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Kulashekara Azhwar Tirunakshatram

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha


Dear Bhaktas,


For the most auspicious occasion of Sri Kulashekara Azhwar's

Tirunakshatram, adiyen wishes to post a summary of Sri Kulashekara

Perumal's Anubhavam of Lord Rama from the tenth decad of Perumal

Tirumozhi.Kulashara Azhwar shared the Nakshatram of his Abimana

Daivam, Lord Rama. His devotion

and concern for Lord Rama are unparalleled. During the recitation of

the Ramayana,

the narrator presented the episode of Lord Rama singlehandedly taking

on the fourteen

thousand demons at Janasthana. Greatly concerned for the Lord,


Perumal immediately ordered his army to rush to the help of the Lord.

Only when the narrator said that the Lord returned victorious from

his battle, did the Azhwar calm down. In this set of ten Pasurams the

Azhwar eulogizes Lord Govindaraja of Tiruchitrakootam as his abhimana

daivam, Lord Rama.


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


1. There was a town known as Ayodhya surrounded on all four sides by


and tall forts. One who made Ayodhya a dazzling beauty in the whole

world; one

who was a guiding light in the dynasty of the sun; one who had the

valor to

protect devas; was L

ord Rama with lotus-like eyes and a body like a dark cloud, and He is

now in

Kaliyuga at Thillainagar also known as Tiruchitrakoota in archa-

roopa. When will

I have the opportunity to see the Lord, the cause of the whole

Universe to my

heart's content.

2. In Thillainagar, Tiruchitrakoota with beautiful shady gardens of


trees with fully bloomed flowers amidst buds, some 3000 Srivaishnavas

praying to

the Lord seated on an aasanam (throne) studded with precious gems. Is

it not

this Lord who as a youngster ripped apart the chest of Thataka who

attacked him, the flood of blood

oozing from her solidified like a hill; who, by the use of a single


killed string rakshasas to protect the sacrifices of sage

Vishwamitra - a master

of mantras and vedas.

3. One who broke the bow of Lord Shiva (One who rides the wild bull)

to win

the hand of the red complexioned and beautiful Sita with dark big

eyes; one

who conquered the axe-wielding Parasurama by taking from him the

powerful and

attractive bow (Vishnu Danus); one who displayed his valor by

destroying all wicked persons ; is Lord

Rama holding in his broad hand the unconquerable bow at Thillainagar,

Tiruchitrakootam with tall walls and buildings all round creating

fear in the

minds of enemies. I bow at the feet of those praying to the Lord.

4. One who left the traditional family town (Ayodhya) respecting the

words of

Kaikeyi with curly hairs wearing fully blown flowers; one who used

the services

of the devoted Guha to reach the other shore of Ganga; one who

entered the

forest; one who gave the Bharata the Padhukas and the kingdom; One

who stayed at chitrakoota (in

North India); that Rama today lives in Thillainagar in

Tiruchitrakootam. The

eyes can see Him to full satisfaction. Are not the Bhaktas in this

world equal

to Nityasuris in Sri Vaikuntam?

5. Lord Sri Rama who killed Viradha stretching his heavy and long

arms to

destroy his enemies; who took the sacred bow from sage Agastya, the

promoter of

pure Tamil; who maimed the nose the demoness Soorpanaka desirous of


her charm; who killed demons Khara And Dooshana; who killed the

golden deer (Maaricha) using the bow;

that Sri Rama is now in Thillainagar, Tiruchitrakootam in arch-roopa.


moving about after praying to him with bent heads and folded hands

has made this

earth sacred.

6. Lord Rama who experienced agony due to the separation from Sita


large breasts; who sent Jatayu to Vaikunta; who made fiendship with

the King of

monkeys (Sugriva) hiding in forests; who killed Vali; who had Lanka

burnt by

Hanuman to humble the arrogance of Ravana, the King of Rakshasas; is

now in Thillainagar, Tiruchitrakootam ina beauitful archa form. How

proud I am to sing the praise of the feet of those

offering prayers to Lord Rama.

7. Lord Rama who made the roaring sea repent by the use of a fearful

arrow and

subsequently built a bridge through which he reached the other shore;

who killed

fiery Rakshasas holding big spears and the King of Lanka; who gave

the kingdom

to Vibheeshana; who got the wealth of reuniting with Sita; is now

ruling Thillainagar. The

kingdom of placing His lotus feet on my head is the only kingdom. All

others, I

do not consider as kingdom.

8. One who was seated on throne in Ayodhya with multi-storied building

beautifully decorated with precious stones and gems administering the


who listened directly from sage Agastya, the prestigious stories of

his earlier

deeds like killing Ravana and others; who listened to his own story

from the mouth, resembling a red

coral, of children (Lava and Kusha) born to Him and Sita; that Lord

Rama is now

in Thillainagar, Tiruchitrakootam. Those who experienced the story of

the Lord with tears in their eyes will even consider nectar as being


9. My Lord Rama, who searched for Samvaka doing penance and killed

him (for

violating the rules of varnashrama); who saved the life of a brahmin


scholar; who wearing a precious diamond necklace got Lavanasura by

his brother

Shatrugna; who got separated from the invincible and valiant

Lakshmana as a result of the insistence of

sage Durvasa; is now staying permanently at Thillainagar,

Tiruchitrakootam. We,

whose minds are permanently set in Him, will not have future miseries.

10. Lord Rama, who then made every sentient and insentient being

reach Sri

Vaikuntam; who after defeating Rakshasas claim the strong Garuda -

the enemy of

snakes (to go to Vaikuntam); who shone with his four strong and


hands; who after being received by those in Vaikuntam sat in hIs

place. This Lord today, to bring

forth His glory has permanently stayed at Thillainagar,

Tiruchitrakootam to enable us to surrender to Him. Oh Bhaktas! By

praising Him in this way or in anyother way everyday, you will always

be blessed.

11. In Thillainagar, Tiruchitrakootam, Lord Rama along with valiant

Hanuman is

residing permanently. The story of this Lord with immeasurable


qualities starting from His incarnation as the Son of Dasaratha, and

ending with

His return to Sri Vaikuntam was composed in sweet and chaste Tamil by

Kulasekhara Azhwar, King of

Kolli, possessing sharp and bright sword; King of Urayur; honored by


umbrella. Those who recite with understanding these 10 poems will

attain the benevolent

feet of Lord Narayana.

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