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Re:(SRS) English Man's Prappatti

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At 07:31 AM 1/6/03 -0800, you wrote:


>Dear Sri Sadagopan -

>The account of Eri Katha Ramar and how Colonel Place could get the Lord's

causeless mercy brought renewed conviction in the power of surrender. When

the pastimes of the Lord can be tied to a physical location known to us and

to a recent time, then it seems so much more real. If you know more such

accounts, please post them.

>With Best Regards

>Rajaram V.



Dear SrI Rajaram :


Thanks for your note.


The author of the above excellent article is

SrIman Sadagopan Iyengar of Coimbatore

and not myself. I know there is a lot

of confusion on this matter , when both of us

have the same name and spell it the same way .

The differnetiating factor is the suffix of Iyengar

at the end of the name " Sadagopan " .


My parents named me " Sadagopan " because I was born

during Panguni Kettai. Our family belongs to AhObila Matam

and my parents chose that special Name " Sadagopan " because

Adhi VaNN SaThakOpa Jeeyar's birth star is Kettai.


By the way , the manner in which I spell my name

(ref: the harsh Comment of SrI Hari MadabhUshi

SaarangarAjan of Singapore on this subject of spelling it

as " Sadagopan " instead of " SaThakOpan " in response to

our dear Sri Malolan Cidamabi's well meant note on

the essay of SrI Sadagopan Iyengar) is this:


As a school age child , I got used to writing my

name as " Sadagopan " because it was easier instead of

" Satakopan " or " SaThakOpan " and that version (Sadagopan)got

stuck in birth certificate , school records and Passport

et al. I would prefer to spell my name as " SaThakOpan "

but is not possible now unless I change it officially.

I thank SrI Hari's justifiably angry pronouncement

on this matter . I am going to leave however

the spelling of my name as it is in the official documents

but will sign off as " SaThakOpan " in sampradhAyic

postings , whenever possible .


Meanwhile , I wish I had a little of

SrIman Sadagopan Iyengar's writing

skills and sampradhAyic knowledge.


My prayers are for SrI Sadagopan Iyengar's

erudite contributions to grow further and

further to inform , entertain and educate

devotees at all levels for many many years

and therby share his vast knowledge on our

revered and ancient tradition.


Another link I cherish with SrIman Sadagopan Iyengar

of Coimbatore is that he had portions of VedAdhyayanam

with my father , Vaikunta Vaasi ,PoundarIkapuram Tattai

VaradAchAr Swamy of Oppiliappan Sannidhi .


NamO NaarAyaNAya ,

" SeelamillA SiRiyOn " Sadagopan

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