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Sundarakandam - sloka by sloka translation-chapter1

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52. vimukthaaH thasya vegena

mukthvaa pushpaaNi the



avaSeeryantha salile nivrtthaaH suhrdho



The trees shedding flowers,

released with the speed of Hanuman, fell

down in the sea like the relatives returning.


the dhrumaaH

– those trees. dhru means to run, dhruvathi oorDhvam ithi dhruh,

that which runs upwards. dhruma

means oorDhvamSakhaa say ithi- that with branches upwards.


mukthvaa- shedding, from much-

to leave or give up


pushpaaNi- flowers

vimukthaaH – released. From

much with ni Same meaning as much


thasya vegena- by his speed


avaSeeryantha- fell down.


salile in water (of the



yaThaa- as


suhrdhaah- well wishers


nivrtthaaH- returning.


The well wishers and relatives are

supposed to accompany the one who is going on a long journey only upto the

water source if they want him to come back safely.




53.laghuthvena upapannam thath

vichithram saagare apathath


dhrumaaNaam viviDham pushpam



The flowers of various colours

from the trees fell into the sea by the wind created by the speed of Hanuman

due to their light weight.


vichithram viviDham pushpam- flowers of

various colours


dhrumaaNaam- of the trees


kapi vaayu sameeritham- flown by the

wind created by the speed of Hanumaan


laghuthvena upapannam- due to their

light weight


apathath fell. Past tense

of path to fall.


saagare- into the sea.

The ocean is called saagara after the king Sagara who cause the ocean to be dug.





54.pushpougheNa anubadDhena

naanaavarNena vaanaraH


babhou megha ivodhyan vai vidhyuthgaNa



By the flowers of different hues

that were sticking on him, Hanuman shone like a cloud rising up decorated with



VaanaraH- Hanumaan


babhou- shone. From bhaa

to shine


udhayan meghaH iva – like a rising



vibhooshitham-adorned with


vidhyuth gaNa- lightning


pushpoughena- the flowers . ogha here denotes that the

flowers were many.


naanaavarNena- of various



anubaddhena- sticking to





55 thasya veghasamaaDhoothaiH pushpaiH thoyam



tharaabhiH abhiraamaabhiH udhithaabhiH iva



By the flowers that flew by the

speed of hanuman and fell in it, the

sea looked like the blue sky adorned with the diamond-like stars.


pushpaiH – by the flowers


vegasamudDhoothaiH- flew from the



thasya- of Hanuman


thoya the water (of

the sea)


adhrsyatha- looked


ambaram iva like the sky


tharaabhiH- with the stars


udhithaabhiH- risen


abhiramaabhih – beautifully



56. thasya ambaragathou baahoo

dhahrSaathe prasarithou


parvathagraath vinishkraanthou

panchaasyou iva pannagou


His two arms spread looked like

two five headed cobras starting from the mountain cliff.


thasya bahoo-his two arms


ambaragathou- raised to the

sky. ambara here means sky.


prasaarithou- spread wide


dhadhrSaathe – appeared


iva like


panchaasyou- two five headed-

aasya means face.


pannagou- cobras


vinishkraanthou- coming out From

the root kram with ni and vi- to emerge out


parvathaath- from the





57. piban iva babhou Sreemaan

sormimaalam mahaarnavam

pipaasuriva cha aakaasam dhadhrSe sa



Hanuman seemed to drink the ocean

with waves and as though wishing to drink the sky also.


Sreemaan refers to



Piban iva babhou- appeared as

though drinking


mahaarNavam the great sea


sormimaalam- with its waves.

Oormi maala means garland of waves. Because

of the waves oormayaH the sea is

also called oormimaalee.oormayaH maala yasya .


sa mahaakapiH- that great

monkey, Hanuman


dhadhrSe seemed


pipaasuh iva- as though

wishing to drink. paathum icChuH pipaasuH


aakaaSam – the sky.


By the speed of his movement the

sea and sky seemed to sg hrink and hence it looked as though he was drinking



58.tasya vidhyuthprbhaakaare



nayane samprakaaSethe parvathasThou iva




The eyes of Hanuman, who was

following the path of the wind, shone like the fire in the mountain with their

lustre of lightning.


nayane- the eyes


Vaayumaargaanu saariNaH thasya- of

him who was following the path of the wind. AnusaarinaH is and adjective of

Hanuman from the verb sar with anu to follow


Vidhyuthprabhaakaare- lustrous

like the lightning , vidhyuth.(refers to the eyes)


Samprakaaethe- shone. PrakaaS is

to shine . The prefix sam is for emphasis.


Analou iva- like two fires


parvathasThou- that existed in the





59. pinge pingaakshamukhyasya

brhathee parimandale


chakshushee samprakaaSeThe chandrasooryou



The brownish red eyes of Hanuman, big and round shone like the rising

Sun and the Moon .


pinge - the brownish red



chakshushee- two eyes


pingaakshamukhyasya- of the Hanuman

who is the prominent of monkeys. The monkey is called pingaaksha because

of reddish brown, pinga, eyes. akshiNee


samprakaaSethe- shone


iva like


udhithou- rising


chandhrasooryou –Sun and Moon




60. mukham naasikayaa thasya

thaamrayaa thaamram



sanDhyayaa samabhisprshtam yaThaa

sooryasya mandalam


His face appeared red with the

redness of his nose like the orb of the Sun in contact with the twilight.


thasya mukham- his face


aababhou- shone


thaamram- red


naasikayaa – by the nose


thaamrayaa- which was red


yaThaa- as


sooryamandalam- the orb of the



samsprshtam- touched


sanDhyayaa- by the




61.laangoolam cha samaavidDham

plavamaanasya Sobhathe


ambare vaayuputhrasya SakraDhvaja



The tail of Hanuman, who was

flying, raised high, shines like the flag of Indra hoisted up in the sky.


laangoolam- the tail


vaayuputhrasya- of hanuman the

son of Vayu


plavamaanasya- who was flying


samaavidDham- raised high


Sobhathe- shines


iva like


Sakradhvaja- the flag of



ucChritham hoisted up




62. laangoola chakreNa mahaan




vyarochatha mahaapraajnaH pariveshee iva



With the circular tail, the great

Hanumaan the most intelligent, with his white teeth shone like the Sun with

halo around.


mahaan anilathmajah,- the great

hanuman, the son, aathmaja, of

Vayu, anila,


mahaapraajnaH- one of great



laangoolachakreNa,- with his tail

circular, chakra means circular like a wheel


SukladhamshtraH- with his white,

Sukla, teeth, dhamshtra ( dhamshrtra means canine teeth)


vyarochatha- shone


iva like


bhaaskara-the Sun


pariveshee- with the halo.



63.sphicdheSena athithaamreNa

raraaja sa mahaakapiH


mahathaa dhaarithena iva giriH gairika dhaathunaa


With his hind parts very red that

great Hanuman shone like a mountain with its large red rocks of ore broken.


spicdheSena- with his



athithamrena- very red


mahaakapiH –the great



raraaja- shone


iva like


giriH – mountain


dhaarithena- with broken

gairika dhathunaa- red rocks of




64.thasya vaanarasimhasya

plavamaanasya sagaram


kakshaantharagatho vaayuh jeemootha iva



The wind passing through the

armpits of that lion among monkeys who was flying, thundered like a cloud.


vaayuH –the wind


kakshyaantharagathaH- passing through

the armpits,


which shows the speed of Hanuman. Kaksha

means armpit. anthragathah , going into, passing through, as the wind

passing through a narrow space acquiring force.


vanarasimhasya – of the lion

among monkeys,


plavamaanasya,- who was



sagaram-over the sea,


garjathi- thundered


jeemootha iva, like

a cloud.



65. khe yaThaa





dhrSyathe saanubanDhaa cha thaThaa sa



The elephant among monkeys,

Hanuman, appeared like a meteor darting from the northern direction falls on

the sky.


yaThaa – just as


ulkaa –a meteor


saanubanDhaa- continuously. anubanDha

means extension.


nipathath- falling


khe- on the sky


vinissrthaa- coming out of


uttharaantharaath- from the North


thaThaa- thus


sa kapikunjaraH- that Hanuman

who was like an elephant among monkeys


dhadhrSe- appeared



66. pathath pathangasankaasaH

vyaayathaH SuSubhe kapiH


pravrdDha iva maathangaH kakshyayaa



The mighty Hanuman, like the Sun,

shone like a huge elephant bound by a rope on its middle while he flew.


vyaayathaH kapih- mighty Hanuman


pathanga sankaasaH- like the Sun. pathanga

means Sun.


pathath- flying




iva like


maathangaH- an elephant


baDhyamaanayaa- tied with


kakshyayaa- rope.



67. uparishtaaTh SareereNa Chaayayaa

cha avagaaDayaa


saagare maaruthaavishtaanouriva aaseeth

thadhaa kapiH


With his body above and his shadow immersed in the

ocean below. Hanuman was like a boat propelled by the wind.


sareereNa- with his body


uparishtaath- above


chaayayaa with his shadow


avagaadayaa- immersed


saagare- in the ocean


thadhaa – then


kapiH – Hanuman


aaseeth was


iva – like


nouH- boat


maaruthaavishtaa- propelled by

the wind.


68. yam yam dhesam samudhrasya

jagama sa mahaakapiH


sa sa tasya uruvgena sonmaadha iva



Which ever place the great monkey

went on the ocean, that looked agitated with the speed of his thighs.


Yam yam dhesam- which ever



Samudhrasya- of the sea


Mahaakapih- the great monkey


Jagaama- went


Sa sa –that place


thasya ooruvegena-

with the speed of his thighs




iva as though


Sonmaadha- agitated. unmaadha

is turbulence. unmaadhena saha=somnmaadhah


69.saagarasya oormimaalaanaam

urasaa Saila varshmaNaa


abhighnan thu mahaavegaH pupluve sa mahaa




Hanuman flew with great speed

striking as it were, the mountainous waves of the sea with his chest.


mahaa kapih- the great monkey


pupluve- flew


mahaavegaH- with great



abighnan thu-

striking as it were


urasaa –with his chest


sailavarshmaNaa- the shower of



ormimaalaanaam- the series of



saagarasya of the sea




70. kapivaathaScha balavaan

meghavaathaScha nissrthaH



bheemanirghoshamkampayaamaasathuH bhrSam


The wind from Hanuman and that

released from the clouds the sea appeared

to shake much with fierce sound.


nissrthaH- the outburst of


kapivaathaH -the wind from



cha and


meghavaathah cha –

also the wind from the clouds



kampayaamaasathuh- shook


saagaram the sea


bheemanirghosham- with great sound

.. bheema means fierce


bhrsam- very much

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