamaina nA



capala cittuDai manas(e)rugakanE jAli beTTukoni moralan(i)Du (aparAdha)



sakala lOkula phalamulan(e)rigi saM-rakSiJcucun(u)NDaga nann(o)kani

brOva teliya kIrtana Satakam(o)narcu tyAgarAja nuta nA (aparAdha)



O Lord praised by this tyAgarAja who has composed hundred(s) of kIrtana in Your praise! It is time that You pardoned my severe offences; being fickle minded, I have come to grief unawares; I now appeal to You; please show mercy on me.

You protect nicely all the people according to the fruits of their actions; don’t know to protect me alone?


Word-by-word Meaning

P It is time (samayamu) that You pardoned (Orva) (literally tolerate) my (nA) severe (ghanamaina) offences (aparAdhamulanu) (aparAdhamulnOrva); please show (jUDumu) mercy (kRpa) on me.

A It is time that You pardoned my severe offences who being fickle (capala) minded (cittuDai), having come to grief (jAli beTTukoni) unawares (manasu erugakanE) (literally mind not knowing), and now appeals (moralaniDu) to You; please show mercy on me.

C O Lord praised (nuta) by this tyAgarAja who has composed (or is composing) (onarcu) (literally to make) hundred(s) (Satakamu) (Satakamonarcu) of kIrtana in Your praise!

While You are (uNDaga) protecting nicely (saM-rakSiJcucunu) (saMrakSiJcucunuNDaga) all (sakala) the people (lOkula) according (erigi) (literally knowing) to the fruits of their actions (phalamulanu) (phalamulanerigi), don’t You know (teliya) to protect (brOva) me (nannu) alone (okani) (nannokani)?

It is time that You pardoned my (nA) severe offences; please show mercy on me.


Notes –


General – The alternative rAgas given in the book of TKG are – vaNALivanAvaLi.


P – aparAdhamulanOrva – this is how it is given in the book of TKG and TSG/AKG. However, in the book of CR, this is given as ‘aparAdhamulanunOrva’. This needs to be checked. Any suggestions???

Additional Comments By SrI V Sadagopan:

This kriti set in RasALi raagam is a dhainyOkti mood and it can also be classed under an aparAdha KshAmaNm mode for SwamigaL’s trespasses against Bhagavath sAstrams. This Raagam is a jnaya raagam of the fourth mELam, Vanaspati and is alternatively called VanAvaLi or krajAvaLi. The arOhaNa avarOhaNam have been given as: sa Ri ma pa dha ni sa ; sa dha pa ma ri sa.


Swami is in a mood of resigning himself to linking the unavailability of the Lord’s grace on him to his past trespasses and seeks the Lord’s Kshamaa (forgivance). He begs the Lord to protect him and not to abandon him since the Lord is the only refuge for him.


This RasaaLi kriti is included in the group of kritis seeking Lord’s pardon for aparAdhams such as:

(1) Raama SeethArAma –SankharAbaharaNam, where ThyAgarAja SwamigaL requests the Lord to protect him with His eyes closed. "I am despondent. Please take me by Your hand".

(2) Nee Daya rAvalOgAka--ThOdi Raaga kriti known for its many dhivya naamAs of the Lord, where he admits the Lord’s grace must happen with His own sankalpam

(3) The famous KeervANi kriti, Kaligi yuntE GadhA galgunu?: Here Swamy hastens to apologize to the Lord for his hasty reproach for not protecting him and admits that His grace can be realized only by those who have earned it

(4) DayalEni BratukEmi? in Naayaki rAgam: Swamy points out that the life one leads—short or long—is without substance unless it is blessed with the Lord’s grace.

(5) In the Bhairavi kriti, Tanyuni BrOva janai vacchunO talli vaddha BaaluDU BhOnO?, SwamigaL rolls out a rhetorical question at the Lord: Does the Mother rush to the child to protect it or does the child run to its mother for protection?

(6) In the Bilahari Raaga Kriti showing his gratefulness over the Lord’s protection, Swamy states that the Lord’s grace alone enough compared to all the other pleasures in all the fourteen worlds

(7) In his Kaapi rAga krti, meevalla guNa dhOsha mEmi? Sri Raama!, ThyAgarAja SwamigaL asks: Why blame You for my lot? It is all my karmas that got me here

(8) In the Kannada raga kriti, NinnADa nEla NeerajAsha!, ThyAgarAja SwamigaL once again admits that one’s lot is directly linked to one’s own karmas and it is not right to blame the Lord or others for one’s samsAric sufferings

(9) In the MaNirangu kriti, Raanidhi rAdhu surAsurulakaina, Swamy points out the power of one’s karmas and states that what is not happening will not happen even if one is a dEvan or asuran. In all these kritis, the underlying mood is one of penitence, Dhainyam and prayer for the Lord’s grace to lift him out of his miseries.


AzhwArs and AchAryAs have expressed their nirVedhams and regrets over their naiccchiyam in a heart-rending manner in their SrI Sooktis and have sought the Lord’s dayaa. Swamy Desikan will describe himself as an AparAdha Chakravarti, while identifying the Lord’s Dayaa as the most powerful guNam to nullify his trespasses.



Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan



Flute recital:



Rendering by Sri Madurai Mani Iyer:



Rendering by Smt Sudha Raghunathan



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