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ThiruppAvai 18th verse- Sri Mukkur Azhagiya Singra's divine anubhavam- excerpts

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:

Dearest srivaishnavas,


ThiruppAvai 17th verse- Undhu madhakaLiRRan.. They now wake up Nappinnai.

Who is She?- The enjoyment that is not attained by Anantha, Garuda

VishvaksEnars, by the kaimkaryaparars and parijanas of Sriman Narayanan in

Paramapdham, by the Bhagawath mahishI BhU, NILA Devis – those enjoyment are

all belittled by the joy which Gopikas get with KaNNan. Sri Mahalshmi –

Periya PiraaTTi envious of them, wished to enjoy the Anandham of Gopikas and

hence, sent her amsam in Nappinnai GopikA- who is the daughter of brother of

YasOdhA. NandhagOpan is also equally pleased with the divine beauty of

Nappinnai for the little darling of his -KaNNan.


This Nappinnai is now being woken up for recommendation. PiraaTTi

purushaakaaram. Oh girl! Aren’t you the daughter in law of Nandhagopan? You

are anurUpa pathni of KaNNan in all respects as confirmed by all elders as

well. You have paripoorNa vaathsalyam on us- we know. We also know of your

affection and vatsalyam towards KaNNan. Whatever you says and show – Kannan

can never disagree and He always does as per your wish.


NappinAy! Please open the door and show KaNNan to us, the small girls. Tell

him, small girls have come and fulfill their desires and listen to their

pleas and appeals. Please recommend us to Him.


ammA! We know your greatness and vaibhavam, “If I tell, will He listen and

do?- you need not doubt. Let us tell your greatness. KaNNan was born after

so many years of waiting by Nandhan. He grants KaNNan whatever he asks for,

being a darling and loving child. Also, KaNNan earned something great for

Nandhan as well.


What did He earn?- Listen. He went to Kamsan’s place; killed the mighty huge

elephant Kuvalayaapeetam. He broke its ivory tusker and also brought the

same along with the might of the elephant as well for handing over to

Nandhan. He passed the might that had brought to Nandhan. Also He gave away

the strengths of those wrestlers whom He fought with to nandhagOpan as

KaNNa’s gifts from MathurA to his father. Thus, Nandhan has become stronger

now. Such grand and great father-in-law of yours has now offered his balam

(strengths) to you, Nappinnaay- being his darling son’s darling- and being a

Vaikuntha peNN. He has arranged a beautiful soft and grand palace for you

both to enjoy. You are not letting Him go out anywhere. “Am I holding Him in

my arms?- you may ask. Yes. With your strength accrued from Nandhan, You

have caught Him and captures Him under your spell.


PandhaarviralI! The fingers and palms of yours have played the ball with

KaNNan and in the play; you have won (as He could not concentrate on the

game with your eye spells and fragrances of the beautiful curly black

tresses. He is trapped (in spite of His willing to come out) in your

capture and please let Him come out. Be our purushaakaaram, and have mercy

on us.


How did we know that you both are here?- you may wonder. Nappinnaay! Don’t

you know even this?- We move with you everyday. Don’t we know the fragrance

of yours and of KaNNan’s? your flowers that adorn your tresses, the sandal

paste, the divine fragrance of KaNNan’s – we can never miss. The father of

Anjaneya only showed the way to us with the fragrance from your tresses.

(gandham kamazhum kuzhalI). Please open the door.


He is sapbdham kamazhum kuzhalan. You are gandham kamazhum kuzhalI. Your

fragrance from the tresses is the food for His Olfactory nerves.

He has lost to your fragrance. What is the sue of locking the door and

arrest those fragrance inside? If only it is let out, they get to know their

greatness. Then only people will come in large numbers and get themselves



Even if you do not wish to open fully. Just open the door ajar. We can enter

with that gap. Why have you all come? We came to sing the divine name of

your Lord. We need to pay our obeisance to the lotus feet of yours and your

husband. We have come to perform saranagathi to both of You as the means and

the end. Are you both our parents who need to protect us?


You need to come early morning? Why have you come now?

Can’t you hear the cocks’ crowing? When the hen and cocks crow that shows

the arrival of morning. Don’t you know?

The cocks and hens only called us by crowing- saying..” hEy girls! It has

already dawned. Only if you all get up now, you can call everyone else, wake

up KaNNan and take Him to YamunA along with Nappinnai. Then only you all can

get what you wished. Get up and proceed with yoru work.”


Why have they (the cocks and hens are calling you now?- you may ask. -These

GopakumAris are all illiterate and are young; small girls. These youg girls

think of KaNNan at all times as uNNum sOru, parugum neer, thinnum

veRRilaiellAm kaNNan. They have not been to great vidwAns and attended

kalakshepams to learn Vedanta. They are fools and ignoramuses and are not

aware not are capable of performing the karma, jnAna and bhakti yoga. Due to

some punya (which we do not know when and how it happened- innadhena

aRudhiyida mudiyaatha oru karma vaasanaiyaalE), they are paramikAnthis and

do not expect anything from anyone else except KaNNan only. They do not

offer worship idhara devathas(demi gods). You, NappinnAy- need to get up and

show mercy on them and recommend them to KaNNan- says the cock and hens by

crowing to You nappinnAy. Can’t you hear their sound? Canot you hear their

pathetic call? They are like Acharyas.


They shout OOOOOO… OOOOO… OOOOO First ooo- Lakshmi (Sri); Second OOOO-

Lakshmi- Sri- Third OOOO… Utthaman- You are the Utthaman who is Sri’s Sri.

Thiruvukkum Thiruvaagiya selvan. You and Nappinnai are the ones who know

these Akinchanyars (helpless people) and their ananyagathithvam (having no

other refuge than yourselves). Your duty is to protect them. Get up- says

those hens and cocks.


Come and fulfill their desires and longing pleas.

Come and open the door, NappinnAy with your red lotus flower like palms.

Should He alone enjoy the beauty of your limbs? Your hands? Let us see and

enjoy the same as well. Your bangles tingling sound, let us hear when you

open the door. Please create sunAdhams (auspicious dhvani) from the

ornaments that You are wearing and vanthu thiRavAi and remove the anger of

Your Lord at us (if any exists)! If our ears hear the sunAtham from those

bangles, “bhavEyam SaraNam hi va:” – per SitA piraatti’s words, and asthu

thE.. thayaiva sarvam sampathsyathE..- says Periya PiraaTTi in Gadya

thrayam. – we will be blessed with your assurances from those bangles. Come

happily and open the door and make us happy and blissful.


Am I sad now? Why are you saying “come happily”?

We know that at all times, the Nithyars, you and Sri vaikunta Nathan are all

happy in Srivaikuntam. But when a mukthan comes and arrives there, they get

more pleased and show their happiness. Don’t they? Don’t You? Similarly show

us Your smiling face and happiness and open the door with tingling sound of

your bangles and charming beauty of your red lotus palms.


Please read from vidwAns' commentaries about other greater details- Srimath

Azhagiya singar ends with such great humility. anything good - the credit

goes to the divine commentary of SrI Mukkur Azhagiya Singar's. Errors,

faults are only due to my lack of understanding.

Sri Andal ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana




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