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Padhuka Sahasram-681

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:


681. hariNA harinIlaIscha prathiyathnavathIm sadhA

ayathnalaBhyanirvANAmAshrayE maNipAdhukAm


The Paaduka obtains ornamentation from the Lord and from the sapphire

gems. This is a permanent feature, as also its effective effortful

life. Ironically, it will secure fruits without effort. It guides us

also in effortless securing Moksha. I surrender to that Paaduka!


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S):


Swamy Desikan Composed thirty verses in praise of

the Sapphires ( Indhra Neela gems ) that adorn Lord

RanganAthA's Paadhukais. With this Twentieth

chapter , Swamy Desikan concludes his celebration

of the individual gems that adorn the Paadhukais

of SrI RanganAthan.


SlOkam 681


1) UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam: " I surrender unto the Paadhukais

of the Lord , who confers the boon of Moksham without any previous

effort on my part. I surrender to those Paadhukais , which have

as decoration , its Lord and the blue sapphire gems and confers

many blessings on those , who approach them " . Swamy Desikan

equates the Padhukais to the status of AchAryAs , who intervene

with the Lord to gain the MokshAnugraham for their disciples.

Hence , the disciple does not need to do anything extra.

If on the other hand , RanganAthA is approached directly ,

one has to take the ardous route of Bhakthi or the easier route

of Prapatthi. Surrendering to the PaadhukAs obviates the need for

any special efforts on the part of its devotees.


2) SrImath Andavn's anubhavam: The Lord of SrIrangam has

the bluish hue like the sapphires. He is always associated

with the Paadhukais with their Indhra Neela gems. The Lord

and the sapphire gems are like decorations for the Paadhukais.

Those who surrender to the Paadhukais will gain Moksham

effortlessly. Swamy Desikan states that he salutes

the Paadhukais of such prabhAvam.


3)Swamy declares here that he seeks the protection

of the gem-studded Paadhukais of the Lord ( MaNi PaadhukAm

AasrayE). Swamy qualifies the Paadhukais as having always

the alankAram of both the Lord and the Indhra neelaa

gems( HariNA harineelaisccha sadhA prathiyathnavathIm

MaNi PaadhukAm aasrayE). He qualifies the Paadhukais

further with the salutation that they grant mOksham

effortlessly for those , who seek their protection.

(ayathna-labhya nirvANam maNi PaadhukAm aasrayE)..(V.S)

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