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ThiruppAvai 25th verse- Sri Mukkur Azhagiya Singar's divine anubhavam- excerpts

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,


25th pAsuram: orutthi maganaay piRandhu Oriravil orutthi maganaay oLitthu


KaNNan is sitting majestically on the seeriya SingAsanam.. (the most

beautiful SimhAsanam). GopikAs now address his avathrAra¡¦s greatness.


¡§Aren¡¦t you the brother of one, born to two ladies (Balarama was conceived

in one¡¦s womb and was born to another lady)? Like that you also wished to

have two mothers and though born to Devaki, became the son of YasOdhA. She

always thinks (still thinks) that you are her actual child. You behave so

sonly with YasOdhA.


Also, you made one devathai born to one lady and simultaneously in the same

night (like you) got her transported to another lady¡¦s place. You went and

hid yourself in another place without anyone knowing that you are Devaki¡¦s

son. That girl, without the knowledge of the mother (Yasdoha) ¡V you made

her hide at Devaki¡¦s place as if she is her daughter. These two incidents

that happened ¡V only Vasudevar, Devaki know you; they know that girl. But

Yasodha does not know that you are not her son; nor does she know that she

has only a daughter. She knew she had given birth- that¡¦s all.


You hid all your divine marks ¡V of four hands, Sankha, Chakra as requested

by your mother Devaki. Kamsa- who was fearfully expecting and awaiting your

arrival- did not come to know of your birth and you were shifted as

Yasodha¡¦s son. You have been growing here as her son. This secret is known

to Devaki and Vasudeva alone. ¡V That maaya girl also knows. KaNNan smiled.

¡§I am sorry, You also know the secret. ¡§. Why were you born at night? ¡V

Only at night all this stealing and transferring can clandestinely take

place. If it is daytime, nothing can be done. Everyone will come to know.

More than that, first Kamsan will come to know. (then, how else Poothanai,

Vathsasuran, Sakatasura will all die?). It should be pitch dark- can not be

even full moon day.


For three births- she wanted to have You as child- and you became her

(Devaki¡¦s) son; The One who is not born to orutthi (a lady) but born to a

Man (PurushOtthaman- i.e. You) created us based on our karma. But you were

not created by him as he is your son. That eight eyed one and three eyed one

(his son) were all created by You. You are not bound by Karmas and you

avatar are not karma bound. You take avatars on Your sankalpam to protect

the dharma and virtuous ones; to destroy the evil and enemies; you (like

Your usual Self) never get the blemishes in your such births (unlike us).

You are ahilahEyaprathyaneekan (blemishless). The eight eyed and three eyed

did Purushasooktha japam in the banks of Milky Ocean (paarKadal) and plrayed

to You for saving the worlds from Kamsa. You out of your greatest compassion

and mercy, took sankalpam to be born to orutthii (Devaki).


You son alone created your mother and father. Also he created your other

mother and father (Namdhan and Yasodha). Our parents were also created by

your son. Why all this? Everyone in this Universe is created by your son (as

ordained by You).


With his bad children¡¦s actions, the good children suffered terribly and to

a large extent, and based on your son¡¦s prayers, You took a pledge to

appear as KaNNan to orutthi and hid as another¡¦s son so that Kamsas do not

get to know- and now You show Yourself so gracefully on this singAsanam to

us. You need to fulfill our desires. We have come begging (unnai

arutthitthu) You.


tharikkilAlAnaagi- Devaki¡¦s eighth son will kill you- the asareeri had

uttered ¡V Kamsa was terribly scared right from that time; he killed all

seven children before you. When Devaki was pregnant was the eighth time, he

handcuffed both Vasudeva and Devaki with tough strong shackles and

imprisoned them so that they will not escape. He heard that there is a girl

(and not a boy born); he did not ignore that it is girl as he was scared it

too would and can kill him as well. He wanted to kill the same as planned

immediately; When he threw the girl at a nearby huge stone, she flew and

laughed at him ¡§hEy fool! The one for you is already born¡Knot me..¡¨.

Kamsa became pale right that moment. He runs for his life since then. He

could have said, ¡§oh Lord.. please forgive me for my aparAdhams and leave

me alive.¡¨. You would have forgiven him as it is. But he on the contrary

started sending (thinking you must be the one growing at yasodha¡¦s house)

the asuras like Poothanai, Sakatasura et al. Through their killing, you

became a fire in his stomach. The one who placed fire in the hearts of

saadhus and scholars- you kept all those fires back into his stomach with

your killing all his missionaries (asurAs). Not that You stood in his

stomach- he is not so fortunate. You actions made him feel scared and that

became his fire in stomach- caused by himself.


We have come begging You (arutthitthu vandhOm)- Have I been granting all

that one asks for? Have I been giving to all who ask me? Have I been givinh

whatever that they ask for? Whever they ask for? Oh young girls? What are

you asking me? And why?


Whatever; whoever, wherever asks you;- you give them only one thing- That

is: All that will not do harm to them. If you do not give something that

they ask for or plead for- that means- you know (being the Sarvagnan) that

that will not do good to them and do more harm than good- though they are

not aware and they may even be angry that you have not granted the same.


We are ready to promise (with sathyam) that You give and protect anyone-

whoever asks and wherever he asks and whatever he begs. If it is for

protection, You do that all times. It is Your dayA. As said earlier, you do

not give that does harm to the one who has asked. yAchithOpi sadhA bhakthai:

nAhitham kaarayEth hari: Other than, there is nothing that You do not give

your asrithars (devotees).


Just imagine what all you give when they (your devotees) are in difficult

times. You will know for sure, you never fail to take care of them. If you

have not given someone who is in distress and not taken care, let us know.

We will accept that we have lost to You.


kaNNan smiles: Okay. Then ask.

You grant Aishwaryam (wealth) when someone asks; huge palaces when they are

asked for; great, most valuable ornaments when prayed for. In short,

whatever that You possess, you give it to anyone who asks for. Even if it is

not here, you go to Srivaikunatm to get it (like your teacher¡¦s son). If we

ask for a ride on Garudan, you would happily take us for a rideļ We DO NOT

WANT ALL THIS. Wer don¡¦t want brahma lOkam; Indra lOkam even your lOkam

(let it be with You). Icchuvai thavira indhra lOkam Alum acchuvai perineum

vENdOm¡K kaNNA!


Then, you said, ¡§we have come begging You; now you are saying, we do not

want that; we do not want this.¡¨ Tell me what do you want?¡¨

Asking itself to You is wrong. You need to give yourself. But you won¡¦t

unless someone asks, else you have to give everyone in the world (as others

will complain as to why such a partiality? He gives one something without

asking and another different thing. Both have not asked for.). hence in

order to save you from trouble, we ask.. What we ask is only You. UNNAI

ARUTTHITTHU vandhOm¡K We cam begging You¡K begging for You¡K Only You and

none other than You. We do not want anything else.


KaNNan is amazed by their intellect and Chathuryam. He is impressed by their

paramaikANthitvam. Ladies are generally twice intelligent than men. [srimath

Azhagiya Singar writes: do not pounce on me:-) ] sthreeNAm dwiguNA aahaara:

thathaa buddhis thatthaa balam. They are stronger as well (perhaps

mentally). There can not be any intelligent male like these Gopikas to ask

in such cornered manner. ¡V Thinks KaNNan. (meaning: He alone is Purushan

and we are all His seshans- servants- sthrees and he admires us). I need to

know one thing. If you wish I will ask.- KaNNan asks them

KaNNA! We thought over about what you wished to know. We are not able to

arrive at any clear thing and we do not agree. Come out with your doubt.

How many of you here?

There is no Gopika (young) at our homes. All of us are here- so you can

imagine. There are about a few millions. All of us are at Your feet now

begging for You. Grant yourself to us.


Oh foolish girls! How can I give myself to so many of you? Even in 19th

Pasuram, (Kutthu viLakkeriya), you were so envious of Nappinnai with me. Are

you all going to envy for the rest of your life time when I am with one of

you.. only. OR are you planning to sell me and distribute the money?


KaNNA! We know your tricks. You are such a maayavan. You are Nedumaal.

Parabrahmam Himself. You have become the cowherd Boys of whole Ayarpaadi,

the cattle, the calves with the respective marks, color, defects, behaviors,

mannerisms, sounds, and even the parents and care takes of those boys and

cattle could not identify that their children /cattle have been changed to

KaNNan for one whole year (when Chathur mukha brahma snatched away all boys

and cattle /calves for a year to play a trick on You). You are such GREATEST

Lord and we do not have to teach you to make Yourself as many of us and be

available as KaNNan for each one of us and be with all of us for ever. Be

our neengaatha selvam.. We need to get rid of all our varuttham (any

semblance of unhappiness) just by being with you and enjoy as much as You do

for ever and ever.


Please read from vidwAns' commentaries about other greater details- Srimath

MukkUr Azhagiyasingar ends with such great humility. anything good - the

credit goes to the divine commentary of SrI Mukkur Azhagiya Singar's.

Errors, faults are only due to my lack of understanding.

Sri Andal ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana







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