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PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi 3.4- Do not stand in front of Him and lose your bangles

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SrImathE Ramanujaya namah:

Dearest srivaishnavas,


Last ten, AzhwAr enjoyed in the role of YasodhA enjoying Kutti KaNNan's

coming back from the forest, along with cowherd boys after rearing cattle.

Now some time has passed; The girls have started desiring for Him. AzhwAr

enjoys in the role of those girls and their parents.








nuzhaivanarn^iRpanaraaki engum

uLLamvittu_ooNmaRandhozhindhanarE. 1.


1. [This is AzhwAr's enjoying in his own role]. Before seeing KaNNan,

everyone sees the huge umbrellas that appear to float above the big group of

cowherd boys along with KaNNan; they all see different kinds of musical

instruments being played; People even wonder as to if there is a flock of

clouds coming.. All ladies quarrel among themselves to be in the front to

see Him and as far as possible try to look through the windows to enjoy the

divine form of KaNNan. They forget even their foods; their mind has gone out

of them behind KaNNan. They stand still.


They have been waiting throughout the day for the evening to enjoy KaNNan.

They forgot to eat even during the day. Or they eat early in the evening

just at the sunset itself. They hear the noise of cowherd boys coming and

hence got up to see KaNNan and forgot to go back to food. Their mind is so

captivated by His beauty that it goes behid Him







aNindhu pallaayar_kuzhaamn^aduvE


edhirn^inRu_anginavaLai_izhavEnminE. 2.


2. With the smooth silk cloth like the grand creeper's tender leaf, tied

around the waist; with a small knife (for the grass cutting) placed at the

waist cloth (kacchu) like lizard holding against the wall (Imagine the

enjoyment of AzhwAr seeing the knife inserted into the cloth on his waist);

adorning Himself with the most fragrant flowers collected from the forest;

in the middle of huge group of cowhred boys, at the dusk, Kutti KaNNan is

walking so gracefully. Oh friends! do not stand in front of Him and lose

your bangles.


Last pAsuram, many could not even see Him from the windows due to lack of

space. This pAsuram refers to those who are standing on the streets. When

you all see Him walking so gracefully, your mind will go after Him and your

bangles will drop off.[with body thinning down languishing]. Everyone will

laugh. If you also stand inside like us, they won't see us and laugh.









adhukaNdu_ivvoor_onRupuNarkkinRadhE. 3.


3. While coming back from the forest after rearing cattle, the tired small

boy KaNNan's sword, the bow, the cane and the upper cloth (utthareeyam) were

carried by other boys; holding on to one of the boys' shoulders, KaNNan blew

the conch shell to attract the cows (whcih go haywire coming back to the

village); His turemric powder's fragrance from the divine face; His lustrous

form of divine Body; His most beautful ThirumEni; - my yopung girl who has

seen Him at close distance, just because one friend of hers is also seeing

and enjoying His neauty. Now people who have seen my daughter seeing KaNNan

and standing near Him at such a distance so close, are talking all sorts of

stories about her and Him.







kaNdaRiyEn_Edi! vandhukaaNaay


thukilEndhiLamulaiyum_envasamallavE. 4.


4. Oh good natured friedn! He lifted the Govardhana mountain as umbrella and

protected the cattle- Parama upakArakan; He is the One who mixes with the

cowherd boys- playing flute, coming along with his friends rearing calves.

Seeing Him coming in the middle of streets, my bangles do not stay in my

wrists. They fall off automatically. My sari never stays in my waist and my

youthful tender brests engorge and are not in my control. There is none

equal to Him [why to talk of one superior to Him] You also come and see Him.





paadavum_aadakkaNdEn anRippin




kodumin_kaLkodeeraakilkOzhambamE. 5.


5. [in the third pAsuram, your mother said,'You are a very innocent girl;

Since the other one saw, you went near and see Him at close distance. Now

you are talking in such a languishing tone. You are taking all this in front

of your mother. " . She tells in front of her parents and relatives, declaring

her determination to live only for Him in this PAsuram. ]. Seeing Him coming

along with the other boys, so gracefully, with other boys holding the

peacock feathered umbrellas on top of his head; His black tresses so

charmingly decorated with peacock feathers, walking in front of cowherd boys

singing and dancing divinely- I can never ever agree for someone other than

this most wonderful and most handsome One of ThirummalirunchOlai and none

else. Please offer her (me) for the most victorious one alone. Else, only

problems and confusions alone will crop up . [she declares her Nithya

nirUpAdhika ananhaarya sEshathvam to the Lord Krishna]









pavaLavaaymuRuvalumkaaNbOmthOzhee! 6.


6. [Now somewhere else in another street, girls enter into the group of

cowherd boys and attempt to talk to KaNNan in this pAsuram] On his most

beautiful forheard, there is a sindhoora mark (vertical mark like an arrow-

that enters and hurts the heart of girls) and the glittering tresses; He

comes along with other cowherd boys; He has the bent cane in His hand; This

blemishless Ananthan- GopikAchOran- with an intent to mercifully bless

everyone he goes through various streets- and if only He walks through this

street, we all need to join together surrounding Him and say that " He has

snatched away our ball " and watch His smiling face for ever. [He will

understand our intent and smile inwardly and that alone is enough for us to

enjoy Him]







kuzhaloodhiyisaipaadikkuniththu aayarOdu


azhakukaNdu_enmakaLayarkkinRadhE. 7.


7. [AzhwAr now tells in the role of parent like himself who has decided to

offer their daughter to KaNNan alone]: Behind various kinds of cattle,

coming under the umbrellas of peacock feathers, with His shining divine

mangaLa vigraham's form shedding lustre everywhere; the blue hued form mixed

with black tresses adorned with different kinds of flowers collected from

the forest; - coming in the midst of all cowhred boys- with His red lotus

eyes glowing; playing the flute; singing and dancing, merrily and joyously -

Seeing this little cowherd Boy's divya mangaLa ThirumEni (divine body) my

girl has fallen unconscious and is stupefied (unable to enjoy His beauty)








sandhiyiln^inRukaNdeer nangaithan

thukilodusarivaLaikazhalkinRadhE. 8.


8. [One girl describes her friend's coming in front of Him] Applying

sindhoor powder on his forehead; and on top of it, wearing Oordhva puNdram;

adorning the most beautiful peacock feathers flowers in his black tresses;

Gopakumaran KaNNan comes like the DevEndharan so handsome on the streets;

This girl (friend of mine) – in spite of telling her not to lose the bangles

looking at KaNNan, this good natured girl stands in the way he would be

coming and here alas, (you see) she is losing her waist cloth, bangles

falling from her body looking at His unfathomable beauty.









veLvaLaikazhanRumeymmelikinRadhE. 9.


9. my daughter- looking and enjoying the indescribable beauty of KaNNan- who

has the red flower on His right ear; forest jasmine and mullai garland worn

around His neck on his divine broad chest; the black long tresses hung

without tying, just for its own beauty; the sweet flute kept on His reddish

coral like lips and playing the same divinely; walking in the middle of such

grand and great decorations and dress, - looking at His such a enchanting

beauty of KaNNan- desired to attain Him and instead of standing afar, she

goes near and stand in front of Him to let her wrist bangle falling off and

her tender body getting thinner. [alas!] You see yourself.






vaNNam vaNdamar_pozhilpudhuvaiyar_kOn



paramaanavaikundhamn^aNNuvarE. 10


10. Devas (celestial bodies) desirous of KaNNan stand in the skies to

sEvicchufy [pay obeisance to] Him; KaNNan walking on the street in the

middle of cowherd boys behind the cattle- the young girls falling for His

divine charm forget themselves and fall in love with Him- About that love,

Sri Vishnuchitthan of Sri VilliputthUr sang these ten pAsurams in sweet

chaste Tamil. Those who sing these ten Pasurams are blessed to reach Sri


PeriyAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana




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