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The 83rd Thirunakshatram of SrI NaarAyaNa Yatheendhra Mahaa Desikan: Prakrutam 45th pattam Srimath Azhagiyasingar: Part 5

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Virodhi Samvatsara Tulaa Maasa PourNami , Monday , November 2 , 2009

Dear Sri Matam SishyAs and AbhimAnis :


Twenty Five days from now , during the Kartikai UttirattAdhi Nakshatram ( November 27, 2009) ,Srimath ParamahamsEdhyAti Sri Lakshmi Nrisimha Dhivya PaadhukA sEvaka , SrIvaNN SaThakOpa Sri NaarAyaNa Yatheendhra Mahaa Desikan's 83rd Thirunakshatram is going to be celebrated at SelayUr SrI MaTham in a splendid manner with Ubhaya Vedha PaarAyaNam ( Nov 22-27) . Close to 200 Veda PaarAyaNakkArALs will participate and MalOlan will listen to those PaarAyanams with rapt attention and atyanta preeti .


All sishyAs and AbhimAnis are invited to attend the daily utsavams,

TadheeyArAdhanams and

Ubhaya Vedha PaarAyaNams . Please refer to the Ahobila Matam portal and send your samarpaNams in support of the five day Veda PaarAyaNam and TadheeyArAdhanams . The URL for the Ahobila Matam portal for online samarpaNams is:




Your contributions can also be sent by mail to :


Sri Ahobila Muth Inc

3160 Manor Bridge Road

Alpharetta , GA 30004


Sri NaarAyaNa Yatheendhra Mahaa Desikan : An AchArya Ratnam(contd)


U.Ve ChEtlUr SrivatsAngAcchAr Swamy presented our AchArya Ratnam with a special celebratory slOkam following the thought lines of Swamy Desikan :


sadhratnam trAsaheenam taralasugatikam svAtibhOtthArchanArham


muktAsooti prabhADyam NaraharihrudhayaarOhadhanyam varENyam


AasthAnirvODDa Subhram sulabhaBahumatam vijn~ahrudhyam guNOdhgam


SrimannArAyaNAkhyam yativaratanu tadh dhArayE tApaSaantyai


Today we will continue with the comments on each of the names chosen by Sri U.Ve. SrivatsAngAcchAr Swamy in the above salutational verse:


1. Sadhratnam trAsa-heenam: TrAsam is a dhOsham ( blemish) in a gem . The gems of "purest ray-serene" do not have any imperfections.The existence of extrinsic substitutional or interstitial impurities in turn affect the gem's color, transparency and lustre.Sri NaarAyaNa Yatheendhra-Mahaa Desikan is one such sadh Ratnam without any intrinsic defects .


2. tarala sugatikam : One good mark of a classy pearl is the existence of a jala rEkai ( moist appearnce) . This AchAryan has that kind of moist/compassionate feature in his mind regarding samsAris & Bhaddha Jeevans .


3.svAtibhOtthArchanArham muktAsUti prabhADyam : If an oyster opens its mouth on a SvAti star day and if a rain drop falls inside that open mouth , that rain drop transforms into a pearl .Similarly , this AchAryan has the total adhikAram to worship Sri Lakshmi Narasimhan , who incarnated on a SvAti Nakshatram day . Here is a double entendre. One pearl will not make another pearl .This pearl of an AchAryan however makes many jeevans mugdhAs/MuktAs . This is some thing that the ordinary pearls do not have the power to effectuate .


4. Narahari hrudhayArOdhanyam VarENyam: This AchArya Ratnam has the fitness to reside on the chest region of Sri Lakshmi Nrisimhan just like Periya PirAtti ( MaNivara iva SourE: nitya-hrudhyOapi jeeva: kalushamatir-avindhan kinkaratvAdhirAjyam).


5. AsthAnirvODDru: Aasthaa is AasthAnam ( seat of power) ; nirvOODru means one who administers or rules . This AchArya Ratnam is a mighty ruler of Sri Nrisimha AasthAnam and protects its wealth.


6. Subhram: It is pure inside and outside (Suddha sattva mayam).


7. Sulabha-Bahumatam: It( This AchArya Ratnam) is easily accessible by one and all .Therefore, it is Sulabham . It is also sought after by all ( Bahumatam) instead of by a select few.


8. vijn~ahrudhyam :It is pleasing to the minds of those who are connoseiurs

( VisEsha arta Jna~nis).


9.guNOdhgam Sriman-NaarAyaaakhyam yativaratanu tadh dharayE : guNOdhgam means priceless.

adiyEn houses this srEshta AchArya ratnam with reveerence on my chest/heart .You may ask why do you wear this AchArya Ratnam on Your heart ? It is for Taapa Saanti .


10. taapa Saantyai dhArayE: I adorn this AchArya ratnam for removal of the three kinds of tApams: AadhyAtmikam Aadhi Boudhikam and Aadhi dhaivikam.AadhyAtmika tApams are fever , ill health etc. Aadhi Boudhikam is the himsai caused by others. Aadhi dhaivikam are damages caused by thunder , lightning , forest fire etc.DEtails of the three kinds of tApams are described in the Taapa Traya adhyAyam of SrI VishNu PurANam.


This AchArya ratnam , the 45th Pattam Srimath Azhagiya Singar continues brilliantly with Sri MaTham nirvAha kAryams , examination and printing of ancient granthams, performing KaalakshEpams , SamAsrayaNa-bharanyAsams , daily AarAdhanams and conducting Vidhvat Sadas to honor Vedic and Aagamic scholars .


Our prayers are for this AchArya Ratnam to enjoy PallaaNDu with a vajra sareeram to bless us all !

SrimatE Sri Lakshminrisimha dhivya PaadhukA Sevaka SrIVaNN SaThakOpa Sri NaarAyaNa Yatheendhra Mahaa DesikAya Nama:

DhAsan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SaThakOpan










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