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ThiruppAvai 30th verse- Sri Mukkur Azhagiya Singra's divine anubhavam-conclusion

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:

Dearest srivaishnavas

We have reached the last PAsuram: 30th PAsuram of ThirupppAvai- vangak kadal

kadaintha mAdhavanaik kEsavanai…

In the earlier pAsuram, Gopikas woke up, performed the Puja alongwith KaNNan

as instructed by elders; and later prayed to KaNNan what they want actually

performing unconditional surrender at his lotus feet. They were granted

abhayam by Him and appealed for only sEvicchuying (paying obeisance) to His

lotus feet for ever.- thus Sri andal sang. She imagined the nOnbu of these

Gopikas and in their roles sang all these pAsuram so divinely. Now she sings

in this PAsuram how those who perform Saranagathy are taken care by the Lord

and also how singing these 30 verses bring benefits (as phalasruthi) to the



Saranagathars (prapannas) who recite these 30 pAsurams daily are blessed to

keep any further sins away from them (being committed); and even if they

commit due to their karma, this become prayaschittham for those inadvertent

sins. Thus, these verses purify the prapannans also in utthara kruthyam

(post prapatti) period.


Vangak kadal kadaintha mAdhavanai kEsavanai - Sriman Narayanan along with

Lakshmi reclines on the Adhiseshan in the milky ocean (paarKadal). He is

like huge beautiful ship, which takes us to the other shore. He takes us

from the samsaara saagaram. Thus He is vangam (kappal- ship). He is such

most compassionate ship. This paarkadal (milky ocean) was churned by the

Lord along with devas on one side and asurAs on the other side; He joined in

Deva gOshti and churned; His curly dark, beautiful tresses became

disporderly due to his efforts and that fell on his shining forehead. Thus,

His kesam (hairs) fell on the forehead and became Kesavan; When the ocean

was churned, before the nectar, LakshmI arose from there like the lightining

beauty. She went straight to Lord Sriman Narayanan and resided in his

chest,s aying just by being where I should be I will grant you all

Purushaakaram and whatever that you all wish for. Thus, he became Madhavan.

pasyathAm sarva dEvAnAm yayow vaksha: sthalam hare: When all devas were

seeing she went and housed herself in His vakshasthalam.


This Sriman Narayanan has now appeared as Sri Krishnan of Nandha kulam.

vEdAntha saagaram Krishna swayam lOkahithAya vai |

mamantha pArtthadhaNdEna geethAmrutham abUth subham ||


The same Kesavan, Madhavan- has now come as KaNNan and churned the Vedantha

saagaram (ocean). Like the poison and nectar came out of the churning, (the

poison was consumed by Sivan and showed his kruthagnathai (gratefulness) to

the Lord. The nectar was comsumed by Devas; Lakshmi went to Sriman Narayana)

also good things came out. Narayanan gave birth to Brahma and brahmaa became

the father of Rudran. Thus he became Kesavan. Also he destroyed the Kesi

asurA and became Kesavan. klEsa nAsan- the destroyer of all sins and

confusions – Kesavan. When the Upanishad and PurushasUktham were churned, we

found the LakshmI pathi (Madhavan).


Gita has anything and everything thereby Jeevathmas can be blessed to attain

salvation (in the end). This Gita thus becomes the amrutha (nectar) for all

jeevathmas. The charama sloka alone is adequqate for one to get redemption

by doing what is said there. Thus, it is the churned nectar of Gita.- thus

become Gitamrutha.


Like the Lord as ship in KsheerApdhi (milky ocean) enabling the Jeevathmas

to cross over this samsaara saagaram, Vedantha saagaram also is full of

ships. There are 32 brahma vidyas and in each vidya, Brahman (the lord

Sriman Narayanan) is praised with its respective kalyANa guNAs and instructs

to do dhyAnam accordingly. When the performance of such dhyAnam gets

completed, the Lord enables (through the performance of VidyA) the upAsakars

(the doers) to cross over the samsaara saagaram. Thus, thorugh these 32

vidyAs, He shows Himself as LakshmI Kanthan and shows Himself in vedanta

saagara, there are ships in this saagaram as well. Out of these 32 vidyas,

one is Saranagthi Vidya; others are Bhakti Yoga vidyAs. Thus, Churning

Vedantha Sagaram, the Lord gives us GitAmrutham, and he shows Himself as

Madhavan and Kesavan.


To such greatest KaNNan- the most compassionate One- these unparalleled

beautiful girls of Gopakumaris, - those who wear most shining and beautiful

ornaments- who are blessed to be with the most auspicious attributes

(kalyANa guNAs) sang and praised in different ways.

AndAL imagined herself in so many thousands of Gopikas and sang all these

praises and pAsurams- so, she is the One (sEyozhaiyaar) who went and prayed

to KaNNan after waking him up. How did she praise? Ayartham viLakkE! mAlE

maNivaNNA! ulagaLandha umbarkOnE! And praised uttering His greatest

qualities and supreme position.


Samsaaram saagaram krishNa swayam lOkahithAya vai |

Mamantha guru dhaNdEna baddhAn thrAthum vimukthayE ||


These jeevathmas- samsaaris who are deeply caught- trapped in samsaaric

afflictions- samsaaric ocean- in order to save them and enable them to

attain mOksham, using the peerless Acharyas as the wooden shaft (matthu)

KaNNan churned the samsaara saagaram, removed the dirt of Jeevathmas

completely (using the matthu) and get the sweetest nectar – mokshAnandham at

Srivaikuntam as well here itself (being in the shadow and grace of such

peerless Acharyas and being under the spell of Sriman Narayanan through the

divya mangala vigaraham in Divya Desams). You did all this KrishNA thorugh

your Geethamrutham and Charama slOkam!- says Sri AndAL. You are most

compassionate One- praises AndAL.


Further, SarvOpanishadhO gAva: thOkthA gOpAla nandhana | pArtthO vathsa:

sudhIr bhOkthA thuktham geethAmrutham magath ||- All Upanishads are the

large cows that give milk incessantly to us and never fail to do so. Those

who do not how to milk them get of course kicked by these cows (thus being

misled by the Upanishads) not getting the milk thereby. Sometimes those who

know milking also do nto wash the nipples and get dirty milk (which can not

be drunk.) KaNNA! You took birth in cowherd group; knowing how to milk, you

most beautifully milked these huge cattle (Upanishads) with the calf

(Arjuna) as an excuse; You filled 18 large vessels with milk (18 chapters of

Gita). You offered that milk to the capable one who can drink digest them

(the scholars and jnAnavAns). This milk is GitAmrutha. Also churning this

milk, You brought the tasty butter which is Prapatti (Saranagathi) easy to

consume and tastier as well. You are such krupAkaran; karuNAkaran;

dayAnidhi- the most merciful One and most compassionate One.


Also we know how wandering and vagabonds were we before? You instilled

goodness in our minds so that we can look towards You; and You made us such

an unconditional and unflinching devotion and faith in Your lotus feet and

You made us not to look at anything else and anyone else other than Your

lotus feet only. It is Your grace. You made us praisse You and perform

surrender to Your lotus feet.


This ThiruupAvai is sung by none other than BhUmi PiraaTTi herself who

appeared as a small girl in the garden on Sri VilliputthUr Bhattar piraan

(PeriyAzhwAr) and became his daughter. She is an ayOnija. Fron the day she

appeared she was devoted and interested in KaNNan and none else. She is only

daughter of BhAgawatha srEshtar- PeriyAzhwAr- the one who wears the garland

of lotus beads in his chest. He is Bhattarpiraan of VilliputthUr- which is

like an ornament for the world itself. It is PeriyAzhwAr who established the

Supremacy of Sriman Narayanan in Pandya kingdom by quoting the relevant

Vedas and PurushasUktham and obtained his name conferred to him by the king

as Bhattar piraan. King Vallabhadeva announced the victory of PeriyAzhwAr

(Bhattar Piraan) and

conferred the title Bhatta nAthan. He also decalred for a Huge procession of

AzhwAr on the Royal elephant. He took the curved Conch Shell and blew in

honor of the victory and to celebrate the success of PeriyAzhwAr who had

established in such unambiguous terms, the Parathvam of Sriman Narayanan

quoting the relevant sections from Vedas at the Sabha. When the Lord

appeared on GarudA along with Sri Mahalakshmi to witness the procession of

success for Bhattar Piraan, Bhataar Piraan was overwhelmed with the

exquisite beauty of PerumAL and Thaayar that he burst out with PallANDu

(Long live) out of his greatest pongum Parivu – like a mother towards the



When Vishunu Chitthar (Bhattar Piraan) saw the Lord, he was overwhelmed with

the beauty, youth and laavaNyam of the Lord and broke out spontaneously -

Why have You come here? This place is full of evil, and with such beauty

epitomized, the people will cast evil glances on You.. ). He bursts out

like an affectionate caring Mother with full of vaathsalyam on

the Lord.. With his mangaLAsAsanam (praise) of the Lord using the bells on

the neck of the elephant as taaLam. He started singing Pallandu (hundreds of

thousands of years of the Lord’s well being. )


Such greatest PeriyAzhwAr;s daughter- sishya- is Sri AndAL. GodhA. It is her

30 verse which is the seed of all Vedas and Vedantha. It is Vedam

anaitthukkum vitthu. It is made in simple chaste and lucid sweet Tamil-

easily understood by even less literate people. This is sung by one who is

devoted right from her birth. Sri Krishnan himself forgot (some reason) the

divine name Narayanan in his entire GitA. But AndAL starts with NarayananE

namakkE paRai tharuvaan. It is Narayanan who will give us what we ask for.

The entire Gita does not mention about Mahalakshmi. He has forgotten her.

But our GodhA never leaves her (Thiru). Those who recite this ThiruppAvai-

will be blessed with Thiruvarul (the grace of Lakshmi) at all places (here

as well as there at Srivaikuntam) and all times. Also, those who are capable

of singing can sing these simple lovely Pasurams in different ragas and set

to different thALAs. It can be sung in large group of devotees and also

alone- It can be sung set to beats. thaaLam vazhangip pAdum thamizh maalai.

This garland of Tamil poems – verses is the sweetest one can get anywhere.


If one recites these 30 verses daily without mistake- he (or she) will be

blessed with sakala sowbhAgyam here on this earth by the Lord Sriman

Narayanan [who has four broad shoulders (which hug the most beautiful Sri

Mahaakshmi); who is adorned with most beautiful and most valuable ornaments;

who has red lotus eyes extending upto ears, accentuating divinely charming

Thirumukam (face); who has the leelA vibhUthi and Nithya vibhUthi under His

control at all times]. They (reciters) are also blessed with Sri vaikunta

prApthi at the end – placing them on His lap first, hugging, enquiring them

lovingly and caringly, and later let to enjoy serving Him eternally at his

lotus feet. – AndAL thus blesses us (the reciters).

mAdhavanai iRainchi' shows the first half of Dwayam; 'Selva thirumaalaal

inbuRuvar shows the second half of Dwayam. Sridevi and her spouse will grant

us all happiness. She uses the word THIRU 4 times in this verse to emphasize

that it is only e through the Purushakara of Piraati on can attain this

wealth and Supreme bliss


Hence, oh readers! Do not forget to recite ThirupAvai daily. This is the

essence of all Vedas. Seed of all Vedas. Those who have understood the

meaning of this ThiruppAvai, have understood the entire Vedanta- Says Sri

MukkUr Azhagiya singar. We can attain sakala kshEmams. (all good).


Thanks to everybody who have been encouraging me by appreciating adiyEn’s

scribbling. Anything good, the credit goes to Srimath Mukkur Azhagiya

Singar's divine commentary. All errors, faults are mine

Sri Andal ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana




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