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84th Thirunakshatram of SrI NaarAyaNa Yatheendhra Mahaa Desikan : Prakrutam 45th pattam Srimath Azhagiyasingar: Part 3

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VirOdhi Samvatsaram , Tulaa Month , Sukla Paksha Sarva UttAna EkAdasi , Satayam (pEyAzhwAr Thirunakshatram) .October 29, 2009


Dear Sri Matam SishyAs and abhimAnis:


Let us start with a little bit of history !


Prakrutam Srimath Azhagiya Singar of the 45th Pattam , Sri Narayana Yatheendhra Mahaa Desikan celebrated His SatAbhishEkam on November 30, 2006 at SriRangam.


Thousands of SishyAs and AbhimAnis attended that MahOthsavam .


In that audience stood out a great Rg Vedic Scholar and NityAgnihOtri from Thirukkudanthai, who would later be blessed to become HH the 46th Pattam Srimath Azhagiya-singar adorning the title of Sri RanganAtha Yatheendhra Mahaa Desikan .


Today both HH the 45th and the 46th Pattam Azahgiya Singars are blessing the sishya kOtis as Periya and Chinna Azhagiya Singars .May Sri Malolan bless them both with long life to bless us all with nine kinds of soubhAgyams:


(1) AdhyAtma Grantha nirmANam ( Creation of Spiritual Texts and commentaries on PoorvAchArya SrI Sooktis )


(2) anEkEshAm cha BhOdhanam ( Teaching of such Sri Sooktis to sishyAs : Grantha ChAtushtyam and other Ubhya VedAnta granthams)

(3) ArchAvatAra sEvaa and AbharaNa SamarpaNams for dhivya Desa EmperumAns and other kshEtrams


(4) SamAsrayana- BharanyAsa anugrahams during their sanchArams from Sethu to HimAchalam , DhvAraka to BrundhAvan following the command of MalOlan to Adhi VaNN SaThakOpa Jeeyar ( grAmE GrAmE kramAth).


(5) Protection of the VibhUtis ( Iswaryams) of MalOlan: Protection of Dhivya dEsams and Sannidhis linked to Sri Matam and branches of Sri Matam at different parts of BhArata dEsam.


(6) TrikAla NityArAdhanam to MalOlan every day , where ever They are with the strictest of AchAram and anushtAnam .


(7) Annual Celebration of Sri Matam PoorvAchArya Thirunakshatrams and protection of their BrundhAvanams at MelkOte , Srirangam , ThiruveLLUr ,

Narasimhapuram and other locations.


(8) Vidhvath Sadas conductance every year and honoring of Veda-VedAnthic Scholars.


(9) Pursuit of New Intiatives: The start of Achidra/AswamEdha/KaaDaka PaarAyaNams on EkAdaSi/DhvAdaSi days, TeleupanyAsam for Overseas sishyAs , Creation of the English version of SrI Nrisimha Priyaa , Inauguration of MalOlan Arts and Science College at MadhurAntakam , running of a new Veda PaatasAla at SelayUr , Swathi Thirumanjanams at

Ahobilam and , many more pioneering kaimkaryams to make it easy for the sishyAs and abhimAnis of SrI Matam to visit the Nava Narasimhan Sannidhis at Ahobilam.


Before adiyEn discusses the above nine kinds of activities of Sri NaarAyaNa Yatheendhra Mahaa Desikan , it would be instructive to recall the two Rg Veda mantrams from the First MaNDalam cited by Prakrutam 46th Pattam Srimath Azhagiya Singar during the SatAbhishEka Utsavam of His achAryan , Sri Narayana Yatheendhra Mahaa Desikan :


upahvayE sudhughAm dhEnumatAm

suhastee gOdhugudh dhOhadEnAm


SrEshTham savam savitA sAvipannO-abheedhO gharmastadhushu pravOcham


hingh krushvatee vasupatnee vasUnAm

vatsamicchantee manasAbhyagAth


dhuhAmasvibhyAm payO adhnyEyam

saa vardhatAm mahatE soubhagAya


These two mantrams establish the equality between BhUmi and Cow(ghO).

These are quoted by Dharma Raajaa in Yaksha PraSnam , when the question arises about the timing of the arrival of SanyAsis to protect dharmam( Dharma SamrakshaNam) . One of the names of BhUmi is " ghO" according to NiganDu.


The similarities between the BhUmi and ghO(cow) are pointed out by these two Rg Veda Mantrams :


GhO(BhUmi): She nourishes good crop and thereby the wealth of the farmers and removes his fears about fallowness of the land ( sasya SEsham); In this context, BhUmi is a noble one and is a wish-grantor. Mantram says : "adiyEn's prayer to the Bhumi with such noble guNams appearing in the form of GhO".


GhO(Cow): She blesses us with nourishing milk abundantly and fulfills our wishes.The mantram requests: " May this GhO , which reveals her location to her calf thru her hUmkAram , may She in a like manner grant us milk , ghee for Yaagam and curd for nourishment. May She prosper further for our well being ! ".


In the case of the BhUmi , the prayer is for its fertility to produce healthy crops for our sustenance.


Further , Bhumi strives for the well being of cattle and people and spreads in the sky in the form of water for the richness of the farm land and reduce the heat and hunger of the cows.The prayer in the second mantram is for the well being of the boon-granting BhUmi for our happiness.


Two Rg Veda Mantrams and Prakrutam Srimath Azhagiya Singar


When we try to comprehend the meanings of these two mantrams in the context of Sri NaarAyaNa Yatheendhra Mahaa Desikan , who is about to celebrate His 84th Thirunakshatram , we arrive at this conclusion:


1) Just as BhUmi fulfills our wishes and the Cow blesses us with the Yaaga Dhravyams , Srimath Azhagiya Singar nourishes His assembly of SishyAs in a similar manner :


(a) He comes to our villages and cities( places of residences to bless us with Pancha SamskArams (SamAsrayaNams) and BharanyAsams.


(b) Thru His nectarine utterances , He cools down our samsAric sufferings and in this context , He is like a rain of amrutam.


© He instructs us on the most important Moksha UpAyam (SaraNAgathy at the sacred feet of MalOlan).


(d) Thru His KaDAksha ViSEshams, he blesses us all with sakala soubhAgyams

( Ishta Poorti and anishta Nivrutti).


(e) Thru His sishya Vaatsalyam , he brings us all under His influence .


(f) With His ParamAtma SvarUpam ( Walking MalOlan) , this Raaja SanyAsi shines in the minds and hearts of all His sishya KOtis .


Essays from Now until Nov 27,2009


As we start paying our tributes everyday from here on until November 27 , the Thirunakshatram day of Srimad NaarAyaNa Yatheendhra Mahaa Desikan , adiyEn will post many essays on the brilliant & extraordinary accomplishments of this great AchAryan and invite you all to take part in the Veda PaarAyaNa , dhivya Prabhandha paarAyaNa celebrations

and TadheeyArAdhanams from

Nov 17 to 27, 2009 at SelayUr.


Sriamth Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan


Post Script :


After Yesterday's celebration of the Third AchAryan of Sri VaishNava AchArya lineage,Sri VishvaksEnar ( after Sriman Narayanan and Mahaa Lakshmi) , it is our bhAgyam to start the preparations for the celebrations of the two SrEshtAchAryas of Sri AhoBila MaTham(The 43rd and the 45th Pattam Azhagiya Singars) :


1.Sri Lakshmi Nrismha Dhivya PaadhukA Sevaka Sri VaNN SaThakOpa SrI VeerarAghava SaThakOpa Yatheendhra MahA Desikan , the 43rd Pattam ( Devanaar ViLAgam) Srimath Azhagiya Singar ; Thirunakshatra dinam: Kaartikai PoorADam ( Saturday , November 21). The Veda PaarAyaNam and Dhivya Prabahndha PaarAyaNam will start on Novemebr 17 .


2. Friday,November 27 (Kaartikai 11) is the subha dinam , when UttirattAti Nakshatram is in ascendance . This is the sacred avatAra dhinam ( Thirunakshatram) of Sri Lakshmi Nrisimha dhivya PaadhukA sEvaka SriVaNN SahakOpa Sri NaarAyaNa Yatheendhra Mahaa Desikan,Prakrutam 45th Pattam Srimath Periya Azhagiya Singar . The Veda PaarAyaNa and Dhivya Prabahndha PaaraayaNam will

commence on November 22 .


The details of these two Thiru-nakshatra Utsavam celebrations ( back to Back) are available at the Ahobila Matam web site as a seperate link on the front page .




Please make use of the above link for additional Information on the Utsavam and how you can support these Utsavams through Your Paadha KaaNikkai for all the MahOpakArams recieved from the SrI Matam AchAryAs every day in our lives .


There is a seperate link for online samarpaNam for sending Your Paadha KaaNikkai and please make use of it. If you prefer sending Your SamarpaNams by standard mail , Please let me know so that adiyEn can send you the Mailing address of the Treasurer of SrI Matam North America . Thank you .


More than 200 Veda PaarAyaNam experts along with a large number of dhivya Prabhandha adhyApaaka GhOshti would take part and TadheeyArAdhanams on each day will take place every day along with nithyArAdhanams .


You are all invited to take part in these two MahOtsavams , listen to the Veda ghOsham and AzhwAr aruLiccheyalhaL , have the darsana SoubhAgyam of MalOlan , Dolai KaNNan and all the other MangaLa Moorthys of the SwarNa MaNtapam as well as the Phala MantrAkshatai from the hands of SrImath Azhagiya Singar .


From today on , adiyEn will post every day an article on the mahOpakArams provided to us by Sri NaarAyaNa Yatheendhra MahA Desikan since ascent to the throne of SrI Matam on October 21, 1991 .


Looking forward to your strong participation and support in this 84th Thirunakashtra Utsavam for Sri NaarAyaNa Yatheendhra Mahaa Desikan ,


DhAsOham , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan



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