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83rd Thirunakshatram of SrI NaarAyaNa Yatheendhra Mahaa Desikan : Prakrutam 45th pattam Srimath Azhagiyasingar: Part 6

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VirOdhi Samvatsaram , Tulaa Month , KrishNa Paksha Chathurdasi,Swati Nakshatram ,November 15, 2009


Dear Sri Matam SishyAs and abhimAnis:


Today's Veda Mantram deals with another crypto-numerical topic. This is about a mysterious steer roaring loudly :


chatvAri SrungA trayO asya paadhA

dhvE SeershE sapta hastAsO asya

tridhA BaddhO rOravee mahO

dEvO martyAgum AavivESa

--Rg Vedam IV.58.3 and Yajur Vedham XVII.91


(Meaning): " Four are his horns, three are the feet that bear him, his heads are two, his hands are seven in number. Bound with a triple bond , the steer roars loudly , the mighty God hath entered into mortals ".


One wonders who is this steer and what are connections of numbers Four (chatvAri) ,

three (trayO) , two (dhvE) ,and seven ( sapta) to this mysterious , cosmic loud roaring steer (VrushabhO rOrraveeti mahO) . Why is it bound with triple bond ?

(tridhaa BadhdO) . What does the passage " the mighty God hath entered into mortals ?" ( mahO dEvO martyAgum AavivESa ).


Many Intrepretations


HH the 46th Pattam Srimath Azhagiya Singar is a Rg Veda GhanapAdi and his intrepretations of the literal and esoteric meanings would be most meaningful.

Perhaps on a future occasion , we will stand to benefit from Srimath Azhagiya Singar's anugraha BhAshaNam on this mantram.


Meanwhile , Let us cover some preliminary comments on these numbers/concepts.

Saayana BhAshyam , Mahidhara bhAshyam , Patanjali Mahaa BhAshyam , Nirukta(XIII.7) and grammar (SaBdha Saastram).When intrepreted according to SaBdha sAstram , the four horns become Naama( noun) , AakhyAta ( verb) , Upasarga (a preposition prefixed to roots) and nipAta ( indeclinable).


The Four horns of Agni are identified with the Four VedAs by Saayana.If Aaditya is replaced by Agni , then the four cardinal points are linked to the four horns ( the pillars of spiritual Knowledge) . Veda Srungams are referred to here. Mahidhara intreprets the four horns as the four priests associated with a Yajn~am .


The three feet are linked to (1) three daily sacrifices done during Morning , Noon and evening (2) Past , Present and future tenses.


The Two heads are the two ceremonies : Brahmaudana and Paravargya .In another intrepretation , it is the rising and setting times of the Sun.In yet another intrepretation , the two heads are the cause/agent and effect.


The seven hands : In one intrepretation , they are the seven metres of the Rg Veda

( Gayatri/24 syllables , Anushtub /32 syllables, Viraj /40 Syllables, Trishtubh/44 Syllables, Jagati/48 Syllables, Ushnik /28 syllables , Brahati/36 syllables. In another intrepretation , the seven hands are the seven cases of a noun or pronoun:

1) nominative (2) Dative (3) Genetive (4)Ablative (5) Vocative (6) Locative and

(7) Instrumental .


The three Bonds: They are the Mantra , Kalpa and BrAhamaNa or thethree regions: Heaven , Firmament and Earth ( DhyAvaa-Prthvee and antariksham). They have also been intrepreted as Singular , dual and plural numbers. In yet another intrepretaion, they are upAsana , Jn~Ana and Karmaa .


The Loud roaring of the steer has been intrepreted to the mighty sound of the tecitation of the Veda Mantrams.


Huge indeed are the cryptographical group represented in terms of numerals in this one Mantram ( Yajur Vedam XVII.91)


The mantram that precedes this mantram in Yajur Vedam ( XVII.90) gives a clue to the links of the four horns to the Four VedAs and the sacredness of the VedAdhyApAkas at occasions like the Thirunakshatra Utsavam or during the BrahmOtsavams of Dhivya Desams like Kanchipuram this way :


vayam nAma pra BravAmaa grutasyAsmin yajn~E dhArayAmA namObhi:

upa BrahmA SruNvacchasyamAnam chathu: SrungOavameedgoura yEtat

---Yajur Vedam : XVII.90


(Meaning): " He, whose knowledge of the four VedAs is like four horns , who studies and enjoys the VedAs , is perfectly well versed in them all, preaches them to humanity , and listens to their teachings from others , is the praiseworthy embodiment of Knowledge . It is our duty to propagate it to others , and act upon it in our domestic life with words of veberation."


May the Veda Purushan bless the Veda PaarAyaNakkArAs assembled for the Thirunakshatra Utsavam at SrI Matam and let us extend " our dimensions of our capacity to know , capacity to do and the capacity to enjoy " the divine Kaimakryams for the dhivya dampatis , BhAgavatAs and our AchAryAs.


Request for Your support for the upcoming Thirunakshatra Utsavam


The Thirunakshatram of our revered AchAryan is fast approaching . It will be on Kaartikai 11th ( Nov 27 ,2009).


From Nov 17 to Nov 27 , there will be Ten days of Veda, dhivya Prabhandha PaarAyaNams at the Vijaya YaatrA SthAnam of SelayU(East Tambaram) SrI Matam .Close to 200 PoorNa- adhikAris in the different sakhAs of the Vedhams will take part in these PaarAyaNams and there will be the grand TadhiyArAdhanams every day .


You are all invited to take part and enjoy these sacred AarAdhanams and Veda ViNNappams every day and recieve the anugraham of MalOlan and Srimath Azhagiya Singars.


You are also welcome to contribute Your samarpaNams in support of these special events by sending Your YathA-sakti support to:

Sri Ahobila Muth Inc.,

3160 Manor Bridge Drive

Alpharetta, GA 30004

In India , you can send your samarpaNams to:

Sri Nrusimha Priya Trust

30 Venkatesa Agraharam

Mylapore , Chennai 600 004


Please mark your checks to HH The Jeeyar for the 83rd Thirunakshatram.


NamO SrI NrisimhAya,Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam , DhAsan ,Oppiliappan KOil VaradachAri Sadagopan

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