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Makara KanDi SamarpaNa Kaimakryam for Swamy Desikan at His avataara Sthalam of Thuppul: Part III

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Dear Swamy Desika BhakthAs :


It is my pleasure to let you know that the remaining Funds for the completion of the SwarNa SimhAsanam for Swamy Desikan at Thiruvaheendhrapuram has been completed with the benovolent support of sevaral Desika BhakthAs. The specialist craftmen are completing the remaining work and it is anticipated that such a special SwarNa SimhAsanam in all its glory will be

consecrated and presented to the great AchAryan in few weeks at Thiruvaheendhrapuram .


Thank you all , who have made this dream of Swamy Desika BhaktAs come true !


The Makara Kandi Kaimkaryam at ThUppul for Swamy Desikan


adiyEn has already invited your attention to another ongoing Kaimakryam which is 67% complete.

It is the Makara KaNDi Kaimkaryam for Swamy Desikan at His avatAra Stalam of ThUppul. we need 6 Laks of Rupees to complete the remaining 33% ( One third) of the Kaimakryam . adiyEn invites You all to take part in thsi Kaimkaryam .


Let us now study briefly the significance of this special Kaimakryam :


Makara KaNDi : Makaram is a mythical , aquatic creature and amphibian. The tradition identifies Makaram " with water, the source of all existence and fertitlity ." Makaram is conencted also with Mahaa Lakshmi , the links to all kinds of everlasting wealth .


Makara KaNDi is a special AabharaNam ( a special Necklace ) worn by Malayappa Swamy of Thirumala along with Lakshmi Haaram on His GarudOtsavam day . Malayappa Swamy 's other famous name is LORD SRINIVASAN , the Lord on whose chest Mahaa Lakshmi resides

permanently .


Swamy Desikan is the avatArram of the Temple Bell of Lord of Thirumala . We will leave the interweaving of all these links to the BhakthAs of Swamy Desikan .


Today is Iyppasi Friday , a day dear to Mahaa Lakshmi eulogized by Swamy Desikan in SrI Stuti (http://www.sundarasimham.org Book #1).With Her anugraham , all things are possible . Bhagavath Bhakti , AchArya Bhakti , Kaimkarya Praapti come within our reach .


We will commence this Kaimakryam with a prayer to Her from Sri Lakshmi Sahasram of Sri VenakatAdhvari Kavi :


HayarUpadharO Aasa mastE SritalOka: kalayAmunA samastE

jushatE dhishaNAvikAsamastE dhuritE Devi bhavadhuraSA samastE

--54th slOkam of Chitra Paddhati


Using Yamaka chitram , The poet who was an intense bhaktA of Swamy Desikan says: " Oh SrI DEvi ! Those who have taken refuge at Your sacred feet becomes omniscinet (Sarvajn~an) Like Your Lord HayagrIvan. Your benovolent glances chase away all sins that stood in the way of the full blossoming of his Jn~Anam(dhishaNa vikAsam). Before it was sankuchitam ( shrunk) and now it reaches its full svAbhAvika (intrinsic)

dharma bhUta Jn~Anam.


Swamy Desikan blessed us with Sri Stuti to gain the paripoorNa anugraham of SrI Devi , the anapAya Mahaa nidhi of the Lord ( the limitless wealth which will never diminish or disappear) .


Let us particpate in the Makara Kanti SamarpaNa Kaimakryam for Swamy Desikan . Please let me know of your interest to join in this Kaimkaryam . adiyEn will post a few articles on the Kaimakryam and Swamy Desikan's MahOpakAram for us .


The creation ofthis Makara Kanti is expected to be completed by the craftsmen by VaikunTha EkAdasi day and presented to Swamy Desikan in Mid January during the anushtAna KuLa Utsavam , when Lord VaradarAja and AchArya RaamAnuja will visit Swamy Desikan at His ThUppul sannidhi .


NamO Sri Trayyanta DesikAya,

DhAsan , Oppilaippan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan



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