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PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi 3.7- maayanmaamaNivaNNanmEl ivaLmaaluRukinRaaLE

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SrImathE Ramanujaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,


AzhwAr started with ThiruppallANdu and enjoyed in the role of Yasodha in

next pAsurams. Later AzhwAr also enjoyed in the role of Gopasthrees. In this

and the next Thirumozhi, AzhwAr enjoys in the role of a mother of a Gopa

girl, who is devoted to KaNNan since her birth. Perhaps, AndAL has inspired

him to sign this ten. When AndAL after so many years of KaNNan’s appearance,

can be like that, there could be certainly such a girl in Gopas as well.

Thus AzhWar enjoys in the role of a mother-in-law.


SwApadEsam (Inner meanings): AzhwAr considers himself as a young, (not yet

grown) bride and informs her teachers (as her mother) of her love for

KaNNan, the lack of jnAnam and bhakti (in expressing that the tresses have

not grown fully; the breasts have not formed fully; the teeth completely

have not grown etc..) and request the Lord to fill the disqualifications and

lack of qualifications and take her to Him.


aiyapuzhudhi_udambaLaindhu ivaLpEchchumalandhalaiyaay

seyyan^oolin_siRRaadai seppanadukkavumvallaLallaL

kaiyinilsiRuthoodhaiyOdu ivaLmuRRilpirindhumilaL

paiyaravaNaippaLLiyaanOdu kaivaiththu_ivaLvarumE. 1.


What a wonder! Oh ladies! My daughter – this girl- smears the road dirt on

her body while playing; her words are still incomprehensible; she babbles

like a baby still; she is not able to even hold and wear the red, small sari

(that she is asked to wear); she is so tender and small. She has not grown

yet. She has always in her hands a small toy vessel and toy broomstick which

she always plays with them. And in this age (of childhood), here she comes

walking with KaNNan; holding hand in hand with the One who has AdhisEshan as

His bed.


vaayilpallum_ezhundhila mayirummudikoodiRRila

saayvilaadhakuRundhalaich chilapiLLaikaLOdiNangi

theeyiNakkiNangaadivandhu ivaLthannannasemmaisolli

maayanmaamaNivaNNanmEl ivaLmaaluRukinRaaLE. 2.


The teeth have not grown fully in her mouth; the tresses have not become

orderly yet; Though small with no symptoms of feminine shyness, she joins

with the other girls (of same age) who have been doing acts beyond the

capacity of their age (pinjil pazhuttha); Due to their friendship, it

appears my girl also has been stuck by some pisAsu; she has come here,

informs of His greatest qualities straight to us (without any inhibitions

and shyness) and has fallen in love with that maayan (most wonderful Lord-

agadithagatanA sakthan) blue hued KaNNan.


ponguveNmaNalkoNdu siRRilummuRRaththizhaikkaluRil

sangusakkaramthaNduvaaL villumalladhu_izhaikkaluRaal

kongai_innamkuvindhezhundhila gOvindhanOdu_ivaLai

sangaiyaaki_ennuLLam naaLthoRumthattuLuppaakinRadhE. 3.


My girl, even when she brings her toys out to play on the smooth sands, she

does not take any other toys other than the small chakrA, Sankhu etc.. which

are EmperumAn’s panchAyudhas; Her breasts too have not yet formed; Even

then, my mind suspects and is worried and about her.


Though she is too young and is not of the age to go with KaNNan, since He is

the one who destroys and crushes virOdhis (Enemies), I can not let her stay

away from Him. I become His enemy and the enemy of His devotee- my girl. She

shows to me about His five strongest weapons everyday. Thus my mind also

accepts sending my girl to Govindhan. How to let her join at such tender

age- my mind is worried and is confused.


EzhaipEdhai_Or_paalakanvandhu enpeNmakaLaiyeLki

thOzhimaar_palar_koNdupOychcheydha soozhchchiyaiyaarkkuraikkEn?

aazhiyaanennumaazhamOzhaiyil paaychchi_akappaduththi

moozhaiyuppaRiyaadhadhennum moodhuraiyumilaLE. 4.


All those girls came to my girl telling her, she is unlucky; fool and is a

boy in girl form (as she has not yet started liking the Kutti KaNNan) and

have transformer my sweet daughter. They have made her the way they wanted

her to be and have taken her to that EmperumAn having divine charka and have

pushed Him into the whirl pool with no chance of getting up or redemption at

all. Thus the act of deceit on my daughter- to whom will I go and vent out?

My girl has not learnt the adage, “the spoon does not know the salt flavor



He is the One with ChakrA. Once caught into that charka, there is no

redemption for anyone. (once fallen for His beauty, no way to escape). He

will ensure that they do not get out. It is whirl. Once got in, no way to

get out. This girl is too young to even appreciate Him and His beauty. She

is worse than the spoon that at least distributes to others and for others’

enjoyment. She will not be able to taste and enjoy. She is capable of

nothing (7th pAsuram).


naadum_oorum_aRiyavEpOy nallathuzhaayalangaL

soodi naaraNanpOmidamellaam sOdhiththuzhitharukinRaaL

kEduvENdukinRaar_palaruLar kEsavanOdu_ivaLai

paadukaavaliduminenRenRu paar_thadumaaRinadhE. 5.


[soodi kooduttha naachiyaar- AndAL- did not wish to marry anyone except

KaNNan. She could not even live if talked about for being married to a

human. ] The entire nation and the village people got to know by her

adorning herself with the garland of thuLasi and going and searching for

EmperumAn Sriman Narayanan everywhere, wandering here and there. Thus, all

these people try to advise (me) and confuse me saying “do not let this girl

and KaNNan (Kesavan) meet each other. Have a guard to take care of them so

that they do not get to meet”.


Here why they confused? My girl is a ParamaikAnthin and she wants to marry

only KaNNan. These people, not being aware of her great devotion and our

Srivaishnava kula dharmam, advise me against her going after KaNNan. He

could have told them simply. But he could not because they are residents and

they are worried about other girls; Hence he kept mum and is confused.


pattamkattippoRROdupeydhu ivaLpaadakamumsilambum

ittamaakavaLarththeduththEnukku ennOdu_irukkaluRaaL

pottappOyppuRappattun^inRu ivaLpoovaippoovaNNaavennum

vattavaar_kuzhalmangaimeer! ivaLmaaluRukinRaaLE. 6.

Oh young girls, who have long, curly tresses! This girl, wearing the

forehead ornament (pattam), the ear studs, the anklets, etc.. is not willing

to be with me to my liking. She has fallen in love with KaNNan and calls

Him, “poovaip poo vaNNa!”. She leave me and runs out of the house standing

and waiting for KaNNan, calling Him loudly.


I have reared her to her liking (more than my liking); giving all that she

asked for. vaLarrtthedutthEn.. I reared her and yedutthEn (picked her up

from thuLasi garden- AzhwAr reminisces picking AndAL from the garden). If

she wants to call KaNNan, why can’t she be with me and still call Him by His

name? Why should she still leave me and go out? Perhaps she wants to go

where He is. She is not able to find Him and hence calls Him by name. The

mother addresses other young girls thinking they are obedient daughters to

their mothers, while my girl is not. Or it could mean addressing other

mothers as to how they manage their girls.


pEsavum thariyaadhapeNmaiyin pEdhaiyEnpEdhai_ivaL

koosaminRin^inRaar_kaLthammedhir kOlkazhindhaanmoozhaiyaay

kEsavaavenRumkEdileeyenRum kinchukavaaymozhiyaaL

vaasavaar_kuzhalmangaimeer! ivaLmaaluRukinRaaLE. 7.


Oh sthrees having fragrant, long tresses! This poor foolish girl of mine-

who does not even know how to talk smart; who does not have feminine

shyness;- in front of all of you and everyone, she (with the sweet parrot

like mouthed and speech) yells “Kesavaa” and “peerless, eternal, never

perishing faultless and blemishless Lord”.. without any inhibitions.


I am a fool without knowing how to rear my daughter and keep her under

control. She is also a fool not knowing how to talk in front of others. She

does not have any symptom of feminine shyness. She wants to leave me (her

mother who reared her) because she wants to go to KaNNan. Like the sishya

(who is ParamaikAnthin) leaving the Guru who has swayed away from the

aikAnthyam and has dEvathAnthara sambandham), she attempts to leave me.


kaaRaipooNumkaNNaadikaaNum than_kaiyilvaLaikulukkum

kooRaiyudukkum_ayarkkum thankovvaichchevvaaythiruththum

thERiththERin^inRu aayirampErththEvan_thiRampidhaRRum

maaRilmaamaNivaNNanmEl ivaLmaaluRukinRaaLE. 8.


She wears her necklace and looks at herself in front of the mirror. She

wears all bangles in her wrists and looks at them joyously. She wears the

silk sari and sits tired and exhausted. She attempts to make her lips more

reddish with betel nut leaves. She mutters His guNAs and utters His thousand

divine names always in our homes itself. She has fallen in love completely

with that blue hued maNivaNNan.


So far, she went out and started looking for Him. Now she has understood the

mother’s (almost acceptance) intent. She calls KaNNan loudly inside the

house itself and wears all ornaments and beautifies herself. She gets tired

and exhausted because she dresses, removes, changes and again dresses. He

still did not arrive and hence is tired.


kaiththalaththuLLamaadazhiyak kaNNaalangaLseydhu ivaLai

vaiththuvaiththukkoNdu_ennavaaNiyam? nammaivaduppaduththum

seyththalaiyezhun^aaRRuppOl avan_seyvanaseydhukoLLa

maiththadamukilvaNNanpakkal vaLaravidumin_kaLE. 9.


Spending all the wealth that one has, marrying off the daughter and making

her someone else’ spouse – keeping her under control- what is the use? Give

her to KaNNan who is dark cloud hued One- so that he marries her.


What is the big use of rearing someone and marrying her off to a human

being? This girl is not interested in anyone other than KaNNan. Her being

married off to someone else will only spoil our family. Hence, give her to

KaNNan. That will give sukham to all.


perupperuththakaNNaalangaLseydhu pENin^ammillaththuLLE

iruththuvaaneNNin^aamirukka ivaLum_onReNNukinRaaL

maruththuvappadhamn^eenginaaLennumvaarththai paduvadhanmun

oruppaduththidumin_ivaLai ulakaLandhaanidaikkE. 10.


All of us are deeply fond of her and we are planning and organizing a grand

marriage for her and keep her safe, well guarded in front of our eyes; But

she is planning something else and is thinking of doing another deed which

is not to our liking. Like the doctor who slips and lets the medicine fall

off to the floor, she has slipped away and has fallen for Him. Hence, before

the village talks about her that she has done such daring deed, give her to

the One who took Trivikrama avatar and make her join Him.


nYaalamuRRum_uNdu_aalilaiththuyil naaraayaNanukku ivaL

maalathaakimakizhndhanaLenRu thaayuraiseydhadhanai

kOlamaar_pozhilsoozhpudhuvaiyar_kOn vittuchiththan_sonna

maalaipaththumvallavar_katku illaivaruthuyarE. 11


This ten in the words of a mother that the girl has fallen in love with

EmperumAn KaNNan (who reclines on small banyan leaf eating all worlds in His

small stomach) and rejoiced joining Him and talking about Him mentally- sung

by Sri VilluputthUr’s Vishnuchitthan like a garland of chaste Tamil verses-

when recited with devotion will remove all hurdles that stand in the way of

enjoying the Lord Sriman Narayanan.


PeriyAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE saraNam


Namo Narayana




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