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Tyagaraja Kriti Series- krti for today - Anyayamu Raga Kapi

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SrI rAmacandraparabrahmaNe namaH


Song anyAyamu

Raga kApi



In the kRti ‘anyAyamu sEyakurA’ – rAga kApi, SrI tyAgarAja pleads with Lord not to be unfair with him.


anyAyamu sEyakurA rAma

nann(a)nyuniga jUDakurA nAyeDa rAma




ennO tappulu gala vArini rAjanya

nIvu brOcinAvu ganukanu (anyAya)



jaDa bharatuDu jiGka SiSuvun(e)tti baDalika dIrcaga lEdA

kaDalini munigina girin(o)ka kUrmamu kApADaga lEdA

puDamini pANDava drOhini dharma putruDu brOvaga lEdA

naDimi prAyamuna tyAgarAja nuta nA pUrvaju bAdha dIrpa lEn(a)ni (anyAya)




O Lord SrI rAma! O King! O Lord praised by this tyAgarAja! Please do not do injustice to me; please do not look at me as an alien. You had earlier protected those who had numerous faults; therefore, please do not do injustice to me.

Didn’t jaDa bharata relieve the fatigue of the frightened fawn by taking it into his fold? Didn’t a tortoise save the mountain mandara which submerged into the sea? Didn’t, in this Earth, yudhiSThira save duryOdhana who was treacherous to pANDavas? please do not do injustice to me during my middle ages (by saying) that ‘I shall not relieve the troubles’ created by my elder brother.


Word-by-word Meaning

P O Lord SrI rAma! Please do not do (sEyakurA) injustice (anyAyamu) to me (nAyeDa); O Lord SrI rAma! please do not look at (jUDakurA) me (nannu) as an alien (anyuniga) (nannanyuniga).

A O King (rAjanya)! You (nIvu) had earlier protected (brOcinAvu) those (vArani) who had (gala) numerous (ennO) faults (tappulu); therefore (ganukanu),

O Lord SrI rAma! please do not do injustice to me; O Lord SrI rAma! please do not look at me as an alien.

C Didn’t (lEdA) jaDa bharata (bharatuDu) relieve (dIrcaga) the fatigue (baDalika) of the frightened fawn (jiGka zizuvu) by taking (etti) (SiSuvunetti) it into his fold?

Didn’t (lEdA) a (oka) tortoise (kUrmamu) save (kApADaga) the mountain mandara (giri) (girinoka) which submerged (munigina) into the sea (kaDalini)?

Didn’t (lEdA), in this Earth (puDamini), yudhiSThira – son (putruDu) of yama (dharma) – save (brOvaga) duryOdhana – who was treacherous (drOhi) to pANDavas?

O Lord praised (nuta) by this tyAgarAja! O Lord SrI rAma! please do not do injustice to me during my middle (naDimi) ages (prAyamuna) (by saying) that (ani) ‘I shall not (lEnu) (lEnani) relieve (dIrpa) the troubles’ (bAdha) created by my (nA) elder brother (pUrvaju).


Notes –


P – This is the version given in all the books other than that of TKG, wherein, the words ‘nannu’ and the word ‘rAma’ at the end of pallavi are not found.

A – enno tappulu gala – sugriva is one such person who received Lord’s grace in spite of his faults.

C – jaDa bharata – The story of bharata and jaDa bharata appears in SrImad bhAgavataM, Book 5, Chapters 7 to 14; the story of fawn reared by bharata appears in ibid, Chapter 8.

C – kUrmamu – Refers to kUrmAvatAra of Lord viSNu.

C – pANDava drOhi – In the book of TKG, this has been taken to mean ‘aSvattAma’ son of drONAcArya. In other books, this has been taken to mean ‘duryOdhana’.

The story of aSvattAma slaying all the sons of pANDavAs and ultimately letting off brahmAstra to destroy the pANDava race, is contained in mahAbhArata – Book 10, sauptika parva – Chapters 3 to 17. For the complete story, please visit website – http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m10/index.htm

C – pANDava drOhi – In my humble opinion, the story relates to yudhiSThira coming to the rescue of duryOdhana, karNa and their army when the latter were vanquished by gandharvas in a battle at dvaitavana where pANDavas were staying during their exile. The story appears in mahAbhArata – Book 3 – vana parva -ghOSa yAtra parva – Chapters 234 to 244.

Additional Comments By SrI V Sadagopan :


This kriti arises from the amarsha rOsha rOshOkti mood, where Sadhguru discusses the nyAyam and anyaayam aspects of the Lord’s treatment accorded to him. Our Sadhguru was reeling from the pains caused by his elder brother and was appealing to the Lord not to be indifferent to him by treating him as a stranger. Swami cites many instances, where the lord has overlooked the misdeeds of many and has come to their rescue. He reminds the Lord that much of his youth was spent in serving the Lord as an antaranga bhaktan and begs the Lord not to abandon him to undergo the sufferings from the abuses by his elder brother during his middle years. There was a time, when the elder brother threw away in the Cauvery river floods the AarAdhana Moorthys of his younger brother. Swamy felt heart broken at the loss of his ArAdhana Moorthys and composed some of the poignant kritis expressing his deep sorrow over the loss.


Sri ThyAgarAja SwamigaL has also chosen Kaapi rAgam, a jnayam of the HarikAmbhOji mELam for additional moving ktitis : Inta Soukhyamani, Meevalla guNa dhOshamEmi, Raama Paahi mEgaSyAma paahi guNa dhAma mAm paahi O Raama and this kriti( anyAyamu ).


This rightful indignation at the Lord is expressed in other kritis of SwamigaL, when he felt overwhelmed by the sense of abandonment by the Lord. In distress and despondency, he will cry out thru kritis like “Raama! lObhamEla nanu rakshimchu paDla nee kinta ( DharbhAr raagam), where he would ask the Lord: Oh Raama! Why are you so inconsiderate, when it comes to protecting me? Why have you deserted me now?


In the KaambhOji kriti made famous by the AalatthUr brothers, “Marimari nine moraliDa nee manasuna daya rAdhuâ€, Swamigal will ask: “Why do you neglect me, who is incessantly crying out for You? How come You are so heartless? I have heard about You rushing to rescue GajEndran, Dhruvan and PrahlAdhan. I can not understand Your indifference to meâ€.


In the NaarAyaNa GouLa raagam, “inkA daya rAguNDE yentani sairinturaaâ€, this mood of indignation persists and SwamigaL asks again:" Is this treatment of You right? Is it becoming of You? To whom can I appeal?â€


In the Mohana Raaga Kriti, “YevarUrA ninuvinA?â€, SwamigaL questions the Lord with uRimai: “Oh Light of my life! Why are you so unyielding? Who is there besides You for my protection? Am I a stranger to You? Am I such a loathsome object that makes You stay away from Me?â€.


In another Mohana Raaga Kriti, “Raama Raama Raama yaninanta rAjapu jUpElarA O Raama!â€, SwamigaL asks : “Oh Raama! I address You with parama vAtsalyam; You inturn are sultry and throw Your royalty at me. What kind of life is this being spurned by You? Have You, afterall, decided to deceive me by appearing to protect me and not protecting me? What kind of abhinayam is this?â€


In VaraLi raga kriti, “Sri Raama Srirama jitarAma gathakAmaâ€, Swamigal will ask: “Is Your mind hard like a stone? Do not act against Your family tradition. Where am I to go? I can not bear thisâ€.


These conversations between the Jeevan and ParamAtman is a stage in the Saadhana of an advanced Saadhakan. The ultimate goal ( PurushArtham) of the jeevan is the realization of the bliss of divine communion with ParamAtman. When the jeevan experiences serious obstacles in its Saadhanaa, the anguish becomes intense and the wailing of the Jeevan seeking the grace of the Lord is heart rending as revealed from the saahitya Vaakyams of Saint ThyAgarAja composed in the amarsha rOsha rOshOkti mood.


DhAsan, Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan

AUDIO:http://www.ibiblio.org/sadagopan/tyagaraja_kritis_project/audio/anyAyamu_kApi_Nedunuri.mp3 NOTE: Those who prefer to have a PDF or WORD document copy of this write-up can download either of the format from the following links: WORD doc: http://www.ibiblio.org/sadagopan/tyagaraja_kritis_project/word_docs/anyayamu_kapi.doc PDF: http://www.ibiblio.org/sadagopan/tyagaraja_kritis_project/pdf/anyayamu_kapi.pdf

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