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PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi 3.10- Hanuman identifies himself narrating incidents!

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Narayana Narayana

NarayaNa dAsan madhavakkannan




SrImathe Gopaladesika mahaadesikaya namah:

Dearest srivaishnavas,


In the last ten, AzhwAr did not elaborate the Sundara kaaNdam in his verses

and hence takes it up here in short form. Also, it is difficult to narrate

the entire Ramayana in one stroke and enjoy and thus, AzhwAr in the words of

HanumAn to SitA PiraaTTi narrating her the incidents in Rama’s life to

remove the doubts in her mind if Hanuman had been sent by Ravanan himself as

Ravana himself had come in that guise. Hanuman narrates very beautifully the

incidents one by one as mentioned to him by Rama for identification of

himself (Hanuman) as Rama’s messenger. AzhwAr narrates this as if it is

revealed to him by the Lord as AzhwArs are mayarvara mthinalam arulap



Let us enjoy the verses and their beautiful divine meanings:


neRindhakarunguzhalmadavaay! ninnadiyEnviNNappam

seRindhamaNimudichchanakan silaiyiRuththun^inaikkoNarndhadhu

aRindhu arasukaLaikatta arundhavaththOn_idaivilanga

seRindhasilaikodudhavaththaich chidhaiththadhum_OradaiyaaLam. 1.


Oh PiraaTTi! One who has dark, curly dense tresses! Listen to vignApanam

(request) from your dAsan: [i am the messenger- dhUthan of] the one who

broke the strong siva dhanus (bow) of the King Janaka, (who has densely

impregnated gemstone bedecked crown on his head) and married You; having

heard that He had married You, Parasurama appeared there on your way to

AyOddhi and he (my master, Rama ) crushed the penance of Parasurama with his

own vishnu dhanus. [This is one identification to exhibit to you that I am

His dhUthan.]


I was Rama dAsan till now. Having seen your chaste, your madappam (divine

feminine beauty), I am now your dAsan as well. I am the dAsan of Divya

Dampathi. I narrated the whole story from the tree. I mentioned about the

wedding of yours. The bow was so strong that others could not even touch.

Your Rama- my Master- my Lord had effortlessly broken it and not only that;

He also won over Parasu Rama muni and destroyed his penance using his Vishnu

dhanus which is even grander than the earlier Siva dhanus.


The dark hair is curly and rugged as she had had no snAnam and samskAram

being separated from her Lord Rama.


alliyampoomalarkkOdhaay! adipaNindhEnviNNappam

sollukEn_kEttaruLaay thuNaimalarkkaNmadamaanE!

elliyampOdhinidhiruththal irundhadhOridavakaiyil

mallikaimaamaalaikoNdu angu_aarththadhum_OradaiyaaLam. 2.


Oh PiraaTTi! One who is like garland of fragrant flowers! GodhA! I have

prostrated at your feet and listen to this vignApanam that I am going to

tell. Oh darting beautiful deer eyed one, matching each other for their

tender flower like beauty! In that great AyOddhi, the place of pleasure, in

that moon lit night, [You] tied Him with soft tender fragrant jasmine flower

garland. That is another identification.

One may note that though this was not mentioned in Valmiki Ramayana, Valmiki

does mention about twelve years passing in Ayoddhi after wedding. During

those years, there were many spring seasons (vasantha rudhu) and there could

be many incidents and plays which need not have been uttered by the sage. As

revealed to AzhwAr one such incident is this. Also SitA may have had doubts

that it (Hanuman) could be Ravana in disguise. But surely he (Ravana) would

not have narrated this romantic incident of SitA tying down Rama with the

jasmine flower garland.


Rama had spent the entire day with parents, sage Vasishta, and other

princely activities. SitA is perhaps angry and did not speak to Him when he

comes back. Rama having come enthused is disappointed at SitA’s lack of

response and her love and hence he too gets upset and attempts to leave her.

Sensing that he may leave and not wanting to loose the short span of time

being available with her nAthan, she holds him tight and ties him with the

jasmine flower garland. She does not tile like Yasodha and she caringly and

lovingly ties him soft so that it does not hurt Him.


Also it may mean that she tied him with her sweet nature, with her divine

beauty, with her most auspicious kalyAna gunas; with her equal strengths



AzhwAr uses the word GodhA for SitA. She like his daughter ties Him with her

garland. Sraji nigaLitham yAbalAthkruthya bungthE..


kalakkiyamaamanaththanaLaayk kaikEsivaramvENda

malakkiyamaamanaththananaay mannavanumaRaadhozhiya

kulakkumaraa! kaaduRaiyappO enRuvidaikoduppa

ilakkumaNan_thannodum angu_Ekiyadhu_OradaiyaaLam. 3.


KulakkumarA! Oh son of Utthama IkshvAku kulam! Go to the forest- said

Dasaratha. KaikEyi, having her mind brain washed (changed) by Mantharai,

asking for such boons from Dasaratha and the king also grief struck and

unable to refuse (as he had promised earlier for granting any two boons)

Dasaratha had instructed the same to Him. [And He] along with Lakshmana went

is another identification.


Though born to such greatest IkshvAku kulam, because of me, my darling had

to go to the forest- thus crying unable to say, He asked Rama to go to the



vaaraNindhamulaimadavaay! vaidhEvee! viNNappam

thEraNindha_ayOththiyar_kOn perundhEvee! kEttaruLaay

kooraNindhavElvalavan gukanOdumkangaithannil

seeraNindhathOzhamai koNdadhum_OradaiyaaLam. 4.


Oh feminine beautiful PiraaTTi! The one who wears upper cloth (kacchu) on

your breasts! Oh darling daughter of VidhEha dEsam! Oh divine consort of

Lord Rama, the master of residents of AyOdhyA! Listen to my vignApanam: Even

with Guhan, the boat man and the hunter, holding sharp spear, [Your Rama]

befriended on the banks of river Ganges and moved with him with such

sowlabhyam (moving with everyone without looking at their status) and

sowseelyam (easy accessibility) – is another identification.


Rama hugged Guhan and addressed him as his fifth brother. Guhanodum

ivarAnOm. We became five with Guhan. He (Guhan) throughout the night was

awake and walked up and down with a bow in his hand {along with Lakshmana)

protecting Rama and SitA who were sleeping in his place. Such was his love

for Rama. He offered fish, and honey for Him with love. Soham priysakam

rAmam sayAnam saha seethayaa rakshishyAmi dhanushpAni: sarvadhO jnAthibhi:

saha: -


The upper cloth being referred to means she did not wear the deer skin or

wood (maravuri) dress like Rama, Lakshmana.


Hence, Guha had the seeraNindha thOzhamai- greatest

friendshipmaanamarumeln^Okki! vaidhEvee! viNNappam

kaanamarumkalladhar_pOyk kaaduRaindhakaalaththu

thEnamarumpozhiRsaaral chiththirakoodaththu_iruppa

paalmozhiyaay! baradhan^ambi paNindhadhum_OradaiyaaLam. 5.


Oh deer like tender soft beautiful eyed One! VaidhEhI! Listen to this

vignApanam of mine: the one with sweet milk like speech! [When you] went to

that stone laden forest and stayed there in eth Chithrakootam, surrounded by

dense gardens everywhere, the greatest devotee BharathAzhwAn came begging to

Rama, surrendered at His feet and prayed Rama to come back to accept the

kingdom- is another identification.


The sweet talker- SitA is addressed here- She went walking with such

enthusiasm, with no semblance of weariness as if she is going to some picnic

spot; she was with Rama in Chithrakootam spending time joyously therein. Or

this sweet milk like talk- can be connected to Bharathan as well. She having

heard Bharatha’s sweet milk like speech as it was from his sincere devoted

heart full of bhakti and service to Divya Dampathi and his ardent prayers to

Rama. [AchAryas’ anubavam is wonderful.]


chiththirakoodaththu_iruppach chiRukaakkaimulaitheeNda

aththiramEkoNdeRiya anaiththulakumthirindhOdi

viththakanE! iraamaavO! ninnabayam_enRu_azhaippa

aththiramE_adhan_kaNNai aRuththadhum_OradaiyaaLam. 6.


when [you were] at Chithrakootam, the small lowly crow touched your tender

breast and hurt you; He sent a small grass as brahmAsthram (uttering the

required manthra) towards the crow and that crow in order to escape from the

same, ran all three worlds; approached everyone to protect { in vain) and

finally with no other refuge and no other go (due to your grace) came

addressing “Oh Parama krupALu! The most strongest One! Most merciful One!

Asritharanjaka! Oh MahaanE! You are the only one who can save me- and

prayed, which let the asthram take only one eye instead of the life itself.

– is another identification.


The crow was the son of Devendran and though a deva is called kAkAsuran and

addressed by AzhwAr as SiRu kAkkai- smallest one- lowliest one for having

committed such great apacharam. And the most compassionate Jagan matha

helped the crow fall at His feet and get saved.


minnoththan^uNNidaiyaay! meyyadiyEnviNNappam

ponnoththamaanonRu pukundhu_inidhuviLaiyaada

ninnanbinvazhin^inRu silaipidiththu_empiraan_Eka

pinnE_angu_ilakkumaNan pirindhadhum_OradaiyaaLam. 7.


Oh lighting like narrow waisted one! Your truthful servant – aDiyEn’s (my)

vignApanam: When the golden beautiful deer that attracted your eyes came

near You, You asked Rama to catch hold of the deer for you to play with. He

went behind the same chasing the deer in the path of that desire that you

had and You sent Lakshmana (when you heard the painful shout from that maayA

mrugam- cunning animal) and Lakshmana one who was there to save you also

left you from that place (having been asked by you to go looking for Rama)


Truthful servant- meyadiYen- is referred to as HanumAn did not want SitA to

have even an iota of doubt that it is Ravana who is talking to her.


maiththakumaamalarkkuzhalaay! vaidhEvee! viNNappam

oththapukazhvaanarakkOn udanirundhun^inaiththEda

aththakuseerayOththiyar_kOn adaiyaaLamivaimozhindhaan

iththakaiyaal_adaiyaaLam eedhu_avan_kaimOdhiramE. 8.


Oh dark haired one (which must have been adorned with most fragrant

flowers)! VaidhEhi! My vignApanam: Sugreevan- the king of monkeys- one who

is qualified in all aspects to become a friend of Rama became an ally to

Rama and Lakshmana and discussed with them to start searching for You

through us (who are his servants); one among them is me- who having seen you

here, has brought from Rama, [the One who is suffering from the pangs of

separation from You (in as much as You suffer) ], the master of residents

of Ayodhya, these identifications as narrated to me by Him directly. And

this one (ring) is the ring that He wears in his finger and He asked me to

give this to You for yet another identification.


How did she wear flowers? The asoka vanam had such grand fragrant flowers

and Anjaneya imagined her wearing such flowers. Or as Swamy desikan mentions

in Hamsa sandhEsam, the flowers that were adorned by Anasooya are still in

her tresses as fragrant as they were when worn.


The way AzhwAr hands over the ring mentioning that the above identifications

were uttered by him to me and now this one is given by Him to be handed over

to You.


The king of residents of Ayodhya –s is mentioned which means before the 14

years are over, you will join Him and reach Ayodhya for him to become a king


thikkun^iRaipukazhaaLan theevELvichchenRan^aaL

mikkaperunchabain^aduvE villiRuththaanmOdhiramkaNdu

okkumaal_adaiyaaLam anumaan! enRu_uchchimEl

vaiththukkoNdu ukandhanaLaal malarkkuzhalaaLseedhaiyumE. 9.


Looking at the beautiful shining ring that had the divine name of Rama [who

bent the Siva dhanus and broke the same in the large assembly of Janaka

maharaja during visit to Mythila for the Yagna performed by King Janaka who

had his fame spread in all eight directions as ParamaikAnthin] said ,

“HanumaanE! Yes. What you said and what happened is the same. All that you

said did happen- she is travelling back to those incidents and reminisced

those great days of her time with Rama. Looking at the ring she saw the

finger, His hand, his divine ThirumEni and the most beautiful handsome Rama

Himself in front of her. She became ecstatic, cried with happiness (that she

has His ring) and sorrows that she misses Him and is away from Him, holding

the ring on top of her head and she felt immensely pleased with the ring. It

was a wonderful event.


It was a wonder to see SitA being happy in Asoka vanam after so many days

looking at His ring. And also the prathikkoolar (HanumAn whom SitA thought

is Ravana’s man) has turned himself to anukoolar with his smart and clear

communication and that is a wonder as well.


vaaraarummulaimadavaaL vaidhEvidhanaikkaNdu

seeraarumthiRalanuman therindhuraiththa_adaiyaaLam

paaraarumpukazhppudhuvaip pattar_piraanpaadalvallaar

Eraarumvaikundhaththu imaiyavarOdu_iruppaarE. 10.


About these identifications mentioned by Hanuman ( as uttered to him by

Rama) to SitA PiraaTTi, the daughter of Vidheha dhEsa, these songs have been

sung by Sri VilliputthUr Bhattar Piraan and those who learn them and recite

them will be blessed to be with NithyasUris in Srivaikuntam.


To enjoy and to be with the Lord alone should be our desire, goal and

nothing else should be in our minds. When such is the case, even with the

Lord by her side, she desired for the materialistic desire to own the golden

deer and sought for the same. She lost her Lord, dragged and abducted the

ten headed (five karmEndhriyas and five jnAnEndriyas) sense organs (Ravana)

and dragged into samsaaric suffering and afflictions alone with the Lord

separated. When feeling remorseful and longing to unite with the Lord, He

sends with all relevant identifications and symbols like His ring to show

our relationship with Him eternally, the messenger who is His truthful,

trustworthy dAsars – Acharyas – like HanumAn. (Hanumath samEna GurunAm- says

Swamy Desikan) Learning these identifications, and His desire / suffering

from our separation as well, and understanding Tattva Hitha Purushaarthams

from the messenger – His dasars- our Acharyan- one can realize the path, and

lead finally to Srivaikuntam and be with the group of NithyasUris. Swamy

Desikan mentions this in Sankalpa sUryOdhaya –dharpOdhagradhasEndriyAnana..

PeriyAzhwAr ThirvadIgaLE SaraNam


Namo narayana




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