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sArasAram -- II (32)

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SrI sAra sAram


II – DvayAdhikAram (32)


The components of prapatti in the first part of dvaya mantram - 3



SwAmi DeSikan explains that prapatti also includes a prayer that the Lord be the means for mOksha:-

“upAyamAkap paRRukinREn†enkaiyAlE, “AtmAtmIyabharanyAsahâ€, “sakrudEva prapannasya krutyam naivAsti kincana†ityAdi-kaLiRpadiyE avvishyaththil kartavya-SEsha-nivrutti-hEtu-vAna bharanyAsa-mum ingE AkiRathu.

According to SwAmi DeSikan, when we consider the sentence, “caraNau SaraNam prapadyE†– “I hold the feet as the meansâ€, we find that the plea to the Lord for being the means is being made based on the intense faith in Him. In support, he refers to some pramANas, “AtmAtmIyabharanyAsahâ€, “sakrudEva prapannasya krutyam naivAsti kincana.â€

We shall consider them one by one:-

“AtmAtmIyabharanyAsah hyAtma-nikshEpa ucyatE /†(LakshmI tantram, 17-79)

Meaning:- The surrender of responsibility for one’s self and all belonging to him/her is called ‘Atma-nikshEpa’, that is, surrender of one’s self.

“SaraNam bhava dEvESa nAtha lakshmI-patE mama /

sakrudEva prapannasya krutyam naivAsti kincana //†(LakshmI tantram, 28-16)

Meaning:- ‘O Consort of LakshmI, be my protector!’ So saying when once the prapanna surrenders his self, there is nothing further for him to do.

These emphasize that the ‘mahAviSvAsa’ - intense faith – is a very important component of prapatti. When the jIva thus surrenders his self to the Lord with unshakable faith, he has nothing further to do.

SwAmi DeSikan refers to a couple of pramANas to stress that surrendering oneself is the main and ‘mahAviSvAsa’ etc. are the components of prapatti:-

“nyAsah pancAngasamyutaâ€, “anEnaiva tu mantrENa†ityAdikaLAlE bharanyAsa-mE angi ennumidum siddha-m.

Let us see the first pramANa in full:-

“ nikshEpAparaparyAyO nyAsah pancAngasamyutah /

samnyAsastyAga ityuktah SaraNAgatirityapi //â€, (LakshmI-tantram, 17-75)

Meaning:- NyAsa, which is synonymous with nikshEpa, has five components. It is also referred to as samnyAsa, tyAga or SaraNAgati.

This confirms the fact that surrender is the main means which has five components, as we discussed earlier.

Now, the next pramANa quoted by SwAmi DeSikan:-

“anEnaiva tu mantrENa svAtmAnam mayi nikshipEt /

mayi nikshipta-kartavyah krutakrutyO bhavishyati //†(sAtyaki tantram)

Meaning:- With this mantra one should surrender one’s self to Me. The one, who has surrendered to Me the responsibility of doing what should be done, becomes one who has accomplished his duty.

Thus, the surrender of the responsibility of protection (bhara-samarpaNa) should be chiefly thought of while uttering the dvaya mantra of prapatti.

SwAmi DeSikan concludes:-

“ityAdikaLAlE bharanyAsa-mE angi ennumidum siddha-m.

From the above and other such pramANas it is clear that the surrendering of the responsibility of protection to the Lord, that is, prapatti, is the principal means that has five components.


(To continue)


anbil S.SrInivAsan




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