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[VFA-members] Caste or Religion, which is important?

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Dear All,

I repeat once again what I have eloborately explained in VFA. Vedas are not religious books.The meaning of the word Veda is firsthand Selfacquired KNOWLWDGE not secondhand or Nth hand Knowledge.The Vedas should not be written or read it is AVAIDAKAM meaning Against Vedas.It should be chanted, heard and learnt .Since it is heard and learnt it is called SRUTI meaning That which is HEARD.The One should perform Rigirous Tapas meaning austrities self experience Vedas.If one is unable to Know oneself through Tapas one has to learn from areal Acharya the Vedas.The Ancient Rshis performed rigirous Tapas and selfexperienced the Vedas and handed down to us till date.The Puranas Ithihaasas allied literature have been interpolated since they were writtendown.iN THE RECENT PAST SAY 3000 years ago the Vedas which were strictly chanted heard and learnt have begun to be writtendown.Hence one

should not fix the date of Vedas based on the date they were writtendown which is a great blunder.Though the Vedas are writtendown luckly Vedas are not yet been interpolated till date.But current situation especially in VFA which claims to be an Vedic group the Vedasv may very well be in terpolated in nearb future by the so called Vedic scholars not only from VFA but outside VFA in general.Religion is a branch od Politics and has nothing to do with GOD.There are many kinds of religion example; Thiesm, Athiesm, Agnostism, Aphatheism,Sccularism, terrorissm etc.Hinduism is not a Religion Hinduism means Indianism.When Alexander of Macedonia invaded India in 323 BC his tutor Aristotle called the natives in the Land from Afganistan in the west to Vietnam in the east and from Himalayas in the North to Maldives in the South as Hindus and their land as Hindustan, meaning Land of the Hindus irrespective of caste creed, religion gebnderb etc.Later on When the

Arabs invaded India (i.e.) Mohmmad bin Kasim invaded India in712 AD the Arabs to differentiate themselves (i.e.) Muslimsfrom the natives in India called them as Hindus and and all their religions combined as Hinduism.which continues till date.So originally and even now the word Hindu means Indian and the word Hinduism means Indianism.Sanaatanadharma is not a religion.The nearest meaning of the word DHARMA is LAW OF NATURE in English.There is no synonym for the word DHARMA in any other language except Sanskrit.The word Sanaatana means Perpetual or Eternal hence the SANAATANADHARMA means PERPETUAL LAW OF NATURE.Anyone who follows DHARMA is is a Sanaatana Dharmi.There is nothing wrong in being an Atheist as far as he follows Dharma.One may belong to any religion it does not matter as far asa one follows Dharma One is a Sanaatanadharmi.Varna is Nature made and Religion is Man made.There aRE vARNAs meaning caste even among Animals, plants and

stonesetc.But all follow DHARMA only humans commit ADHARMA meaning Against DHARMA.Animals like Cattle, elephants, horses eats vegetarian they dont neat nnonvegetarian.Humand are also like Cattle elephants horses they must eat only Vegetarian food. For it is the Dharma of Humans to eat vegetarian food to eat non vegetarian food for humans is Adharma.Animals like Lion Tiger etc eat nonvegetarian food it is the Dharma of them to eat non vegetarian food.Lions tigers etc dont eat vegetarian food It is Adharma for them to eat nonvegetarian food.Varna means caste.casteism is an advance science which cannot be understood by ordinary humans.If one reas Vedas one cannot understand its true meaning.Vedas themselves declare ANANTHAH VAI VEDAAH meang Vedas are endless and infinite.Vedas are APAURUSHEYAM means not made by an y person n ot even by the Supreme BRAHMAN NAARAAYANA.Vedas are eternal and always exist.I dont follow any religion I am Vedic

Sanaatanadharmi.Even Hindus eat Nonveg food these days.they are not Sanaatanadharmis b ut ADHARMIS.One who eats nonvegetarian food is called a MLECHCHAin the Vedic civilization.The word Mlechcha means Mean or Low.Even a Brahmin who eats Nonvegetarian is a Mlechcha..


website: www.vedascience.com

Dhananjay Deodhar <dsdeodhar1Re: [VFA-members] Caste or Religion, which is important?VFA-members Cc: "Balaji Sagar" <bala6_19Saturday, October 3, 2009, 12:07 PM






I feel that neither religion nor cast, but it is needed to recognise & preach

"Value's,Truth' s,Samskar' s" which are "Shashwat" or ever-lasting.

From world wide history of various nations,communities it can be noted that ....


1] Sumerian, Akkerian civilizations exstiguished from world map,as same

lost adherance to any values.Like wise Parsi community in India may

exstiguished tomrrow for similar reasons.

2] Different revolutions broke tradtional systems, but created "new


French revolution, American revolution, Russian revolution etc. led to

emerge "Democracy" ," Communism" which again created new social

order or in other words "new casts".

Scientific invenstions & concurrent industrial revolution thereafter in Europe,

created "new cast's" like"Capitalist, Industrialist, Executives, labouers etc.

3] In Bharat different sects emerged since ancient times, and sects like

Budhhism,Jainism believe that their sect is new religion. But still all co-exist

in Bharat from ages.

4] Hinduism teaches that "birth's after birth's soul of individual

continuosly progresses towards higher attainment as per

its Sadhana, Karma, Sacrifice".

It can be noted that great master's,yogi' s,saints, great creator's,

etc. not belong to any perticular cast or religion. It is because of

purity and higher attainment their soul.


Swami Dayanand Sarswati founder of Arya Samaj not only critised cast system, but also same time Arya Samaji's paid lot efforts to spread,propogate "Vedic Samskar's to all categories of society, in the period after 1890's.

It also saved conversion of well educated Hindus under influence of Western

progress & oppressed Hindus as they got recognision as respectable Hindu.


Your willingness to sacrifice is appreciable but as per example of Arya

Samaji's perhaps it is desirable to reach "Samskar" of thread to all

categories of Hindu society.


I may not be perfect in my opinion and understanding but tried to express it.





--- On Fri, 10/2/09, Balaji_ sagar <bala6_19 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:Balaji_ sagar <bala6_19 (AT) (DOT) co.in>[VFA-members] Caste or Religion, which is important?Friday, October 2, 2009, 7:49 PM








The postings in this forum have reached to great levels, that all of us need to express our thoughts clearly. Brahmins (by birth) who want to protect Hinduism and avoid its desecration, and the gross insults it is facing must ask a question to themselves:- "We become angry when a Hindu Dalit, or someone else from the lower caste gets converted to Christianity and Islam just to get social respect. Why don't we give that ourselves, so that they don't convert? Or else, what justice is it to become agitated when they convert?". It will look bitter, but unfortunately it is TRUE. I too was thinking of a Brahmin supremacy theory some months back, but recently this question was asked to me by a guy named Arun Maurya in the social networking site Orkut. The boy happens to be a Dalit, and quite surely is a follower of Dr.Ambedkar. After he spoke of all the insults he got, I took pity on him. He recently took to Buddhism earlier this year. He asked a question

openly in the forum:- "How many of you will invite a Dalit for performing a yajna at your home?". And believe me, out of the nearly 95,000 people in the community, I was the only person who replied:- "Yes, I will". No other person even bothered to answer. On talking to him further, he said:- "I am aware of all the injustice happening in India. Neither I nor Dr.Ambedkar wanted to see India as an Abrahamic country, which is why Dr.Ambedkar took to Buddhism, and not Christianity or Islam". It is said when Dr.Ambedkar announced that he will get converted in a month, Christian missionaries and Muslim mullahs flooded him to "harvest his soul". But none of our RSS or Sangh Parivar leaders approached him to change his mind.

We must be happy that Dr.Ambedkar chose Buddhism and not the Abrahamics.

I would like to ask a question:-

Who and which is better?

1. Buddhism OR the Abrahamics?

2. A Hindu/Buddhist India OR an Abrahamic India?

3. Dr.Ambedkar or EVR?


An even more insulting case:- It is said when Swami Vivekananda returned from the US after winning laurels at the World Parliament of Religions, none of our Shankaracharyas met him or spoke a word in praise of him. They never considered that he was a champion of Advaita and Sanatana Dharma, for which our revered Acharyas struggled so much in India alone, that this young man had laid a foundation in the West! Rather, they criticized him for having crossed the sea. Infact, Swami Vivekananda was not a Brahmin at all (by birth), as far as I have known. And to those critics he thus answered:- "I am a sannyasi, I am not bound by such rules and customs". Such was his genius!

And I am not someone who merely preaches and never follows in my own life. If tomorrow there is a situation, I am ready to sacrifice my sacred thread for the protection of Sanatana Dharma. I am serious.




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