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ThiruppAvai 28th verse- Sri Mukkur Azhagiyasingar's divine anubhavams- excerpts

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,


28th PAsuram: KaRavaigaL pinsenRu kaanam sErndhuNbOm-

I have agreed to give you what all you asked for; now what else do you

need?- asks KaNNan. Whatever that we asked for are for others' sake who do

Puja at Yamuna. They are not that important to us. The elders need to be

pleased and happy about us (then only they will let us be with you). For

some SaraNagathars (those who have surrendered to You for mOksham) You take

a pledge to grant the same; however in this life before they are blessed

with MokshAnandham, you also bless them with wealth, dress, ornaments etc..

They also are not important to us. You need to grant us the Parama

Purushaartham- the most important one. For those who suffer this samsaaric

afflictions, need to be blessed with only Sri vaikunta praapthi- which is

Sarva Anandham to them. Thereby we all will be blessed to get that

PerAnandham (biggest, unparalleled Bliss).


Okay. That's for you all. why me? I already have Sri Vaikunta praapthi. Why

Anandham to me- You may ask KaNNA!

It is not true that you have no Anandham. When the long awaited son comes

back home, the son enjoys the father's wealth; but the father (who has been

enjoying so long) also gets happier and enjoys more with son's coming and

enjoying together with him. Like that when mukthAthmA is at Srivaikuntam

(having come after such a long time), You get pErAnandham and get the

happiness. Thus, it is Purushaartham (goal) for you also.

What did you do (as means - upAyam) for the same?

We are blessed to have You born in our kulam. What is the reason for the

same? It is our some puNyam in the past for You to be born in our cowherd

kulam. Also out of all cowherd groups, You took our place (Ayar paadi) as

Your place of birth. That is our puNyam. What else then?


That puNyam brought the devotees come to Your place. But to go to

Srivaikuntam- what puNyam did you do? what action did you do?

We are illiterate Ayar kulam (cowherd folks); we do not know any karma,

jnAna yOgam and then the subsequent Bhati Yogam. But we are blessed with one

greatness: we- these illiterate cowherd folks are steadfast that You alone

are the Supreme and none else. We are all maRandhum puRam thozhaa maandhar-

Never ever we will pay our obeisance to demi gods. You are the unparalleled,

unsurpassed Lord. otthAr mikkAr illAtha mAmAyan.


We are blessed to be the ones rearing cattle. We go behind kaRavaigaL

(cattle). They are referred to acharyas. We do not do on our own anything.

We do follow only our Acharyas. what they preach and do, we follow in strict



nAyam dEvO na marthyOvaa na thiryak sThavarOpi vaa|

jnAnAnandhamayas thvAthmA seshO hi paramAthmana: ||


This- I- Jeevathma- is not like Devas; the humans; the birds; trees. It is

aNu swaroopam; jnAna swarUpam, has also jnAnam as atttribute; Anandha

swarUpan. Such jeevaathma, is eternally a servant (dAsan and sEshan) to

ParamAthmA- Sriman Narayanan. We get to know that and we do what is uttered

by our Acahrays- and we go to Kaanam (forest)- Parabrahmam forest - (Brahma

vanam brahma sa vruksha Aseeth) and then eat together- enjoy- being with

acharyas and the Lord.


Have you now changed your mind about me as I have come to Your kulam?

KaNNA! There is not a single blemish for You at SrivaikuNtam. the same thing

holds good when You take avtaars as well. There is no kUrai at all for you.

You are kuRaivoNrum illAtha Govindhan. This Ayarkulam is the most blessed

One. Firstly you are born here. Secondly, these ardent devotees of yours-

These great Ayar kulam ladies are born here. Hence there can be no blemish

to cowherd folks of Ayarpaadi? where can be for You? Hence, they have

crowned You as Govindha and performed Govindha pattAbhishEkam.


Okay. But there can be a time, when you may have a disliking to me. This

karma sambandham may not last for ever.

KaNNA! Let us tell you what little we know. This anubhavam that we are

having is not like Naama sangeerthanam, cleaning the temple corridors,

drwaing kOlams; offering milk, curd to perumAL, reciting Divya prabandham,

veda parayanam etc... This is much grander and better anubhavam - being

REALLY at Your feet, being under the spell of KaNNan as He is- an

unparallelled anubhavam. amrutha iha bhavathi- like Anandham.


Though we have not pereformed the means for mOksham which is Bhakti yoga,

You are the means for us. Your feet is the means standing in place of that

Bhakti Yogam. By surrendering at your feet with Akinchanyam (helplessness)

and ananyagathithvam (no other refuge other than Your feet) You get pleased

and You grant us the same pErAnandham at Srivaikuntam also. Though what we

enjoy now is new anubhavam, our relation is nothing new. You are Swami; we

are Your property. You are Master (sEshi) and we are servants (sEshan). You

are the goal; We are those who attain. Thus, these relations are stamped on

our Jeevathma.


This relation between us can never be destroyed. (unnOdu uRavEl namakku ingu

ozhikka ozhiyaadhu). You can not destroy; I can not destory; not both

together can destroy. Other devathas also can not destroy. Why? because for

them also, the same relation holds good between them and you. Look at the

jeevathama in Brahma (chathur mukha brahmA)- there is that stamp that it

belongs to You as Your property and sEshathvam to You. Look at that of

Devendran's. there is the same stamp. Sivan's- the same.


Looking at that stamp, Paramasivan says:

dAsabhUthA: svathas sarvE hyAthmana: paramAthmana: | athO hamapi thE dAsa:

ithi mathvA namAmyaham||

All Jeevathmas are dAsa bhUthas (servants) to Paramathma. Being one of such

Jeevathmas, I am also dAsan (servant) to paramAthmA. Thus, every Jeevathma

has a stamp of this dAsathvam to ParamAthmA as inherent one. This can not be

erased at all.

Paramasivan praises the Lord (being also a dAsan of this ParamAthmA): hEy

NarasimhA! I pay obesiance to You. "


Jeevathmas never get destroyed (as declared in vedas and Gita). Thus, the

stamp also does not get destroyed. they never go away. The body (which

houses the jeevathma) due to some karma, wrong knowledge and vibharIta

jnAnam may talk all sorts of nonsense and say, " There is no god. " I am

swathanthran. (independent) etc.. But the stamp remains on his jeevathma

always - that he is eternally the propetry of Paramathma and is the dAsan of

Paramathma. Muslims, Christians, whites, blacks, any religion, any country,

in any planet, - whomsoever- be they aetheists, non religious- there is a

stamp on everyone. There is a stamp (as said by Paramasivan) that they are

dAsars of Paramathma- and property of Paramathma. Thus, when they, realizing

this stamp, get to know that they are His dAsars and surrender to the

ParamAthmA, He grants them paripoorna Anandham and BrahmAnubhavam at



Thus, the relation between You and us (Jeevathmas) can never be destroyed.

Will it be destroyed in Srivaikuntam? No. There also, the jeevathmas never

become Brahmam themselves. They are dAsars at Srivaikuntam as well; there is

sAlOkyam (same lOkam- Srivaikuntam), saarUpyam (same rUpam -form),

saameepyam- nearer to Him- and saayujyam- enjoying the same Bliss as the

ParamAthmA (except the creation, and mOksham granting acts)- This is similar

to the farmer taking efforts to plant the seeds and get the yields finally,

while both father (doer) and the son (who did not do efforts) enjoy the same

rice equally.


GovindhA! KaNNA! Please do not mistake us and anger on us when we call you

with smaller belittling names. Your greatest sowlabhyathvam is exhibited in

your KaNNan; Govindhan names. We need to call only with such names which

will make you very happy. Instead, we made a mistake sometime, remembering

your Parathvam and Supremacy and addressed You as Narayana, umbarkOn,

Paranchudar etc.. Please forgive us.


We know by calling You Narayanan, which means: Naaraanaam ayanam - means: He

houses even the aethiests; the non religious ones; non vaidIkas; avaidikas;

those who are at hell et al. Thus, there will be dhOsham, when we call You

as Naaraayanaa! Please forgive us.


We are not going to tell what You do not know. Oh Lord. you are our uyir

(soul). We are Your body (sarIram) Can there be happiness if the soul and

body separate? Will there not be death and body drops itself. The life goes

away. - You may ask. But. KrishNA! You only siad, " This jeevathma never

dies. So your body- the jeevathmas- never die. Thus, Being with You (as

SarIri), for us (Jeevathmas) is the only Anandham and we are inseparable.


Does it mean all jeevathmas get this Anandham?- You may ask.

We said, only if we (jeevathmas) realize and surrender to Your lotus feet, -

we realize the truth that we (you and I) are always together inseparable;

and then attain the ParipoorNa Anandham. this Bliss does not get destroyed

at any time in future (after the jnAnam that we are your dAsars and our

performance of Saranagathi). Lord! You need to grant us the mukthAnandham.

Oh Lord with the most beautiful divine divya mangal vigraham! KaNNA!

Devathideva! GovindhA!

Thus they prayed to Him.

Anything good, the credit goes to Srimath Mukkur Azhagiya Singar's divine

commentary. All errors, faults are mine.

Sri Andal ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana




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