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Thiruppaavai 11th verse- Sri Mukkur Azhagiya Singar's divine anubhavam- excerpts

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,


11th verse- KaRRu kaRavai kaNangaL palakaRandhu:

They now wake up one who is good natured- great devotee of KaNNan.

Oh golden creeper of Gopas! (Kovalartham poRkodi). Like Srivishnuchittha

kula nandhana kalpavalli- this girl is the creepr – a golden creepr of

Gopas. Also she is Sri Krishnan’s creeper. He is cloud colured dark blue

hued Lord (mugil vaNNan) and she is the golden hued pRkodi. Together they

make a divinely charming combination. You are like a gem stone of Ayarkulam.

Everyone when KaNNan was born had made up their mind to give their girl to

Him. Your parents must have groomed you with that thinking alone. Your black

tresses are like the beautiful peacock feathers. You have done such a

beautiful hair do. You are the creepr of the Cowherd folks, who can destroy

all enemies who stand in (y)our way of uniting with KaNNan.


The snake, except for its master, hisses and pounces on others. Your narrow

waist is like that of a snake which sows of your ananhaarya sEshathvam

(being His own alone and His servant alone; and for no one else- (KaNNapuram

onRudaiyaanukku aDiyEn oruvarkku uriyEnO?).


Why are you calling me then?- you may think.

Only to utter the divine name of mugil vaNNan (cloud coloured Lord- KaNNan).

Is there no other pastime for us? Why should we utter his name?

Oh friend! Listen. ayOdhyA mathurA maayaa kaasI kaanchI avanthikA | purI

dwAravathI chaiva sapthaithA mukthi dhAyikA ||. Those who are born in these

seven divya kshEthras are sure to get mOksham. – says the sloka. Does it

mean, the insects, tigers, all human beings. Snakes- all get mOksham if they

are born here? No… not at all. Only those who wish to attain mOksham, -

those who learn saasthrams, those learn Vedas, those are born Brahmins,

those who sing songs, even those who hug Him; - are not assured of mOksham.

If you have learnt Vedas and Vedanthas, He will say, “okay. Go for Sadhas.”

But it is not enough for Moksham. One is born in Ayodhya- should remember

His sakruthEva prapannaaya.. One who has surrendered to Me, whoever it is I

grant abhayam. One who is born in Dwaraka, should remember madhyaajI maam

namaskuru, maamEvaishyasi and maam Ekam SaraNam vraja:.. sarva paapEbhyO

Mokshayishyaami.. maa sucha:.. etc..

And hence we need to perform Saranagathi.

Then why the above sloka? By being born there, one goes to the temple,

listen to elders and sruthi, smruthis. Gets to know clarity and fleeting

samsaaric ills. Then one gets to know from Sadacharyan as to how to attain



Take Kanchi. Our Thuppul Kula ManI Swamy desikan (who is born there) said,

“prapannathadhyEshaam na dhisathi mukundhO nija padham.”. Sri Ramanuja who

had stayed in Kanchi and at Srirangam performed Saranagathi uttering Gadya

thrayam. Just because one is born in Kanchi does not get guaranteed

mOksham. Kulam, dhanam, scholarship- nothing guarantees mOksham.


Oh girl! Because of your beauty, He does not grant you moksham. Just because

your ancestors and relations are dharmishtars (virtuous) you do not get

mOksham. Do not get deceived by others’ statements. This is truth. Let us

utter his divine names, perform Aradhanam to Him and surrender to kaNNan. In

Kanchi, if you pay obeisance to Kamakshi and Krutthi vaasan, they can grant

you lowkika fruits and perhaps Kailasa lOka Anandham (with the powers

bestowed to them by KaNNan as declared in Gita) but never can they grant you

mOksham. That is all by Himself by Sriman Narayanan alone. Surrender to Him

and be assured; Be a Nirbharan and nirbhayan.


Come; Get up and let us utter His names in your back yard (muRTRam).

Why are you inside? You could have stayed at the entrance itself- you may


We know that you are His selva peNdaatti. Dear one of KaNNan. You are like

an ornament to our group, being darling of KaNNan. We have come to sing of

mugil vaNNan (cloud coloured dark one).


Which mugil vaNnan?

Of course Sriman Narayanan- is mugil vaNnan.

No. You are cheating me. Vedas proclaim, “hiraNyamasroor hiraNya kesa:

ApraNakaath sarva yEva suvarNa: - that He is golden hued One; with golden

coloured moustache; golden coloured hair; full of golden colour.

- You may ask.

But we do not know such Vedantham. Nor did we learn all that big stuff. We

all know only our dark cute KaNNan. We know that He is Sriman Narayanan and

he is of cloud coloured. That mugil vaNNan- we will sing in praise of. He

has not shown us in this village to any one His golden coloured form. I

don’t know if you have seen Him.


She still has not responded.

Oh why are you still keeping calm? – Are we not qualified to talk to? Are we

talking nonsense?

Are we Bhagavath virOdhis? Are we anya bhakthas? We are all Krishna

Bhakathas like you. Please come and talk.

Even if you do not wish to talk, it’s fine. Just roll you body. We will


You may wonder as to what will we comprehend from that?

That you spent all the time spreading your peacock feathers looking at the

cloud (thinking of KaNNan- spending sleepless night), which is of no use to

the cloud, irrespective of any amount of dancing by peacock. At last, the

peacock gets tired and goes to sleep. You must have slept late and are not

able to get up- That is what we will understand, if you roll your body.


She still does not respond.

Of you are like that the peacock will prick the snake.

She gets up with a shock- where is the snake and which p[peacock?

Oh puRRaravalgul punamayilE! Please come out.

She speaks: You may wonder, I slept in spite of all your calling. That is

not the case. I intentionally did not respond waiting for you all – and

waiting to be scolded by you so that I can get to know all my negative

qualities- I can get to know them and rectify myself (as part of

SwanishtAbhignAnam). But you all only praised me and advised me without

pointing my faults and follies.


I am coming right now. Please forgive me for my non-response and silence.

Please make my birth fruitful.

If there is any merit, the credit goes to the great commentary by Srimath

Azhagiya Singar.

Any errors / mistakes are due to my lack of understanding.

SrI Andal ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana




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