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ThiruppAvai 16th verse- Sri Mukkur Azhagiya Singra's divine anubhavam- excerpts

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SRImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,

ThiruppAvai-16th verse- Naayakanaay ninRa nandhagOpanudaiya kOil kaappaanE!

All girls now assemble and reach KaNNan¡¦s place. They are at the entrance

of NandhagOpan¡¦s ThirumaaMani maNdapam. Sicne KaNNan¡¦s coming there, his

place has become equal to Srivaikuntam¡¦s ThirumaaMani maNdapam. From Sri

vaikuntam, everyone comes to see KaNNan ins His sowlabhyam and sowseelyam¡¦s

greatest extent.

The girls address the gate keeper of Nandha gOpan¡¦s palace:


Oh Gate keeper of ThirumaamaNi maNdapam of KaNNan, the one who is Bliss to

everyone; who grants bliss to everyone; who rear cattle; who is the saviour

of jeevathmas (cattle); who protect the Vedas! You are the most blessed one

to be gate keeper of KaNNan! (to protect Him)


During uthsavam times, at temples, there is lot of police force deployed at

various places; some at entrance; some on the roads; some with Veda

paaraayanam; some at pantry- etc.. the one who is blessed among this force

is the police deployed in front of PerumAL Himself. They can enjoy his divya

mangala vigraham for hours together. Similarly this gate keepr is the most

fortunate one.


The Lord inside is the Chief Himsefl. Naayakan. He is chief of Indran,

Brahma (chathur muka brahmA), Sivan and all others. How do we know? When

KaNNan was inside Dekaki¡¦s garbham, (womb), all devas aseembled praising

Him, ¡§sathyavratham, Sathya param, thrisathyam¡K and ended saying,

¡§SathyAthmakam thvAm SaraNam prapannaa:¡¨ They surrendered to Him. He is

Sathya swarUpi. Hence, they surrendered to his lotus feet. Thus, with all

Devas including Brahma, Sivan et al, why should someone doubt His

Naayakathvam and Rakshakathvam? He proved the same in bANasura vadham, when

he chased Sivan, Muruga and Vinayakan, when they came to support the asurA.


When he took viswa roopam for Arjunan, Arjuna said, ¡§pasyAmi dEvAn thava

dEva dhEhE brahmANAm Isam kamAlasanastham¡¨. I see Brahma, Sivan, and other

Devas in your ThirumEni (divine Body). Oh Gate keeper of such Greatest

Naayakan! Please open this grand door of His palace for us to go in.

We found out from the grandeur of flags hoisted at the top of this palace

that it is His. The flags indicate to everyone, ¡§He is here; This is meant

for Sriman Narayana alone; Don¡¦t you know?¡¨. We paid our obeisance to the

same and are blessed. You are so blessed to attain this post here as Gate

keepr for Sriman Narayanan- KaNNan. We are illiterate and if we speak

something worng, please forgive us and have mercy on us and open the door



These doors are impreganated with nine gems and are full of gold, diamond

stone laden. Please open this GRAND door. We can not even touch.

kOil kaapaanE! Means what/ One who protects the place of KaNNan! Or one who

protects KaNNan! How can someone protect KaNNan!

It does not mean both. It means: One who protects those who enter here. By

protecting them against all odds and let them join KaNNan thereby getting

paripoorNa Anandham. Also telling how one should enter; what to do and what

not by instructing hereby protecting them from any Bhagawath apacharams.


You have come in thousands. How can we let them all in?

We did not come to go inside and stay. We are going to take KaNNan to


Are you all sent by Kamsan to take KaNNan out?

There is no asscoaition with that mahaa paapi. We came pure and with sincere

mind. We came to wake him up alone and nothing else.

Did you make your own song to wake him up?

No- we only were told by elders to sing their song. We do what we are told

by our elders. We do not invent any new stuff.

You sing. Let me listen as well- says the dwAra pAlakan.

They sing Kadhiravan GuNadhisai sikaram vandhaNaindhaan- (of

Thiruppalliyezhucci)- and complete all 10 songs of Thondaradippodi AzhwArļ

[his Thirunakshathram is on 1st January 2003- Maargazhi kettai].

Enough. I am impressed and amazed by your devotion and sincerity. Go inside

We need to go all 30 days the same manner. Your permission is required for

the same. Tomorrow onwards please do not stop us. We priostrate at your

feet. Saying ¡§dwArapAlEbhyO namah:¡¨ Please have mercy on us. If you send

us in, you need not have to take another birth.

Supposing I send you all in, KaNNan will ask, as to why I let you all in.

What can I answer?

He will not. He alone asked us to come like this early morning.

Have you got it in writing?

Yes. We have forgotten to show you. Here it is: They show him..

He reads:

kumAryas sarvadhA yUyam mathbhakthA nAthra samsaya: |

usha: kAlE mayA saardham bhavEyam yamunAm gathA: ||


I am sorry to have retained you so long. Please open the door and go inside.

Girls say: These doors are nEya nilaikaadhavu. We can not open them. These

doors have preethi and affection for KaNNan more than you. Hence only you

can coerce them to open. Even with vajrAyudham we can not open that.

Oh no. these doors are achethanas (lifeless). ¡V Other girls ask.

AndAL answers them: anEna jIvEna AthmanA.. If there is an object which has

form and name, then it has jeevan in it. jIvEna anupravisya nAma rUpE

vyAkaravANi. It is His word. He exists as antharyAmi in all and lets jIvan

stay in an object due to his karma. Thus, even trees and plants have jIvan

with jnAThruthvam, karthruthvam and bhOkthruthvam to such an extent



How do we know? When Rama went to the forest in the sage dress, the trees,

flowers and tender leaves all wear and showed their emotion of sadness on

the way.

uRusakatamudaiya oru kaaluRRuNarndhana- Sri KaNNan¡¦s pAdhukA- had they not

been there- the wheel asurA would have killed Him ¡Vsays Swamy Desikan.

Thus, PAdhukas also have jnAnam.

Also they do Avahanam for doors. The devathai at the door does not open due

to his or her affection for KaNNan. Hence you please open the door.

Thus spoke AndAL.

Also, ant tom dick and Harry- can not come, open the door- It should have

security access and hence only you will have the know-how. Have mercy.

Gate keepers say: KaNNan had said, unless I say- do not open the door. ¡V He

should at least ring the bell. He must have listened to your

Thiruppaliyezhucci. Why did he not respond? I am worried if he had gone out

already somewhere.

He is maamaayan. Perhaps he would have gone.- Girls agreed disheartedly.

They were depressed.

Gate keepr asks pitifully: Okay. What do you need? You want some material

for your Pooja at Yamuna- Don¡¦t you? Go indside and take whatever you wish.

We need only one for our Puja.

What is that?

That is KaNNan and nothing else.

Gate keeper smiles: These girls will not change their minds and are ardent

devotees of KaNNan. Hence, he decides to let them in.

That vasthu- the material that you want- is sleeping after NandhagOpan-

YasOdha- and the elder brother Balarama. See.

If there is any merit, the credit goes to the great commentary by Srimath

Azhagiya Singar.

Any errors / mistakes are due to my lack of understanding.

SrI Andal ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana




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