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Padhuka Sahasram-658

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:


658. mukundhapadharakshiNi! praguNadhIpthayasthAvakA:

ksharanthyamruthanirJharam kamapi moUkthikagranThaya:

manAgapi manIShiNO yadhanuShangiNasthathkshaNA

jjarAmaraNadhanthuram jahathi hantha thApathrayam


Oh Paaduka of the Lord! The highly dazzling pearls on You release a

nectar-flood, which in even a trace, by contact, will remove our

tapatrayas and obviate teh friefs of old age and death.


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S)


SlOkam 658


1) UtthamUr Swamy's anubahavam: " Oh Mukundha PaadhukE! The bunches

of pearls seen on You exude a brilliant lustre , which appears like

the immortal nectar . Strange indeed to see how the fortunate ones ,

who come in to contact with that lustre get rid of their three

afflictions that are like obstructing hills and valleys and

become immortal like the DevAs " . The three afflictions are adhyAtmic

(sorrow arising out of disease of body and mind ), Aadhibautika

( sorrow caused by social environment ) and Adhidaivic ( sorrow

from natural calamities ) . Opposite of the state of sorrow is

that of ShAnthi or peace. Swamy Desikan says that the rays of

pearls of PaadhukAs not only lead to peaceful state of mind, but

also stops old age and death for their devotees.



2) SrImath Andavan's anubhavam:The inner meaning is that anyone ,

who reflects on the meanings of AzhwAr Paasurams will get rid

of their SamsArA Taapam that afflicts him .


3)Oh Mukundha PadharakshiNi! The luster of Your rows of pearls are

ever growing (PraguNa dhIpthaya: TaavakA: moukthika panTaya:).

They genearate an indescribable flood of nectar ( Taavaka:

moukthika panTaya: kamapi amrutha nirjjaram ksharanthi).

When even a small amount of those floods of lustre fall on

any fortunate human's head ( ManIshINa: manaagapi yadhushankiNa:),

then they are rid of old age , death and the Taapa thrayams

( yadhanushankiNa: jarA maraNa dhunthuram thApathrayam


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