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PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi 3.8- oru magaLai udaiyEn; senkaNmaalthaan koNdu pOnaan

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SrImathE Ramanujaya namah:


Dearest Srivaishnavas,


With (last ten) the mother who understands and is so co-operative with her

love for KaNNan, the daughter feels rejoiced that the wedding with Kannan

will positively take place is waiting for that most joyful moment. She

informs KaNNan of her mother’s green signal as well and the D Day does not

appear to happen- and she waits and waits. One day, KaNNan as usual entered

the house when none was around and has taken her away – it appears. The

mother searches and asks passers by everyone as to where she has gone and

where has she disappeared.


nalladhOr_thaamaraippoykai naaNmalarmElpanisOra

alliyumthaadhum_udhirndhittu azhakazhindhaaloththadhaalO

illamveRiyOdiRRaalO enmakaLai_engumkaaNEn

mallaraiyattavanpinpOy madhuraippuRampukkaaLkolO? 1.


My home appears equal to the loveliest lotus pond which has lost all its

well spread flowers (with all the petals well spread out with the droplets

of early morning snow on them) falling off? Alas! My home looks deserted.

Alas! (AlO) I do not find my daughter anywhere. Has she followed that KaNNan

(who fought with the wrestler) and entered into outskirts of MathurA?


KaNNan was with my daughter and they called him to fight with the wrestler

and hence he would have rushed hurriedly. Perhaps she followed him as well.

My home appears to have lost everything without her. Perhaps KaNNan did not

want to take her to battlefield and hence would have left her in the

outskirts of MathurA.


onRumaRivonRillaadha uruvaRaikkOpaalar_thangaL

kanRukaalmaaRumaapOlE kanniyirundhaaLaikkoNdu

nanRumkiRiseydhupOnaan naaraayaNan_seydhatheemai

enRum_emar_kaLkudikku OrEchchukkolaayidungolO? 2.


Like these illiterate, cowherd folks who place the calves and cattle by

mistake with the wrong cows, Narayanan (KaNNan) also has done something

(good) and has misplaced my daughter somewhere else it appears. This wrong

doing of KaNNan on my darling daughter- would it bring bad name to our

family for ages to come?


These cowherd folks are not educated and misplace the cattle and calves.

Having grown up there, KaNNan (Narayanan) also has done such a deed. Has he?

If he does not take her, the residents (parents) will not do that. Hence

what he did is fine (hence the word- nanRu- good – is used by AzhwAr). Since

He did not ask anyone’s permission and took her without information even, it

is also bad. (seydha theemai)- as it will talked about people and blamed by

the whole town.


In the first pAsuram, the mother asks as to where KaNNan had taken her? She

comes out searching for her and the people now inform her of KaNNan’s wrong

doing of taking her. She enters into village slums and informs those who are

the well wishes of her daughter and her family in the next pAsurams.


kumarimaNamseydhukoNdu kOlamseydhu_illaththiruththi

thamarumpiRarum_aRiyath thaamOdharaRkenRusaaRRi

amarar_padhiyudaiththEvi arasaaNiyai vazhipattu

thumilamezhappaRaikottith thOraNamn^aattidungolO? 3.


Performing the function prior to the wedding of my daughter, adorning the

ornaments, wedding attire, declaring to the whole town and all relatives

that She is meant for Damodharan, prostrating the lotus feet of the divine

consort of Devaraajan (the chief of Devas- NithyasUris), with the sound and

music of mangaLa vaadhyams (auspicious drums), will I decorate the place

with string of mango leaves and banana trunks?


The parents perform mangaLa snAnam and adorn her with new silk clothing;

golden jewellery and garlands and flowers. And getting her wedded formally

and declare to everyone that she is meant for Damodharan. Here dAmOdharan is

to be enjoyed. This varan (groom) is special. One can be obedient to father

(due to respect); to one’s Acharyan; but being obedient to mother is rare

one for any boy. This boy obeyed his mother and got himself tied down around

his waist to a mortar. Though he had strength to get out of her reach and

run away, He allowed himself tied to by her.


Bowing down to indrANi- this does not refer to Indra’s (Devendran’s wife)

wife. That will affect the girl’s paramaikAnthithvam. This is the vyAkhyAnam

of Thiruvaymozhi Pillai which is Parama bhOgyam. Also arasANi- can be

interpreted as the ammi (the stone). arasANi can also mean the arasa tree’s

brach which is kept in the hall of wedding. – this is the commentary by

Jeer. Arasa tree is the Narayana swaroopam with the presence of Lakshmi

always- this is mentioned in pramANams. Thus, bowed down to arasANi can be



orumakaLthannaiyudaiyEn ulakamn^iRaindhapukazhaal

thirumakaLpOlavaLarththEn sengaNmaalthaan_koNdupOnaan

perumakaLaaykkudivaazhndhu perumpiLLaipeRRa_asOdhai

marumakaLaikkaNdukandhu maNaattuppuRamseyyungolO? 4.


[A lovely PAsuram. PeriyAzhwAr sings in his real role perhaps losing AndAL

to Sri Ranaganathan for ever]. I, who has only one darling daughter brought

her up like the Periya PiraaTTi herself due to her divine beauty and her

kalyANa guNAs, etc..much to the praise of everyone in the world. Compatible

to her nature and beauty (of being similar to PiraaTTi herself) that lotus

eyed lord has taken her with Him. (oru magaLai udaiyEn.. sengaN maal thaan

koNdu ponaan). The great lady- the blessed one- YasOdhA who is blessed to

have KaNNan as her son- looks at my daughter (her daughter in law) with joy-

will she arrange for her wedding formally to the knowledge of everyone?


I have only one daughter who is like Mahalakshmi herself. Not only do I say

that. The whole world says that looking at the divine beauty and kalyANa

guNas. Perhaps Yasodha also would have been aware of my darling daughter’s

greatness. I brought her up like that. She is like Mahalakshmi. Hence, only

Narayanan should take her. She is meant for Him. He has taken her on His own

waiting for a opportune moment. Yasodha knows what is good and what is bad.

She has been living a grand and great life. He is the only son for her. Also

he is not an ordinary one. VedhaahamEtham Purusham mahaantham. She must be

happy that this girl of lime is going to be wedded to Him. If she realizes

and arragnges the wedding, it would be great. Will she do? Or will she leave

it just like the way He has taken her. I am worried.


thammaamann^andhagOpaalan thazhee_ikkoNdu_enmakaLthannai

semmaandhirEyenRusollich chezhungayaRkaNNumsevvaayum

kommaimulaiyum_idaiyum kozhumbaNaiththOLkaLumkaNdittu

immakaLaippeRRathaayar iniththariyaarennungolO? 5.


[Now it is father-in-law’s turn to feel happy]. NandhagOpan- who is going to

be father in la for my girl- hugs my girl affectionately and caringly. Since

he has not seen her when he hugged her and she lowered her head due to

shyness, he raises her head to admire her beautiful divine face, enjoys

looking at her fish like charming eyes, reddish lips, small curvy breasts,

narrow waist, well grown bamboo like beautiful shoulders proudly, and does

he say now that “the lady who is blessed to have such a beautiful girl as

her daughter- having sent her to our home as our daughter in law- can not

bear separating herself from this girl?”.


vEdarmaRakkulampOlE vENdiRRuchcheydhu_enmakaLai

koodiyakoottamEyaakak koNdukudivaazhungolO?

naadumn^akarum_aRiya nalladhOr_kaNNaalamseydhu

saadiRappaayndhaperumaan thakkavaakaippaRRungolO? 6.


KaNNan- who has kicked the sakatAsura (wheel asurA) and killed- our Swamy,

in line with the kulam of hunters and others who commit sins, has taken my

daughter as he has desired to take her away. (like the hunters take birds

away). Will he stop with that without any further paaNigrahaNam (wedding)

and start living with her? Or will he invite everyone, arrange wedding

commensurate with His Nandha kulam’s greatness?


Here AzhwAr (mother) does not even mention His name in the first two lines

(when His taking her away is referred to). And when she wishes for the

wedding formally arranged by Him, she refers to His grand deed of SaadhiRanp

paayndha perumAn- the one who kicked and crushed the wheel asurA- and

praises Him.


aNdaththamarar_perumaan aazhiyaan_inRu_enmakaLai

paNdappazhippukkaLsollip parisaRa_aaNdidungolO?

koNdukudivaazhkkaivaazhndhu kOvalappattamkaviththu

paNdaimaNaattimaarmunnE paadhukaavalvaikkungolO? 7.


PerumAn- who is the chief and Lord of all Devas- everyone in all worlds- the

one who has the divine charka in his hand- after having taken her to his

house, will he point out few mistakes of hers, few negative qualities of

hers and treat her like a maid servant? OR will he lovingly adorn her with

valuable jewels, enjoy living with her, adorning her head with his crown, in

front of all his other spouses?


kudiyilpiRandhavarseyyum kuNamonRumseydhilan_andhO!

nadaiyonRumseydhilann^angaay! nandhagOpanmakan_kaNNan

idaiyirupaalumvaNanga iLaiththiLaiththu_enmakaL_Engi

kadaikayiREpaRRivaangik kaithazhumbERidungolO? 8.


[The mother finds that the wedding does not take place and now laments to

her friends that the wedding of her daughter did not take place]. Oh friend!

KaNNan- son of NandhagOpan- having hailed from such a grand family, he has

not fulfilled the promise made to my girl. He has not even done what He does

to others commonly. My girl- with her waist moving here and there churning

the curd (having been asked to work for getting butter out) moves the rope

to and from with her beautiful limbs and gets her both palms hardened

(without actually getting the butter at all).


Perhaps, she is working as a maid in the house of Nandha gOpan. She must

have been churning since birth- one may argue. She may not have belonged to

Gopa caste (could be the reply). Or the one who is brought up like

Mahalakshmi herself- how will she know to churn and do some hard work like



veNNiRaththOythayir_thannai veLvaraippinmun_ezhundhu

kaNNuRangaadhEyirundhu kadaiyavumthaanvallaLkolO?

oNNiRaththaamaraichchengaN ulakaLandhaan_enmakaLai

paNNaRaiyaappaNikoNdu parisaRa_aaNdidungolO? 9.


Before the east whitens (sun rises), my girl gets up from bed shedding her

sleep behind, does she have enough strength to churn the entire lot of white

solid curd? The just bloomed fresh red lotus flower like eyed Thirvikraman

has asked my daughter to work such daily chores in his house like maid

servant, much below her status as His spouse?


The curd, when fermented should appear yellowish white. Here it is pure

white. Hence, perhaps it was fully formed curd and hence getting butter is

an arduous task for her and poor girl is struggling without success. The red

lotus eyed lord wakes her up when she sleeps and asks her to work. This

ulagaLanthaan- has got lots of work in the world. In between, he instructs

her to do these daily chores as well.


Perhaps, He is actually taking good care of her. She out of love for her

Lord and care for the in laws, she gets up on her own and she does all these

work. But like all mothers, this mother also finds fault with the maapillai

(son in law) that he makes her work hard at in law’s house.


maayavanpinvazhisenRu vazhiyidaimaaRRangaLkEttu

aayar_kaLsEriyilumpukku anguththaimaaRRamumellaam

thaayavaLsolliyasollaith thaNpudhuvaippattan_sonna

thooyathamizhppaththumvallaar thoomaNivaNNanukkaaLarE. 10.


The mother of a girl who was taken away by KaNNan has sung this ten as if

she had gone behind KaNNan, entering into the Ayar paadi slums and narrates

what were told by them; informs them of how Yasodha and Nandhan would treat

her darling daughter and then returning to her home lamenting how her girl

suffers at in law’s place- this is uttered by Sri VilliputthUr’s

VishNuchitthar in pAsurams in chaste sweet Tamil. Those who learn these ten,

will be blessed to be eternal servants of blue hued pristinely pure

EmperumAn thUmaNi vaNNan.


This narration of mother going behind KaNNan, entering into Ayar padi,

talking to people and coming back is the anubhavam of Thiruvaymozhi Pillai

which is explained above. Sri Manavala mamuni enjoys as if the mother

narrates and imagines all the above happening sitting at her homes itself

and people come and tell her as and when applicable.

PeriyAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo narayana




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