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ThiruppAvai 12th verse- Sri Mukkur Azhagiyasingar's divine anubhavam- excerpts

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikAya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,


12th verse- KanaitthiLam kaRRerumai kanRukkiRangi¡K.

They now wake up a devoted one, who is blessed with sakala sowbhAgyam and

also wealth of cattle.

¡§In Bhagawaan¡¦s avatar, in every avatar the Lord is not completely not

satisfied with His performance. Something bugs him.

In the last Rama avatar also there is one such. Listen.


The great devotee Sri Janaka mahArAj was worried as to who will be the most

appropriate for the divinely beautiful daughter SitA PiraaTTi. He had

organized a swayamwar and even raakshaasaas attended with a desire

(naippAsai) to succeed and win her hand. That¡¦s when Sage Viswamithra

strategically brought Lord Rama to the swayamvar under the pretext of

showing the swayamvar and the dhanus. Rest is what we know.


When the marriage took place, after maangalya dhAraNam, Sapthapathi, there

is lAja hOmam, [¡§poriyidal¡¨ function]. SitA needs to give handful of

¡§pori¡¨ (fried rice?:-) to Rama to drop in agni. Brother of bride needs to

give the pori to the bride who in turn hands over to the groom. In our case,

there is no brother for SitA; someone was brought in for name¡¦s sake. Rama

was slightly unhappy that there is no brother for SitA (no macchinan) in

that avatar. Now in Krishna avatar He is extremely satisfied that he has

one- your brother. Such naRchelvan thangaay- sister of that blessed brother!


Why so blessed brother? Sri Krishnan always has him by his side as one of

the close associates..

Also, with such divine Krishna kataaksham, he does not water his fields. He

just lets his huge buffaloes walk along the ¡§varappu (partition) so that

the milk that comes out incessantly from them (due to again Bhagawath

kataaksham) waters (milks) the whole fields. Then, he lets them walk into

the fields so that the mud gets fully mixed with such milk. Such a wealthy

brother¡¦s sister (naRchelivan thangaay)


Also, do you think when the Lord created he created clouds. He only asked

Varuna to rain the places. What varuna, with Bhagawath agnyA, does is to

tell secretly to your brother and asks for the buffaloes from your brother.

He (Varuna) with his power as bestowed to him by Sriman Narayanan, takes the

buffaloes about 2000 feet high and asks them to shower with their milk where

he wants the rain. Such a wealthy brother¡¦s sister! (naRchelcan thangaay).

People mistake these dark huge buffaloes as clouds. There are no clouds in

His creation. It is all your buffaloes onlyļ [may be even Buffalo city in

New York is made to commemorate this brother¡¦s buffaloes.- aDiyEn¡¦s



The patience that you buffaloes have- we do not have. The chill fog is

falling on our heads (early morning). If you start singing in praise of the

One who angered on the enemy of the lankA; and the one who is sweetest to

our minds- who is Sri Krishna, then we will sing along with you. Rama

angered on Ravanan because he committed apacharam on His asrithars, like

Sita, Sugreevan, Hanuman and Vibheesnan. The same Ravanan (due to the curse,

dwAra paalakars in Kaarya vaikunatm came as HiranyAkshan, Hiranyakasipu;

Raamavan and Kumbakarnan and SisupAlan and dhandhavakran) has now come as

SisupAlan. KaNNan is going to show himself before killing SisupAlan. So He

is SisupAlan¡¦s manatthukku iniyaan. [so this thennilankai kOmAnai seRRavan

and manatthukku iniyaan- is only KaNNan. Not Rama as per Srimath Azhagiya

Singar¡¦s Thiruvullam and AndAL¡¦s as well]


Even if you do not get up from bed it is fine. Just sing from there. That

will still be pleasing to the Lord. yEna kEnApi prakArENa dwayavakthA

thvam¡¨. In anyway, utter Dwayam. In order to let you join KaNNa, there are

many of us waiting at your door entrance. It is so crowded here. If you do

not get up still, it won¡¦t look nice. People will talk about you.


EmeprumAn¡¦s sleep does good to the world. ¡§Utthishta narasaardhoola¡¨.

Does you sleep do good to you? And to us?. Or are you testing us? We don¡¦t

know. Such great enthusiastic devoted girl like you- if you sleep, others

will follow you too.


Let us all go to KaNNan¡¦s house, wake him up and go to Yamuna.

dEvakI suprajA KrishNA! Kaala: prAtha: samAgatha: |

GovindhOtthishta gOvindha: poojAm gruhNIshva maamikAm ||


Let us sing suprApAdham for KaNNan. Leave the sleep. Even if it (sleep) does

not wish to leave you, why are you holding onto it? See. Other girls also

have come with our yelling.

She gets up immediately and looks at everyone. Oh. I am extremely sorry.

Midnight- I got up and thought it is already morning and rushed to Yamuna.

You all were not there; the whole place was empty. I realized that I had

come very early. Came back and was waiting for morning. I must have slept in

the process. Please forgive me.

They all were happy to have the naRchelvan thangaay in their group now.

Sri Andal ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana





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