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Fw: Picture of MakarakaNDi for Swami Desikan at ThUppulyennappan@... and the Paayirams from Swamy Desikan NooRRandhAthi ;

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Sadagopan Mama <Pvaradhan, yennappan







Jayashree Muralidharan

Saturday, December 12, 2009 6:24 PM

satyans ; Dr.V.Sadagopan

Cc: Sadagopan Mama

Picture of MakarakaNDi for Swami Desikan at ThUppul




Dear All Swamy Desika BhakthAs :





Dear BhakthAs of Swamy Desika :


Paayiram 15:


satir udayOm yaamm yenRum tammai yeNNi ingE

yetir yeamkku yaar yenRum yeNNi-mathi illA

mAnidarkaL anthO mayankuvatE vaadhi Singam

taann irukka ingE satirtthu


Vaadhi singam taann inge irukka mathi illaa manidarkaL tammai yaamm satir udayOm yenRu yeNNI= while the lion among poets and logiicians is right here , the unintelligent and haughty ones think wrongly that they have all the scholarship and Jn~Anam ,


ingE yemakku yethir yaaryenRum yeNNi satirtthu mayanguvatE ! anthO != These arrogant and deluded souls think that there is no one else in this world , who can surpass them in intelligence and debating skills and stand self-stisfied . What a Pity ?


(Commnetary as per Sri V.N.Gopala Desikan ): Swamy Desikan blessed us with 100 plus granthams to establish VishishtAdhvatic doctrines and demonstrated His matchless Scholarship . Even those who are not VisishtAdhvaitins like Sri Appayya Dheekshitar admired Swamy Desikan's sharp intellect in creating granthams and debating . They celebrated Swamy Desikan for His vidhvath and Jn~Anam . We can witness Swamy Desikan's debating skills in his granthams like Para Matha Bhangam and Sata DhUshaNi. He was conferred the title of Kavi Taarkika Simham in recognition of His extraordinary poetic skills and mastery of Tarkam .


In PiLLayandhAti , the precocious son of Swamy Desikan , NayinArAcchAryar salutes the title of Kavi-Taarkika Simham for His Father/AchAryan :


" utthaman VenkatanAthan viyan kalaikaL moytthidunAvin muzhakkodu vaadhiyar moolam aRakkaittavan "

-- PiLLai andhAti : 6


(meaning): On the tongue of the noble Swamy Desikan assembled all the VidhyAs in groups. Through the lion-like roar of debate coming out of Swamy's tongue the opponents were thoroughly trashed and the sound of victory in the form of blowing of the conch emanated .


" VarukavitArkika SingamE Vaadhiyar Vaazhvu aRutthAi -- PiLLai andhAti : 18

( Meaning) : Oh AchArya ! You defeated soundly all those who came to contest VisishtAdhvaitham with their own darsanams and destroyed their pretensions and scattered them to the winds . They were no match for the superior skills of Swamy Desikan . Their ego and delusions on scholarship were totally banished .


Mannappa IyengAr feels dismayed by the audacity of these egotists , who bit the dust ultimately .


Paayiram 16 :


satirtthAr avar kaaNmin tAraNiyin meethil

yetirtthArum ibbhavam neenga -matitthAr

KavivAdhi singatthai kaataludan kaNDu

bhuvi idatthu PuNNiyar AanAr


avar taaraNiyin meethil yetirtthArum ibbhavam neenga satirtthAr ! KaaNmin ! = Dear All ! Please note ! Swamy Desikan blessed those who opposed Him by showing the right path to overcome the ills of samsAram with compassion and generosity .


kavi-vaadhi singatthai kaataludan kaNDu matitthAr ; bhuviyidatthu puNNiyar AanAr = Those opponents got blessed with the generosity and compassion of Swamy Desikan's anugraham understood His glory and eulogized Him with deep affection and became PuNyasAlis in this world .


(Comments by Sri V.N.Gopala Desikan ): Swamy Desikan won over His opponents effortlessly. He never displayed any hatred towars them . He had compassion for the defeated . For achieving the goal of sathgathi even for His opponents, He blessed them with the knowledge of Prapatthi Saastram so that they can be freed from immersion in the mire of SamsAram . He showed them that the pursuit of Prapatti maargam is for their ujjevanam ( uplift) . His compassion and generosity for the vanquished was unique. The vanquished in turn celebrated Swamy Desikan's oudhAryam and felt blessed that they had the bhAgyam of receiving upadEsam from Him . The ThirukkuRaL verse ( 99.7) is quoted in this context :


" innaa seythArkkum iniyavE seyaakkAl

yenna payatthO saalpu "


(Meaning): The magnanimous ones with noble conduct will return good deeds even for those who do harm to them .


Swamy Desikan was one such noble soul , who overcame the animosity of opponents and blessed them as an AchAryan with His upadEsams and transformed them into loving sishyAs. Latter became the fortunate ones as a result of Sw amy's anugraham .


DhAsan , Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan




The AabharaNam is two thirds completed and we need your most welcome help to complete the rest of the one third work and get the AabharaNam ready for presentation to ThUppul Kula MaNi , Kavi Taarkika Simham , Sri VedAntha Desikan . Please support this Kaimkaryam and send your Tax free SamarpaNams to :


Nama Inc;

C/O Mrs. Nagu Satyan

7821 W.Alder Drive

Littleton , CO 80128-5522


Those in India can send your Tax Free SamarpaNams to :


Sri Krishnadhri Charities

C/O SrI V.N.Venkatanathan

25 Nachiappan St,


Chennai 600 034


Your SamarpaNams will be acknowledged right away . Please copy adiyEn on Your samarpaNams to keep track of the progress towards Completion of the fund assembly for the Kaimkaryam

Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

DhAsan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchari Sadagopan -- V.Sadagopanhttp://www.Sundarasimham.org http://www.sadagopan.orghttp://www.thiuppavai.org


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