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Padhuka Sahasram-676

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:


676. naKhakiraNanikAyaIrnithyamAvirmruNAlE

mahitharasavishEShE mEchakaIramshuBhisthE

parikalayasi ramyAm pAdhukE! rangaBharthu:

padhakamalasamIpE padhminIpathrapankthim


Oh Paaduka! The Lord's foot-nails give an effulgence as a streak,

which is the stalk; the two feet of the Lord with their lovable

nectar-flow are the lotuses and the green halo transmitted are the

green lotus leaves-thus creating an imagery of a lotus pond.


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S):


slOkam 676:


1) UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE! with

the combination of Your emerald rays , the proximity of Your

Lord's blessed feet and its radiant toe nails , Your emeralds

appear like rows of lotus leaves in a lotus pond. The white

cluster of rays originating from Your Lord's toe nails

look like the white stems of lotus ; the sweet and celebrated

honey flowing from the holy feet of Your Lord appears

like the waters of the lotus pond. In this analogy , Lord's

holy feet are the twin lotuses.


2) SrImath Andavan's anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE! PerumAL's

Thiruvadi reminds one of the beautiful, soft petaled lotus.

The lustre arising from the toe nails of the lord reminds

one of the white lotus stems culminating in the leaves .

The green hue of the emeralds makes us recall the green

lotus leaves of the pond.The preethi for the Thiruvadis

of the Lord is like the water in which the lotus sprouts

and shines.


3) Oh PaadhukE! You generate the rows of green lotus leaves

through Your green radiance emanating from Your emralds

( PaadhukE! tE mEchakai: amsubhi: ramyAm padhminipathra

pankthim parikalayasi). You are near the Tiruvadis of

the Lord of Srirangam ( Rangabharthu: padha kamala

sameepE tE Padhmini pathra pankthim parikalayasi).

For those rows of lotus leaves arising from the radiance

of Your emeralds , the white stem is the radiance

generated by Your Lord's toe nails ( Rangabharthu:

nakha kiraNa nikAyai: nithyam aavi: mruNALE ).

The water in which those lotus stem and leaves

thrive is the Thiruvadi of the Lord ( mahitha

rasavisEshE Rangabharthu: padha Kamala:)...(V.S).

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