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ThiruppAvai 27th verse- Sri Mukkur Azhagiya Singra's divine anubhavam- excerpts

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,


27th pAsuram: KoodArai vellum seer gOvindhA! –

In the last Pasuram, GopikAs asked for the materials like Paanchajanyam

(Conch shell), lamp, flag, placards, etc.. and KaNNan agreed to give. He

further asks as to whether they need something else as wel,l being

overwhelmed with their devotion and love for the Lord. So, GopikAs ask (what

they wanted after the Puja) right now.


KoodArai vellum seer Govindha! – You are Sriman Narayanan praised

unambiguously by all Vedas and Vedantha. Even such illiterate lowly ones

like us, due to some thing of our past action in some birth as an excuse

(vyAjam), You out of Your greatest compassion and mercy, have blessed us to

attain this status of being at Your feet. You appeared as KaNNan for that

purpose alone- it appears. We are fully immersing ourselves in your dayA

saagaram (ocean of compassion). The strongest enemies- the asuRAs who

attained their strengths due to their great penance and obtained their

boons- were all destroyed by You in Your previous avatars effortlessly and

you were praised by jnAnis and devotees as the One with the Most auspicious

attributes (anantha kalyANa guNagaNouka mahaarNava: )


Vellum seer GovindhA! – Others who assembled at Sita’s swayamvaram could not

even touch the sivadhanus; and You not only lifted but also broke the same.

That bow was the favourite of Sita. And it (the one -“can not”- by other-

Koodathadhu) by your little effort, became “can do” for You (KoodAthdhu

venRu Kooditadhu..)


SitA also disagreed with you and cautioned You in Rama avatar once. You gave

abhayam to the Sages in the forest saying that you will destroy the

raakshasas (who had been troubling the sages) when the sages surrendered to

You. Out of great concern for your safety and of her love for You, SitA

immediately cautioned You, “Let us not antagonize Raakshasas; we need to

stay here for 14 years in this forest. Please change your (prathignA) vow.

Abyayam jeevitham jahyAm tvaam vaa seethE salakshmaNAm… I would rather

even die; rather leave You and Lakshmana even; If you wish to go back with

Lakshmana, I am ready to leave you both. But once I have taken a vow to

protect the SaraNAgathars (devotees who have surrendered), I will never ever

change it. [rAmOr dvir naabibhAShathE]. Thus, You made her agree with You..

(koodArai vellum seer GovindhA).


Oh GovindhA! Now you have won and conquered the asuRAs who have more

strengths than the asurAs of earlier avatars of yours. Such greatest

koodArai vellum seer Govindha! Most strongest KrishNA! You are Sarva

sakthan. There are so many religions in the world. Listening to those

religious leaders, these youngsters are simply confused and gullible enough

to be misled by them; when they are about to enter into those religions and

embrace them, we need to caution them saying, “oh most intelligent

Jeevathmas! Do not belive that there are no jeevathmas at all. Vedas have

categorcallyd eclared that Jeevathmas just like Paramathma are also

indestructible and exist time immemorial. mathchitthA; mathgathaprANA: -

there are very many number of Jeevthamas. Do not believe (when they say)

that there are no upper worlds like Srivaikuntam. There are. Thus KaNNA! You

appear and declare through Your GitA; through the preceptors (whom you send)

like Natha, Yamuna, Ramanuja, you correct (and win) the koodAr (those who do

not join this BhAgawathas group) and make them join us and You. Oh VedAntha

vEdhyA! KaNNA! We need to join together forever like this. We have been away

from each other so long. Thus, we are KoodAthAr.. You need to make this

happen. Thus, KoodArai vellum Seer GovindhA!


athOsmi vEdE lOkE cha prathitha” purushOtthama:- Who will seek the One with

absolutely no attributes (gunAs)? Have you all ever seen those who enjoy

objects which have no guNAs? I am the One declared by Vedas as the one with

the samastha kalYANa guNa paripoorNan. There is none called nirguNa deivam.

That nirguNam is that I do not have any imperfections- There is no bad gunA

for Me. There is no superior or equal God to Me. Do not be misled to belive

that there is One and jump into the swirls and muddy (sERu) waters and

destroy yourself. Declaring unambiguously thus, You are KoodArai vellum seer



Elephant, Poothanai, Crane, Wheel, and others were sent by Kamsa and You won

all of them with your strengths effortlessly GovindA! Also during RukmiNi

kalyANam, you fought with Saalvan, JarAsandhan, dhandhavakran, vidUrathan,

Poundrakan, and other thousands of kings and chased them away letting them

run away with fear leaving and dropping their crowns, hats, and upper

clothing on the ground. Oh such most strongest ParAkramasAli KaNNA! We have

come to sing You. (unnai pAdi)


Also, We have been living (wastefully) so many births without thinking of

You at all and have been suffering this samsaaric afflictions; In spite of

the suffering, we refused to join the ghoshti of BhAGawathas and refused to

pay our anjali to Your lotus feet. Such lowly souls (us- KoodAr), You have

made us stand corrected in front of You and made us fall at Your feet. Such

greatest (enemies- us) koodArai vellum seer GovindhA!


Also, You are the One- who is sung and praised with 1000 names by the

strongest one in the enemy gang in his death bed (Bhishma pithAmahar) and

are the friend of Arjuna. You are anantha kalyANa paripoorNan;

BhakthaabhIshta phalapradhan. Chariot drive of Your friend Arjunan. KaNNA!

You are KoodArai vellum seer Govindhan.


Those elders belonging to our clan did not let us join You; You made them

agree to let us wake you up by ourselves and bring You thus. You have made

us be praised by such elders (who earlier were scolding us). Thus, the whole

world praises us for our actions (which You only made us do…. With your

sankalpam). You need to let us be with You at all times and enjoy your

company. Also, there are some more pathivrathA dampati (who have not joined

us) and we request and pray to You for changing their minds as well and let

them join our unparalleled BhAgawatha gOshti and be with You. This is our

important prayers. [There was a husband and wife in Gokulam; they had heard

about KaNNan and his divya chEstithangaL- The husband could never believe

that he is the Lord and he did not want his wife to go mad after KaNNan and

be with KaNNan. She being a pativrathA never disagreed with the husband and

she was also feeling proud that she was the only good one in that village;

“I also do not want to go that jAra chOra sikhAmani; my husband also does

not like”. One day, KaNNan wished to correct them- thirutthi paNikOLvaan.

KaNNan went inside the house (when the husband just stepped out) and he

changed himself to the husband’s form in all respects. The faithful sincere

wife served the KaNNan husband, gave him argyam paadhyam waters; offered hi

food, and then betel leaves. They were enjoying ekAntham. KaNNan also said,

“that mischievous KaNNan of late has started cheating wives like you, it

appears. He changes his form into the respective husband for and be with the

lady. When real husband comes, he creates a scene in such a way that the

real husband is not let in by the actual wife and she is led to believe

KaNNan as the real husband. (which actually TRUE:-) So becareful. kaNNan may

come in when I am not around in my form”. The real KaNNan made her belive

this. That is the time, the actual husband steps in and is shocked to see

someone (in his form) sitting next to his wife. He has understood that it

should be that maayan’s work. He yells at his wife, “That is KaNNan. Do not

believe Him.” She tells him back, “you don’t tell me and convince me. My

husband has understood your intentions and you can not cheat me. Go away.

She takes a broom stick and beats the actual hubby. The actual husband cries

and feel bad of his helpless state; looks at KaNNan and prays, “KaNNA! Why

are you torturing us?”. Daya karan and KaruNAmUrthi KaNNan immediately shows

Himself with Sankha chakra to both husband and wife and they fall at His


“Sankha chakrA gaDhA pANim peethAmbhara sObitham| divyAlankAraparitham

krishNam dhrushtvA nanAmasaa||

Thus, KoodArai vellum seer GovindhA! ]


unRannaip pAdi- By singing Your divine names… Singing uttering your thousand

divine names; Without any kruthrimum (katam) singing your divine names, what

we want is: The hands that hold on your feet should be bedecked with golden

bangles impregnated with nine gemstones; the shoulders that hugged your

divine Body should have shoulder rings (thOLvaLai); the ears that listened

to Your divine names being sung should be equipped with diamond studs; and

there should be many ornaments like them for all of us- And You and

Nappinnai should adorn us with your hands.


You and Nappinnai also dress us with most valuable sink clothing. Udutthuk

kaLaindha nin peethaka vaadai.. We want to wear the cloth (that you both had

worn). You both also garland us with the garlands worn by You. Adorn our

black tresses with fragrant flowers (we had taken a pledge not to adorn the

tresses with flowers in the second PAsuram- malarittu nAm mudiyOm.. nee

mudiyalaam.. )


They requested him to dress them. Were they without them before? They say:

The dress that we are wearing is the one when we were suffering the pangs of

being away from You and before seeing You; when we had varuttham. Now

varuttham theerndhu- all sorrows gone; we are blissful and are happy with

You; the dress also needs to be changed thus. If we show ourselves with the

same old clothing, it will not be seen as grand (of being in the BhAgawatha

gOshti of yours). So, dress us with PeethAmbaram worn by You.


What a greed! I have only one cloth. What will I do? How can I give to all

of you? Tell me.”

kaNNA! KaNNA! DwarakAnilayAchuthA! rakshamAm SaraNAgatham- cried Draupadi.

You showered her with clothing after clothing. samAvruNOth vai vividhais

suvasthrai: . From which place did you buy all those saris? Same place you

buy now also. What is the thinking? Give and let us go YamunA.


After our ArAdhanam to You and Nappinnai and offering Sakkarai pongal (milk

rice- ksheerAnnam) full of ghee with the ghee (when eaten by You and later

by us after your eating) rolling down the wrist towards the elbows… Having

You and Nappinnai in the middle of us, we will all eat the ksheerAnnam

sitting around you on all sides.. like Srivaikuntam. Let us all talk, tease

each other, be united with all BhAgawathas and in the group of BhAgawathas

at all times and enjoy your divya mangaLa vigraham and enjoy being under

your cool, compassionate glances at all times. Please bless us for the same.


Please read from vidwAns' commentaries about other greater details- Srimath

MukkUr Azhagiyasingar ends with such great humility. anything good - the

credit goes to the divine commentary of SrI Mukkur Azhagiya Singar's.

Errors, faults are only due to my lack of understanding.

Sri Andal ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana





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