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Padhuka Sahasram-679

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:


679. padhmABhUmyO: praNayasaraNiryathra paryAyahInA

yathsansargAdhanaGhacharithA: pAdhukE! kAmachArA:

thArAsaktham thamiha tharuNam prINayathO jarathyO

nithyashyAmAsthava marathakaIrnUnamAmnAyavAcha:


Oh Paaduka! The Lord enjoys love-sport with His consorts in an

unparalleled manner, without any limitation of time or space applying

restriction. Those who adhere to Him become blameless therefrom,

though they were licentious and sinners previously; they become

liberated and free and unfettered Kamacharas in His world. He is ever-

youthful and engaged in sport with consorts. Rather He resides firmly

in the Pranava mantra.


The Lord of the ever-youthful vigour, Vedic sayings-old and hoary by

antiquity-praise. But these Vedic expressions would surely acquire

and ever-young, ever-fresh, green complexion when once the

luminescence from Your green gems fall on them.


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


Special Notes by V.Sadagopan(V.S)


SlOkam 679


1)UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE! The pleasure that

RanganAtha gets from listening to the songs of the VedAs

about the glory of Your emeralds exceeds even the pleasure

He recieves through His companionship with SrI Devi, BhUmi Devi

and Nappinnai and all the maidens of BrindAvanam. Ancient(old)

VedAs through their praise of Your emralds regain their youth

and serve Your ever-youthful Lord , who transforms the lust-driven ,

wilful people in to sinless devotees . Swamy desikan refers

here to the blessings conferred by the rays of emeralds as

" nithya shyAma anubhavam " or eternal youthfulness or a state

of forever being green.Swamy points out that those who worship

the PaadhukAs attain the nithya shyAma anubhavam.


2)SrImath Andavan's anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE! MahA Lakshmi,

BhU dEvi and the five laks of gOpa shtrees display great

affection (preethi) for the Lord , who is eternally young

(nithya yuvA /iLankumaran). That eternally young Lord has

great affection for the old lady of Vedam.When the green

rays of emeralds fall on the old ladies of Vedam , they

get transformed in to young girls. ShyAmA means dark green

as well as a young girl.


3)The eternally young PerumAL is associated with PraNavam

( ThAra aasaktham tamm taruNam). The ways of love of both

SrI Devi and Bhumi Devi to that nithya yuvA is competitively

uneven ( Yathra PadhmA-bhUmyO: praNaya sariNa: paryAyaheenA).

The intensely passionate Gopis driven by their love for Him

broke even saasthraic injunctions in their display of affection

for that nithya yuvA and became blemishless as a result

of their union with Him ( KaamachArA: yathsargAth anaga

charithA: ).The Vedas are old (ancient)ladies ( Jarathya:

aamnAyavAcha:). Oh PaadhukE! When the green rays from

your emerlads fall on them (old VedAs), they get transformed

in to youthful girls and please the Lord ( Tava maratakai:

nithyashyAmA: preenayanthE)..(V.S).

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