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Padhuka Sahasram-678

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:



678. vipulathamamahOBhirvIthadhOShAnuShangam

vilasadhuparinaIlyam dhEvi! viShNO: padham thath

pruThumarathakadhrushyAm prApya pAdhAvani! thvAm

prakatayathi samanthAth samprayOgam haridhBhi:


Oh Paaduka! (Vishnupada means both the Lord's Feet and the sky). The

Lord's Feet by the dazzling radiance can cut off the sin-contact of

their devotess. The blue hue of the Lord's body pervades the upper

horizons. (The sky is vast-looking in daytime; the night-contact

appears to contract it and make it look dark)


The presence of emeralds with their green effulgence propagating in

all directions too, establishes a contact with all space and all

directions. (For the sky, too, dazzle of the green gem directs as it

were, the green horses in all directions unlike the horses of the sun

taking the prescribed path.)


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S)


SlOkam 678


1) UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE! RanganAthA's

sacred feet known as VishNu paadhams have a supremely

matchless lustre with a blue hue on its upper side.

The association of VishNu paadhams with the green rays

of Your emerald gems makes it possible for the lustre of

the paadhams to spread in all directions and establish

their connections with all green (living) objects.

VishNu paadham also means aakAsam or the blue sky.


2) SrImath Andavan's anubhavam: When the Lord wears

the Paadhukais , the green hue of their emeralds

spreads in all directions.Even the sky takes on the green

hue during the day. The inner meaning is that after

Swamy NammAzhwAr's compositions ,all poeple became

devoted to the Lord.


3)Oh PaadhukE! The Lord's body has a dark bluish hue

that is supremely blemishless (vipulathama mahObhi:

veetha dhOsha anushangam nailyam).That glorious feet of

the Lord with its natural bluish hue gets united now with

the green rays from Your emeralds as the Lord wears You

( Tath Nailyam VishNO: padham pruTu marataka dhrusyAm ThvAM

prApya). What is the effect of this union (SamprayOgam)?

All around , the green rays spread and make every thing look

green. Even the bluish sky transforms in to a dark greenish

color during the day time , which makes one wonder whether

the night has set (ahObhi: vipulatamam dhOshA Haridhbi:)..(V.S).

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