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PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi 3.6- Wherever He stands, creepers turn towards there

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SrImathE Ramanujaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,


In the last Thirumozhi, KaNNan lifted the huge Govardhana Mountain

effortlessly and removed the dEvathAnthara sambandham from these cowherd

folks (who were doing Indra Pooja). In this ten, AzhwAt enjoys KaNNan’s

divine flute music which melts Devas, humans, plants and animals as well.

Let us enjoy the divine music of KaNNan’s from the words of PeriyAzhwAr.


Naavalamperiyatheevinilvaazhum nangaimeer_kaaL! idhu_OraRpudhamkELeer

Thoovalampuriyudaiyathirumaal thooyavaayilkuzhalOsaivazhiyE

kOvalarsiRumiyar_iLangongai kudhukalippa_udaluLavizhndhu engum

kaavalumkadandhukayiRumaalaiyaaki vandhukavizhndhun^inRanarE. 1


1. Oh virtuous ladies, born and brought up in this vast jambu dweepam

(naaval- jambu)! hEy! Listen to this wonder! From Sriya: Pathi Sriman

Narayanan, one who has the pristinely pure white paancha janyam (Sankhu-

conch shell) – from this KaNNan’s red coral mouth, comes out the divine

flute music and the cowherd ladies with engorging breasts and with

tremendous joy, with their minds and bodies going uncontrolled (losing

control of them) hearing the music of KaNNan; they walk out of their houses

(breaking all barriers and bans) and align themselves like a garland.


By addressing all women in jambu dweepam (meaning all of us), AzhwAr implies

that why only ANdAL gets the GopikA bhAvam and none else in this world. It

is a wonder. [similar to Thondaradippodi AzhwAr’s “udal enakku urugumaalO en

seygEn ulagattheerE]. If one is born a sthree, she is blessed to have and

enjoy Purushan. Everyone will naturally aspire for the grandest Purushan-

Parama Purushan; PurushOtthaman. Doesn’t He like the young devoted Gopikas?

No. He is Thirumaal. He relishes being with them as well. Okay. You may

wonder- who will tell us for us, who are born in this Jambudweepam? This is

puNya bhUmi. This is the place where Emperumaan takes avatars yuga after

yuga. You are blessed to be born in this divya desam. If you look to him,

hold onto His lotus feet, seek Him, then dhadhAmi bhuddhiyOgam thamyEna

mAmupayAnthithE.. He will arrange all and everything for he union with Him.


Cowherd folks kept the cowherd girls away from Him and had them under their

control. They also due to their natural shyness did not approach on their

own and talked to Him. He did not leave them but. When none was around, he

went to yamuna river and on the bank, he started playing the divine flute

(Oodha) and the divine music made the girls lose their control and made them

automatically run towards Him. “we lost; We are yours and yours alone.” They

came and aligned themselves. They bowed down to Him. (kavizhndhu ninRanar).

Hence, oh jambudweepam ladies! You also are capable of doing that.


Only in Jambudweepam (out of seven dweepams) EmperumAn creates beings first;

and only here he appears in his vibhava, archa avatars.


idavaNarai_idaththOLodusaayththu irukaikoodappuruvamn^erindhERa

kudavayiRupadavaaykadaikoodak lOvindhan_kuzhalkodu_oodhinapOdhu

madamayilkaLodumaanbiNaipOlE mangaimaar_kaLmalarkkoondhal_avizha

udain^ekizha_Or_kaiyaalthukilpaRRi olkiyOdarikkaNOdan^inRanarE.



[While He plays, AzhwAr enjoys the thirumEni azhaghu of KaNNan (divine

beauty of Lord’s body) and the beautiful standing posture of Gopikas]

The left chin tilted towards the left shoulder; the two hands in opposite

direction hold the flute with the fingers touching the flute; the divine eye

brows were brought closer and bit raised (due to efforts of playing or

looking for someone…); (due to holding breath) the lovely stomach appeared

like a small pot; the curvy beautiful red coral like two lips join the flute

and in that form when KaNNan played the divine music from his flute, the

young cowherd girls with their black long tresses not tied (as there was no

time); the running, darting large beautiful eyes run towards where KaNNan is

standing; and while they came running like the peacocks and deer and due to

their speed, they had their waist clothes falling off, which were clutched

tightly with one of their hands; and in that posture, they came and stood.


Due to their long tresses which are untied, they dangle when they came

running appearing like peacocks with their feathers spread out. With their

eyes darting, and looking at KaNNan, they appeared like deer- enjoy AzhwAr.

Also there were deers and peacocks where KaNNan was playing. The difference

was: These girls had their clothes (that were falling off) being clutched in

one hand, while that was missing in deer and peacocks.


KaNNan’s posture is depicted beautifully in Yadavabhyudhayam (8-62) and

girls standing posture in 8-64.


Vaanilavarasuvaikundhakkuttan vaasudhEvanmadhuraimannan nandha

kOniLavarasukOvalar_kuttan gOvindhan_kuzhalkodu_oodhinapOdhu

vaaniLambadiyarvandhuvandheeNdi manamurukimalarkkaN_kaLpanippa

thEnaLavuseRikoondhalavizhach chennivErppachchevisErththun^inRanarE. 3.


The Yuvaraajaa of Paramapadham; the darling son of Vasudeva; small Boy Kutti

KaNNan; the Nathan of MathurA; the prince of Nandhan; the youngest of

Gopalas; KaNNan- when he started the divine music from his flute, the

youthful ladies from Deva lokam, came flocking towards Him with their hearts

full of joy; with the tears of joy pouring down from their eyes; the honey

dripping long tresses fall untied (due to their run and hurry); the

beautiful crescent like forehead show droplets of sweat due to exertion;

with their ears united with the music that emanated from the Kutti Kannan,

they stood still.


What is the wonder of Gopika girls running towards Him and standing? Even

the celestial girls have now come running listening to the dvine music now

in this PAsuram. They came running, enjoying the rasAnubhvam of the divine

flute and with the tears runningd own their cheeks listening to the

scintillating, enchanting divine music from kaNNan, they nod their heads and

stand still.


He is Yuva raajaa. Being Yuvaraaja, is not a burden. Not much of

responsibility. Like that he enjoys at Paramapadham. Nothing is a burden to

Him. When Dasaratha wanted to do Yuvaraja PattAbhishEkham to Rama,

YowvarAjyE niyOkthAsmi. He wanted to continue as the king, while Rama is the

Yuva Raja. When rama later became Raja, He made Bharatha as Yuva Raja. Thus,

KaNNan is the Yuva Raja in Nandha kulam. Though there is none above Sriman

Narayanan in Paramapadham, He is called Yuva raja as He is ever young and

ever Youthful like Yuva raja. There is no time in which He gets old and

wears out.


He is the darling of Vaikunthar- Vaikuntha kuttan. Asritha paarathanthran.

Being in the hands of His devotees- Nithyasuris and letting them do on Him,

what they wish to; Thus, he is Vaikuntar kuttan. He is praised and sung

pallAndu by them at all times. Also He is Kovalar kuttan. Darling of cowherd

folks. Thus He shows His sowlabhyam and sowseelyam. In spite of being the

yuva raja of Nandhan, he is kOvalar kuttan- the last and youngest of cowherd

group. He lets himself be played to their heart content and stopped Himself

so low to allow Himself to be played by those cowherd folks.


How can there be sweat for Deva lOka sthrees?- Thiruvaymozhi Pillai says:

the honey dripping from the tresses appear on the forehead as sweat. While

Jeer (Manavala mamunigal) says: In front of KaNNan’s divine music, anything

can happen to anyone. Hence there is nothing wrong in sweat from Deva loka



thEnukanpilamban_kaaLiyanennum theeppappoodukaL_adanga_uzhakki

kaanakambadi_ulaaviyulaavik karunchiRukkan_kuzhaloodhinapOdhu

mEnakaiyoduthilOththamai_arambai uruppasiyaravarveLkimayangi

vaanakampadiyilvaaythiRappinRi aadalpaadalavaimaaRinar_thaamE.



dhEnukAsuran, piralambAsuran, kaaLingan, et al – those who tried to do harm

to Him, were crushed effortlessly; and the dark little handsome Boy KaNNan

kept walking dancingly in the forest. When he played the music in his flute,

the celestial dancing girls, mEnaka, the famous thilOtthama, Rambha,

Oorvasi, and others being enchanted by the divine music from KaNNan, without

uttering a single word, stopped their dance automatically, ashamed of their

songs and dance as compared to KaNNan’s.


In order not to give trouble to other cowherd boys, he walked first crushing

the weeds, thorns and other hurdles thereby making way for others. He

crushed the hudrels that came on the way, namely, dhEnukAsuran, Pilambhan,

KaLingan and others. He walked like a dance and played flute. That divine

music and dance made the celestial dancers cum singers viz., Menaka,

Thilotthama, Rambha, et al shamed of their dance. They were having ahankaram

that they were the best dancers and singers. Having seen KaNNan walking like

a charming dance and playing effortlessly (OOdhi- not Vaasitthu),the flute,

they felt ashamed and their legs stopped and their mouths closed.


munn^arasingamadhaaki avuNan mukkiyaththaimudippaan, moovulakil

mannaranchum madhusoodhananvaayil kuzhalinOsai seviyaippaRRivaanga

nannarambudaiyathumburuvOdu naaradhanumthamthamveeNaimaRandhu

kinnaramidhunangaLum thamtham kinnaramthodukilOmenRanarE. 5.


When all kings in three worlds were scared; and were afraid of asuran

HiraNyakasipu, He appeared in the most beautiful form (adhbhutha kEsari)

Lion faced human form Sri Nrsimha avatar to destroy hiraNyakasipu and as

Hayagreeva rUpi, He killed Madhu and kaitabhar raakshasas. Such greatest

most victorious EmprumAn KaNNan’s muth is the residence for His flute. The

divine music from that flute pulls and lures the ears towards Him; having

heard that music, the veena musicians and singers, Sages Thumburu, Narada

have forgotten their Veena and Kinnarars have left their kinnara instruments

as well. We will never ever touch them- they appeared to have taken a vow,

having heard KaNNan’s flute.


semperundhadangaNNan_thiraLthOLan thEvakisiRuvan_thEvar_kaLsingam

namparaman_in^n^aaLkuzhaloodhak kEttavar_kaL idaruRRanakELeer

ambaramthiriyumkaandhapparellaam amudhageedhavalaiyaalsurukkuNdu

namparamanRenRun^aaNimayangi naindhusOrndhukaimmaRiththun^inRanarE. 6


The large ruddy lined, long, well spread and well laid out lotus eyed One;

the round, well formed strong shouldered One was born as Devaki’s darling

son; he is superior to and the master of even devas; the lion among devas;

our ParamAthmA SarvEshwaran- Supreme Lordship- during His KrishnA avatar, he

played his flute, and those who heard the music got themselves these

hurdles- Listen to this. All those celestial singers- Gaandharvars who

loiter in the skies and wander in the air, having heard the divine music of

KaNNan’s flute, have realized that it was not their duty anymore to protect

and save the music. They felt ashamed of their music (after hearing KaNNan’s

flute, falling for such divine music), felt tied down to, felt worn out and

stopped singing further.


In last PAsuram, Deva rishis Kinnarars were referred to. This pAsuram refers

to Gandharvars. They have reached the end of music and have attained the

ultimate in music. But now…. they felt stopped by KaNNan’s divine music.


puviyuLn^aan_kaNdadhOraRpudhamkELeer pooNimEykkumiLangOvalar_koottaththu

avaiyuL naakaththaNaiyaan_kuzhaloodha amaralOkaththaLavumsenRisaippa

aviyuNaamaRandhuvaanavarellaam aayar_paadin^iRaiyappukundhu_eeNdi

seviyuNaavin_suvaikoNdumagizhndhu gOvindhanaiththodarndhu_enRumvidaarE. 7


Listen to this most wonderful thing on the earth. There are lots of wonders

on earth. After hearing this, you would realize that there can be nothing

grander than this. This Lord, who reclines on AdhisEshan as His bed, KaNNan

played his flute in the assembly of youthful cowherd folks and that divine

music from His flute reaches upto the heaven and the celestial ones forget t

consume the havis (ghee) offered and assemble in this place where cowherd

folks live. They use their hearing tongues in their ears– the auditory

nerves- for consuming the divine music as their only food. They feel

rejoiced and dance going behind wherever KaNNan went.


This is the greatest of great wonders. Instead of consuming their havis

(Ghee), they ate the music through their ears (as tongue). Wherever he went,

they went behind drinking the music. Those who do not touch the earth, came

stepping where the Lord had touched. Once the ears enjoy, the tongue does

not need any separate food. Sevikku uNavillAdha pOzhdhu siRidhu vayiRRUkkum

Iyappadum says ThiruvaLLuvar. sravavaNarasa nayA- srakdharaathuktharaasi:-

says Swamy Desikan.


siRuviralkaLthadavipparimaaRach chengaNkOdachcheyyavaaykoppaLikka

kuRuveyarppuruvamkoodalippak kOvindhan_kuzhalkodu_oodhinapOdhu

paRavaiyin_kaNangaLkooduthuRandhu vandhusoozhndhupadukaadukidappa

kaRavaiyin_kaNangaLkaalparappiittuk kavizhndhiRangichcheviyaattakillaavE.



So far, it humans, Devas who enjoyed the music. Now it is birds and cattle.

How they enjoy his music. When the little fingers touch and distribute the

sound, play the divine music; the holed flute bring out the divine music;

the eye brows come nearer (with efforts to make the music – no… looking afar

if that Gopika is coming..); KaNNan plays the flute. When he does that, the

birds leave their nests, lower themselves without even moving their feathers

(in order not to disturb the music that comes through the wind); the cattle

lower their heads to grab the grass and while doing so, listen to the music

and they do not even shake their jaws and hold their grass at that position

enjoying the divine music. They (cattle) do not even move their ears

(fearing it will affect the enjoyment or they are not able do so, as the

ears are not in their control). What an anubhavam by AzhwAr.


thiraNdezhuthazhaimazhaimukilvaNNan sengamalamalarsoozhvaNdinampOlE

suruNdiruNdakuzhalthaazhndhamukaththaan oodhukinRakuzhalOsaivazhiyE

maruNdumaan_kaNangaLmEykaimaRandhu mEyndhapullumkadaivaayvazhisOra

iraNdupaadumthulangaappudaipeyaraa ezhudhusiththirangaLpOlan^inRanavE.



The rain laden, dark cloudlike KaNNan- the One who has the dark tresses

where the black bees reside due to honey dripping flowers he had adorned on

His head; such divine beautiful faced KaNNan played divine music in his

flute. The moment the groups of deer heard the music, they forget to eat the

grass and other bushes, and the ones that they had grabbed in their mouths

fall off from their mouths forgetting themselves completely. They stand like

the dolls.


karungaN_thOkaimayiRpeeliyaNindhu kattin^an_kuduththapeedhakavaadai

arungalavuruvinaayar_perumaan avanoruvan_kuzhaloodhinapOdhu

marangaLn^inRumadhuthaaraikaLpaayum malarkaLveezhumvaLar kombukaLthaazhum


pakkamn^Okki avaiseyyumkuNamE. 10.


Cowherd Chief- Ayar perumAN- SarvEshwaran- wore the smoothest silk cloth

(PeethAmbaram) and valuable shining ornaments in his most beautiful Divine

Body; He wears the peacock feathers as the ornament as well; Such most

handsome Lord KaNNan played the flute. When he played such a divine music,

the honey dripped from the trees uninterruptedly; the flowers kept falling

from their trees; the creepers that grow up lowered themselves to reach

KaNNan (and enjoy); They languished for touching Him. Wherever Sriya:Pathi

went, they turned towards that direction; These achethana trees’ servitude

and enjoyment of the lord is the most wonderful phenomenon.


Even in Ramayana, the trees involvement to the Lord is described. vishayE

thE mAhArAja rAmavyasanakarchithA: abivrukhA: parimlAnA:

sapushpAnguragOrakhA (the buds, flowers and the trees showed their emotions

and looked depressed due to the separation from Rama).


kuzhaliruNdusuruNdERiyakunchik kOvindhanudaiyakOmaLavaayil

kuzhalmuzhainchukaLinoodukumizhththuk kozhiththizhindha_amudhappunalthannai

kuzhalmuzhavamviLambumpudhuvaikkOn vittuchiththanviriththathamizhvallaar

kuzhalaivenRakuLirvaayinaraakich chaadhukOttiyuLkoLLappaduvaarE. 11.


Even the trees showering with honey is due to the Lord’s vaathsalyam towards

everyone and everything by playing the divine music for everyone’s

enjoyment- by keeping the flute at the end of his most beautiful coral like

bimbha (pavalam) fruit like lips. Govindhan, one who has the black curly

hairs on his head, kept the flute on his red coral like lips, and played

divine music through the hole of the flute. The nectarine waters (sulliva)

from His mouth passes through the flute and makes this divine music. – About

this music, is sung by Sri VilliputthUr’s Vishnu chitthan, in tamil

pAsurams. Those who read this Tamil PAsurams on divine flute music of KaNNan

will be blessed to have a shrill mellifluous voice sweeter than the flute

and join the group of BhAgawathas.

PeriyAzhwAr ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana




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