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Sreeyam chru himsaayaam

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Dear Swamin


This jeevan's birth comes in this soil

This jeevan's birth ends in this soil (death)

Wherever jeevan goes from one Continent to other, the end is in this soil


As an infant, he could not protect himself from insects, cockroaches,house-flies,ants etc, It requires the fondly help of mother/father/relative/others

When he grows, he requires the help of parents/relatives/friends/teachers/others , to learn, to qualify as a better citizen, as a better son, as a better husband as a better father

( Where ever you see the word "he" add the word " she " also)


In the course of his journeyin his life, he earns to live, he earns to protect his family, save for himself and also for his family.

At one stage, he reaches the fag-end of his journey


Again, he is dependent on his wards( both son & daughter) , unable to withstand and fight the old-age diseases. He requires the help of his childreneven to walk justlike his tender-age( when his parents helped), to go to bed/toilet, . At one stage, due to very old age, he could not protect himself from insects, house-flies etc etc ( as an infant). This is life, life of everyone.


During this short span of life, he faces many sorrows/hurdles/ accusations from all people around himincluding his kith & kin

He also acts as "wolf", "cow", "tiger", "fox", etc, etcwith these people around him Selfishness to the core!He would go to any levelto get his desire fulfilled with utmost selfishness. In turn when he faces this selfishness among his children/relative, he hates it and alsothem

During this short span of life, he never attempted to think/understand fromwhere he came and towhich place he will go after death




One such person, dejected fullywith worldly affairs, took "manthrobadesam" to get rid of sorrows. Because of his dedicated , sincere and utmost bakthi and jabham , he attained some sort of power. He was taught that Sri Mahalakshmi, if prayed with full sincerity, will destroy his sorrows/sins.

" Sreeyam chru himsaayaam

During his prayer, he heard a heavenly voice. It was Sri Mahalakshmi's voice.


Hereafter conversation between him and Sri Mahalakshmi


Sree :--why are you praying?

He;--Oh, Piratti, I am praying you to forgive my sins

Sree;--What are these sins?

He;--They are countless

Sree;-- Tell some important sins

He;--Oh, Devi Mahalakshmi, you know all these better than me

Sree;--Yes, but I want to know these from your heart

He;--In one line, I can say " most selfish"

Everyday I lied several times. I am a liar always. I abused /ridiculed my acharyan, indirectly. I used to praise him using veiled abuse. I used to forget atoncethe help done to me by my parent/acharyan without any gratitude. I am indifferent to the people who helped me during my difficult times. I used to tease them instead,boasting myself. There are heaps and heaps of sins on my back

Sree;-- Enough. Do you realize that these are all unpardonable sins ?

He;--Yes, oh, my divine mother! Yet they can be pardoned by your Vathsalya on this jeevan

Sree;-- Can you promise that any sins will not be done by you again?

He;--I promise that I will not do any sins, will not even imagine to do sins, hereafter


Sri Mahalakshmi ,then advised himasto how to behave with others, how to respect others and how to run the life according to Sastras. Sri Mahalakshmi extended Her anugraham , asking him to increase his bakthi with Sri Baghavan to attain His lotus feet acting as " Purushakaara Boothai"


Every one in this world is not perfect . All are having bundles and bundles of sins and continue to do sins. But with dedicated bakthi towards Sri Mahalakshmi, thses sins can be destroyed. There are many many ways to show our bakthi. Helping the construction of a sannidhi to Her is one among them

Sarvam Sree Hayagreeva preeyathaamDasanUruppattur SoundararajanSrikainkarya

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